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Explore A La Carte

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (November 8)

    Blessings to you on this fine day. Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of interesting titles. You Don’t Have to Choose a Word for the Year “For many, choosing a word for the year replaces a list of resolutions. That one word gives them focus for the year. Christians who do this usually pray about…

  • monday

    A La Carte (November 7)

    Over the past couple of days I made the very long journey to Fiji where a friend has invited me to minister alongside him at a conference for pastors. Though I’m awfully tired, I’m also glad to be here and thankful for the opportunity. I’d appreciate your prayers that we’d minister faithfully and encourage well.…

  • Weekend A La Carte (November 5)

    My gratitude goes to Ligonier Ministries for sponsoring the blog this week. They’ve got a free book on Luther, a Reformed theology bundle, and R.C. Sproul’s commentary on Galatians they’d like to tell you about. Today’s Kindle deals include some newer and older titles. Why Study Church History? “If church history does not get your…

  • friday

    A La Carte (November 4)

    The Lord be with you and bless you today. (Yesterday on the blog: Two Years Later: What Aileen Is Thankful For) The Message of Hurricane Ian “For with all of the advancements of man, for all our technology and knowledge, weather reminds us that we are small, frail, and weak. We cannot summon the sun…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (November 3)

    Grace and peace to you, my friends. Westminster Books is having an Advent Sale on books related to Christmas. There are lots of good choices there. (Yesterday on the blog: If God Is Not Sovereign…) How Christians can think about the epidemic of online gambling and sports betting I guess I’m not the only one…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (November 2)

    The Lord be with you and bless you today. There is once again a very significant list of Kindle deals. We are spoiled. Logos users, you’ll want to look at this long list of commentaries for only $7.99 each. And, of course, you can look at the free and nearly-free books of the month. I’m…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (November 1)

    Westminster Books has a deal on the “most beautiful commentary ever written.” If you didn’t check yesterday’s Kindle deals be sure to do so as there is a huge list (that includes my own Seasons of Sorrow). There are some new ones for today as well. (Yesterday on the blog: Things for Christian Men To…

  • monday

    A La Carte (October 31)

    Grace and peace to you on this Reformation Day. There is a very substantial list of Kindle deals today (in honor of Reformation Day). (Yesterday on the blog: How We Worshipped on One Sunday in October) Toxic I appreciate this look at the use and over-use of the word “toxic.” “It’s a word that has…

  • Weekend A La Carte (October 29)

    I’m very thankful to Ligonier Ministries for sponsoring the blog this week. Be sure to stream their free Luther documentary and also to consider their 90-day devotional on the 5 solas (for a gift of any amount). Today’s Kindle deals include some classics (and at least one newer work). (Yesterday on the blog: 10 New…

  • friday

    A La Carte (October 28)

    Before the month comes to a close, I want to remind you that Logos 10 has recently launched and you can get 30% off upgrades and 15% off a first-time purchase at this link. Also, you’d be downright silly to neglect to get your free Proverbs commentary. There are lots of other deals to be…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (October 27)

    Grace and peace to you today. (Yesterday on the blog: Which Man Was More Free?) A Reflection on Barna’s Open Generation Report Youth Pastor Theologian offers some thoughts on a concerning new report from Barna. “This past summer, The Barna Group conducted a global survey that included over 24,000 teenagers from 26 different countries. These…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (October 26)

    I want to continue to express gratitude to those who have featured interviews or reviews related to Seasons of Sorrow: Kurt & Kate on Moody Radio (audio); Three Guys Theologizing (audio); Paul Tautges; Reading for the Glory; Sandee Macgregor; and Reformed Mum. Westminster Books has a deal this week on Paul Tripp’s new book. They’ve…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (October 25)

    Blessings to you today! There is yet another batch of Kindle deals for you this morning. (Yesterday on the blog: Shaken to Bear Fruit) Who Was David Brainerd? Dustin Benge has written a nice little introduction to David Brainerd. “On a spring day in 1747, mounted on his horse, a frail twenty-nine year old David…

  • monday

    A La Carte (October 24)

    Grace and peace to you today, my friends. There are some very interesting books discounted in today’s Kindle deals. Remember This About Spiritual Fruit “Fruit in the Christian life is essential. We read our Bibles, pray, do good works, love others—Christians exhibit fruit. The produce of the Holy Spirit is guaranteed. God does the work…

  • Weekend A La Carte (October 22)

    I want to express my appreciation to Reformed Free Publishing Association for sponsoring the blog this week with news of their lovely new book I Belong: Heidelberg Catechism Question and Answer 1 for Children. Our friends at are having a Bible Sale. It includes ESV Study Bible, The Biggest Story Bible Storybook, ESV Story…

  • friday

    A La Carte (October 21)

    The Lord be with you and bless you today. There’s a nice and rather eclectic collection of Kindle deals today. Most of these deals last just a day or two, so be sure to check often. From Silence to Complexification to Capitulation Kevin DeYoung explains “why evangelical surrender on LGBTQ is almost never a surprise.”…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (October 20)

    Good morning. Grace and peace to you. (Yesterday on the blog: What Jesus Sees Even When Others Do Not) How An Attempted Car Theft Taught Me To Love Where I Live Even More “Being a human is hard enough without the burden of not being able to trust other humans. Without the burden of not…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (October 19)

    Westminster Books is offering a great discount on a beautiful new edition of a true classic—Charnock’s The Existence & Attributes of God. There are several new limited time Kindle deals. The Four Quadrants of Church Life in the Gray Zone “By summer of 2021, like many churches, our people started emerging from the pandemic more…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (October 18)

    Blessings to you today. is having a pre-Christmas sale with lots of good deals including: New Morning Mercies and Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul Tripp, One Faithful Life by John MacArthur, and Hidden Christmas by Tim Keller. You’ll find a few new Kindle deals today as well. (Yesterday on the blog: There…

  • monday

    A La Carte (October 17)

    Grace and peace to you. Today’s Kindle deals are all about Francis Schaeffer. (Yesterday on the blog: What You Can Take With You Into Eternity) The Case For Kids Kevin DeYoung makes the case for kids. “The most significant thing happening in the world may very well be a thing that is not happening: Men…