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Explore A La Carte

  • thursday

    A La Carte (November 24)

    Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever! Happy Thanksgiving to my many American friends and family members. Enjoy your holiday today and then check in tomorrow for my annual round-up of Black Friday deals. (Yesterday on the blog: Revival) Four Tips for Having Good Conversations Perhaps…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (November 23)

    The Lord be with you and bless you on this fine day. There is once again a nice long list of Kindle deals to browse through, headlined by two apologetics words: Keller’s The Reason for God and Scrivener’s new The Air We Breathe. Westminster Books has put together a Christmas Gift Guide with all sorts…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (November 22)

    In the lead up to Black Friday, Logos has deals on a number of commentary bundles. You’ll find deep discounts on bundles for Anchor Yale Bible Commentary, New American Commentary, Preaching the Word Commentary, and Tyndale Old and New Testament Commentary. Meanwhile, if you’re into Kindle deals, be sure to check today’s list as you’ll…

  • monday

    A La Carte (November 21)

    Grace and peace to you today. There is another list of Kindle deals to work through today. Note that some entire commentary series are 75% off (NICOT, NICNT, Pillar, etc). (Yesterday on the blog: New and Notable Christian Books for November 2022) Video Discipleship In a Digital Age “Tim Keller once posited a question along…

  • Weekend A La Carte (November 19)

    My gratitude goes to 316 Publishing for sponsoring the blog this week to tell you about the Legacy Standard Bible as well as Bella Paper calendars and stationery. (Save on any purchase with code CHALLIES.) Sponsors keep the site free to readers like you so I appreciate each and every one. (Yesterday on the blog:…

  • friday

    A La Carte (November 18)

    Westminster Books has some good Christmas outreach resources discounted this week. They’ve also got a sale on resources related to James. Thanks to Karen Wade Hayes and Lara d’Entremont for their reviews of Seasons of Sorrow. Thanks also to Christine Chappell who hosts IBCD’s Hope + Help podcast for inviting me to discuss the book.…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (November 17)

    Good morning. Grace and peace to you. (Yesterday on the blog: Let’s Hear It For the Failures) Measure Your Heart of Thanksgiving “I don’t know what your Thanksgiving season looks like. I sincerely hope you find thankfulness a happy overflow of God’s blessings this year. I hope your home fills with joy and laughter. But…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (November 16)

    May the Lord be with you and bless you today. It’s a banner day for Kindle deals today. There are tons of good options to pick from (including Seasons of Sorrow, this time below $5). I’ve also been tracking deals at Christianbook and here are some 2022 hardcover or softcover books at good prices: Reactivity…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (November 15)

    Blessings to you today. Today’s Kindle deals include a quite long list from a number of different publishers. (Also, every volume of The Story of God Bible Commentary series is on sale at a good discount.) (Yesterday on the blog: Does Nick Send Me Signs?) 8 Reasons to Rethink the Song of Songs “The Song…

  • monday

    A La Carte (November 14)

    Grace and peace to you. I have returned from Fiji where I was tremendously blessed to be able to meet and minister to some lovely believers. I may have more to say about that in the future. In the meantime, here are some links and other goodies. Today’s Kindle deals include a selection of titles…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (November 12)

    I am grateful to my good friends at 20schemes for sponsoring the blog this week as they celebrate 10 years of ministry. It has been a joy to see the Lord working in and through them through this past decade. Over at Westminster Books you’ve find a “buy one get one free” deal on Tim…

  • friday

    A La Carte (November 11)

    Grace and peace to you today. Today’s Kindle deals include some interesting titles. (Yesterday on the blog: The World Next Door) The Abolitionist Hero You’ve Never Heard Of You will enjoy reading this introduction to a man you may not know. Or if you do, for something other than his abolitionism. The Age of Ingratitude…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (November 10)

    May the Lord be with you and bless you today. There’s a nice little list of Kindle deals for you to look at today. All Things Great and Small “A hurricane reveals just a little bit of the greatness of God. The Bible reveals much, much more of His greatness. Yet, there is much that…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (November 9)

    I’m finishing up a conference in Fiji today (which I guess is tomorrow if you’re in North America—the International Date Line is endlessly confusing). It has been a tremendous blessing to get to know the believers here and to see how the Lord is at work in these little islands. I’m so thankful for the…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (November 8)

    Blessings to you on this fine day. Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of interesting titles. You Don’t Have to Choose a Word for the Year “For many, choosing a word for the year replaces a list of resolutions. That one word gives them focus for the year. Christians who do this usually pray about…

  • monday

    A La Carte (November 7)

    Over the past couple of days I made the very long journey to Fiji where a friend has invited me to minister alongside him at a conference for pastors. Though I’m awfully tired, I’m also glad to be here and thankful for the opportunity. I’d appreciate your prayers that we’d minister faithfully and encourage well.…

  • Weekend A La Carte (November 5)

    My gratitude goes to Ligonier Ministries for sponsoring the blog this week. They’ve got a free book on Luther, a Reformed theology bundle, and R.C. Sproul’s commentary on Galatians they’d like to tell you about. Today’s Kindle deals include some newer and older titles. Why Study Church History? “If church history does not get your…

  • friday

    A La Carte (November 4)

    The Lord be with you and bless you today. (Yesterday on the blog: Two Years Later: What Aileen Is Thankful For) The Message of Hurricane Ian “For with all of the advancements of man, for all our technology and knowledge, weather reminds us that we are small, frail, and weak. We cannot summon the sun…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (November 3)

    Grace and peace to you, my friends. Westminster Books is having an Advent Sale on books related to Christmas. There are lots of good choices there. (Yesterday on the blog: If God Is Not Sovereign…) How Christians can think about the epidemic of online gambling and sports betting I guess I’m not the only one…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (November 2)

    The Lord be with you and bless you today. There is once again a very significant list of Kindle deals. We are spoiled. Logos users, you’ll want to look at this long list of commentaries for only $7.99 each. And, of course, you can look at the free and nearly-free books of the month. I’m…