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Explore A La Carte

  • thursday

    A La Carte (September 15)

    I have done a couple of interviews in the past days and wanted to link to them: Equipped with Chris Brooks on Moody Radio; and No Lasting City podcast. Today’s Kindle deals include a very long list of works, many of them academic. (Yesterday on the blog: A Conversation with Alistair Begg & Bob Lepine)…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (September 14)

    Thanks for all the kind feedback on yesterday’s launch of Seasons of Sorrow. As you read it, please consider leaving a review at Amazon. Westminster Books has deals on some new and noteworthy books. Kindle deals include Keller’s excellent The Meaning of Marriage along with a book for teens. (Yesterday on the blog: A New…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (September 13)

    My book Seasons of Sorrow releases today. Thanks so all who have purchased it already or who will do so today or in the days ahead. It is my prayer that the Lord will use it to bless and strengthen his people. (Be sure to also listen to the song inspired by it.) Today’s Kindle…

  • monday

    A La Carte (September 12)

    Grace and peace to you today. Today’s Kindle deals include a number of deals from Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: Are You a Peacemaker or a Troublemaker?) Eliza Fletcher’s Funeral Light “‘We say against the powers of darkness and the powers of hell, ‘On this day—this day that God has made—we will rejoice and be…

  • Sunday A La Carte

    This was one of those rare weeks in which I collected so much good material that it only seemed right to create an extra A La Carte column. I hope you enjoy the extra reading! Before You Japa: 7 Things To Consider I enjoyed this evaluation of the benefits and drawbacks of japa—”a Yoruba word…

  • Weekend A La Carte (September 10)

    This week I spoke at my first conference since COVID … and came away with a pretty good case of COVID (of the “bad cold” variety). So I’m moving a bit slow and catching up on a bit of TV, but hoping to be back on my feet by Monday. There are a few Kindle…

  • friday

    A La Carte (September 9)

    One Audiobooks is giving away Following God Fully by Joel Beeke & Michael Reeves. Westminster Books has a deal on a fantastic new introduction to church history by Simonetta Carr. There are a few more Kindle deals today as well. Died: Queen Elizabeth II, British Monarch Who Put Her Trust in God Here is Christianity…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (September 8)

    I have returned from the Getty Music Sing! Conference and am back at my desk. My book launch session went very well, for which I’m grateful. It was recorded and I’m hoping to be able to share it with you very soon. Today’s Kindle deals include an excellent new one by Ray Ortlund. (Yesterday on…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (September 7)

    The Lord be with you and bless you today. How a Firebombed Pregnancy Center Is Changing the Post-Roe Landscape Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra reports from Buffalo, New York. Age with Joy “Aging is beautiful. On the one hand, aging is difficult, it carries with it its own sufferings: our aging body that seems to slowly betray…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (September 6)

    Thanks to all who came out to the launch event yesterday. It was a blessing to meet so many of you. I’m sorry that we ran out of books! The bookstore is attempting to replenish them; alternatively, you can order it from the bookstore (for delivery to your home) or at any online retailer. Don’t…

  • monday

    A La Carte (September 5)

    Happy Labor Day (that’s Labour Day in Canada) for those who are enjoying a day of rest today. Today is the launch event for my book Seasons of Sorrow. If you’re looking for information about that, please visit this page. Remember that the book is now available for pre-order from Amazon and actually shipping from…

  • Weekend A La Carte (September 3)

    Here are a few deals to keep in mind today: (Yesterday on the blog: Dream Small) The Lord Almighty Reigns You’ll enjoy this new song from Keith & Kristyn Getty. The Fruit Grown in a Flock by Pastoral Encouragement This article is meant to encourage pastors to be encouraging. The Cancellation of Dr. Nassif Carl…

  • friday

    A La Carte (September 2)

    Here’s some news: Westminster Books has received their shipment of Seasons of Sorrow and has decided to ship it right away. So if you ordered from them, the book should be on its way. They have also made it their deal of the week so it’s a good time to order. One Audiobooks has a…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (September 1)

    Welcome to September! Grace and peace to you today. As you know, the launch event for Seasons of Sorrow is coming up on Monday. You can still sign up to come. Alternatively, it seems that the event will be recorded and released a few days later to those with a Virtual Pass to the Sing!…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (August 31)

    This has been a bit of a slow stretch for Kindle deals. We will hope that things pick up with a new month. Westminster Books has a deal on a new book for pastors (and, if you click through, on some related resources). When You Hear of a Scandal Darryl Dash has some valuable advice…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (August 30)

    Blessings to you on this fine day. (Yesterday on the blog: When God’s Blessings Flow) Hey Christian, Don’t “Quiet Quit” your Faith Have you been hearing the term “quiet quitting” as much as I have lately? Here the term is applied to the Christian faith. “Quiet quitting the Christian life is the third soil that…

  • monday

    A La Carte (August 29)

    Grace and peace to you today. Today’s Kindle deals include a selection from Crossway. (Yesterday on the blog: God Has Thrown Some Husks) God Has Something to Say in Your Worship Service This is a key to understanding worship. “The Scriptures … [teach] that worship is not where we gather together to speak about God;…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (August 27)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of newer books and a selection of older ones. Todd Friel’s Wretched is having a big sale on their digital and streaming products. (Yesterday on the blog: Joni’s Songs of Suffering) Every Step (Video) I’m really enjoying this new song from CityAlight. Speaking of which, there’s a new CityAlight…

  • friday

    A La Carte (August 26)

    I wanted to remind you once again that my book Seasons of Sorrow is now available for pre-order (with a release date of September 13). Also do remember the launch event in Nashville on Labor Day! Information here. Westminster Books is offering a deep discount on the excellent ESV Scripture Journals. It’s the time to…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (August 25)

    I thought it likely that someone somewhere could use this reminder: That right now, at this very moment, God is reigning from his throne. (Yesterday on the blog: Teaching Others to Sing Sweetly) Intersectionality and My Adoptive Family Trent Hunter has a fascinating look at intersectionality through the lens of a very multi-ethnic family. “My…