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Explore A La Carte

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (March 12)

    May God bless you as you serve and worship him this weekend. There are some new Kindle deals to browse through. (Yesterday on the blog: Is It Unspiritual To Be Depressed?) Can Christians ‘Do Business’ with the World? “In recent decades, a number of prominent Christian organizations and denominations have called for Christians to boycott…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 11)

    May the Lord be with you and bless you today. This week at Westminster Books you’ll find deals on the 5 Things To Pray series of prayer guides. The Christian case against Bitcoin and blockchain A few weeks back I shared an article about Bitcoin (which was written by a friend, not by me). In…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (March 10)

    Grace and peace to you today. Today’s Kindle deals include a number of good books. (Yesterday on the blog: Showing Mercy in A Feeding Frenzy) My Head And The Headlines “Reading the news these days is like watching a train wreck in slow motion—except it’s not a train, it’s the whole world. And like a…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (March 9)

    Good day! May the Lord bless you and keep you today. There are lots of good books in today’s list of Kindle deals. Good Habits from Painful Beginnings This article considers the way that good habits often have their genesis in painful beginnings. “How often does God allow something negative or painful in our lives…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 8)

    May the God of love and peace be with you today. Today’s Kindle deals include a few odds and ends, you might say! (Yesterday on the blog: When the Best Part Is the Door) Held By Tender Hands This is a wonderful piece of writing by Chris Thomas. Joe Rogan and the Search for Transcendence…

  • monday

    A La Carte (March 7)

    Good morning. Grace and peace to you. Logos users will want to check in and make their next selections in March Matchups. (Yesterday on the blog: Do You Ever Wonder Whether You’re A Christian at All?) Is Congregational Singing Dead? This article says that “the practice of congregational singing in church is threatened by a…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 5)

    WTS has deals on a selection of March’s new and noteworthy books. There are some new Kindle deals to browse through today. (Yesterday on the blog: The Real Cost of Social Media) Are You Getting in the Way of God’s Work? Todd Stryd: “We all know that God uses his people to bless others. I’m…

  • friday

    A La Carte (March 4)

    Happy Friday! May the Lord be with you and bless you today. (Yesterday on the blog: Books To Read As You Prepare for Easter) When Evil Is Called Good Carl Trueman analyzes three recent news stories. “Taken together, these three news stories point to the comprehensive destabilizing of society at which the revolution aims. The…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (March 3)

    Grace and peace to you, my friends. Westminster Books has lots of good cirriculum material on sale: Christianity Explored, Hope Explored, and so on. Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of volumes that will appeal to the theologians among us. (Yesterday on the blog: When God Unfolds His Will in Pieces) Our Free Salvation Sets…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (March 2)

    May the Lord bless you and keep you today. Logos users, you’ll want to grab the free R.C. Sproul commentary that’s on offer this month (as well as some of the other discounted resources). I’m sure you’ll also want to have your say in this year’s March Matchups. Today’s Kindle deals turned into a pretty…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (March 1)

    May the God of love and peace be with you today. Today’s Kindle deals include a collection of systematic theologies. (Yesterday on the blog: Was It A Waking Dream?) Death, Miracles, and Tears: The Loss of a Baby This is a heart-rending story from Cameroon. “About three years ago I took a girl in our…

  • monday

    A La Carte (February 28)

    As yet another month draws to its close, perhaps it is an ideal time for us to remind ourselves that right now, at this very moment, God is reigning from his throne. (Yesterday on the blog: Cheer Up, Men and Women of Unappreciated Services) The widow’s might Kim Henderson’s column in the new issue of…

  • Weekend A La Carte (February 26)

    Good morning! May you know God’s richest blessings in the weekend ahead. My gratitude goes to Zondervan for sponsoring the blog this week with news of a new book by Sean McGever titled The Good News of Our Limits. There’s a pretty good little collection of Kindle deals to browse today. (Yesterday on the blog:…

  • friday

    A La Carte (February 25)

    May the Lord be with you and bless you today. I mentioned earlier in the week that Westminster Books has some excellent biographies for young readers on sale. Today they’ve added a good book on reading the Bible well. To Stay and Serve: Why We Didn’t Flee Ukraine Here’s a dispatch from within Ukraine: “In…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (February 24)

    Grace and peace to you today. Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of good books. (Yesterday on the blog: When We Go Unnourished) What I Learned About Love When I Met My Son This is a sweet reflection on the love of a father for a son. “When I met my son that day, I…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (February 23)

    The Lord bless you and keep you today. On sale this week at Westminster Books is an excellent series of Christian biographies for children. Seven Common Misconceptions about the King James Bible “When a book blossoms into such a literary lotus, myths also begin to sprout. Grains of truth rendering them plausible grow into weeds…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (February 22)

    May the God of love and peace be with you today. (Yesterday on the blog: None of Us Will Ever Forget What You Did) Important Contexts for Understanding Reformed Theology Keith Mathison reminds us that context matters in history and theology as much as in Bible study. “Reformed theology was a fruit of the 16th-century…

  • monday

    A La Carte (February 21)

    Happy Family Day to my fellow Canadians (who live in provinces that mark it). Happy Monday to everyone else! Today’s Kindle deals include some excellent books for teens and young adults (and some deals for others as well). (Yesterday on the blog: The Power of True Holiness) The Netflix Dilemma “The ‘post-liberal’ condition we’re experiencing…

  • Weekend A La Carte (February 19)

    Good morning! Blessings to you as you serve the Lord and worship him this weekend. My gratitude goes to Zondervan for sponsoring the blog this week with news of Michael Horton’s new book Recovering Our Sanity. There are (finally) a few new Kindle deals to look at. (Yesterday on the blog: Same Words, Different Worlds)…

  • friday

    A La Carte (February 18)

    The Lord be with you and bless you today. Westminster Books has a deal on the new book by Mark Jones, Knowing Sin. (Yesterday on the blog: A Family Update and a Some Thoughts on Those Canadian Truckers) The Necessity and Danger of Mercy Ministry Mez McConnell: “While a church may do a lot of…