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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/17)

    Friday February 17, 2006 Du Jour: Nikopedia provides five tips on how to waste a day. “When I say ‘wasted’ I don’t mean the difference between feeling like you had a good day or a bad day but rather going through a 24 hour period centred on yourself and not on the cross!” Olympics: An…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/16)

    Thursday February 16, 2006 Giveaway: Carla has once again decided to crack open the Scripscenes vaults and do a Spring giveaway. “Winner’s choice of gift from any 1 product of any department in our store!” Du Jour: John Piper, on the eve of his cancer surgery, wrote a short article entitled, Don’t Waste Your Cancer.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/15)

    Wednesday February 15, 2006 Weird: NFL star and badboy Terrell Owens will be starring in a fitness-based reality show later this year. No word on whether or not said show takes place on his driveway. Du Jour: Nathan Busenitz asks why John MacArthur would be so hard-hitting in his excellent discussion of the Emerging Church.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/14)

    Tuesday February 14, 2006 Theology: John Divito has finished a series on “Free Grace or Lordship Salvation?” You can find the series index here. Politics: Dennis Swanson (who is in the enviable position of being Librarian at The Master’s Seminary), is writing a series on the Evangelical Climate Initiative. You can read it here. Celebrities:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/13)

    Monday February 13, 2006 Design: Here’s a new site I’ve just rolled out. Sovereign Grace Family News Extra Online (trying saying that a few times quickly). I’m really happy with the way this one turned out. Review: Al Mohler takes on Barna’s latest book, Revolution, in quite a thorough review. “As in the past, George…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/10)

    Friday February 10, 2006 Review: Reid doesn’t have a review of The Cross Centered Life. But he urges you to buy it anyways (or Living the Cross Centered Life which you may as well buy instead). Sports: Fanball has a “Rotisserie Baseball” how-to guide. I’ve always thought Roto looked like fun but haven’t ever invested…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/09)

    Thursday February 9, 2006 Media: Tony Blankley castigates American media outlets for refusing to show the cartoons that have caused such outrage among Muslims. Du Jour: Carla has written a couple of posts about online predators. This is something parents cannot afford to ignore! Theology: JD Wetterling’s weekly reflection begins with “Lord, let me be…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/08)

    Wednesday February 8, 2006 Weird: A British movie fan has asked permission to view The Chronicles of Narnia in the theatre while dressed in a wardrobe costume. As if the British aren’t already eccentric enough! Discussion: In case you’ve lost track, there is some very interesting discussion happening in this post. I had no idea…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/07)

    Tuesday February 7, 2006 Canadiana: Canada’s 22nd Prime Minster, Stephen Harper, was sworn in yesterday morning. This begins what many Canadians hope is a mandate that will slow or reverse much of the liberalism and corruption begun by the Liberal Party. CBC reports. Du Jour: Nathan Busenitz has compiled an interesting list of quotes on…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/06)

    Monday February 6, 2006 Superbowl: It wasn’t a bad Superbowl, as these things go. But I’ve got to say – that was the absolute worst rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” I have ever heard. I’d rather hear a pop starlet just sing it normally than have more artistic types take the liberties those folks…

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    A La Carte (02/02)

    Thursday February 2, 2006 Giveaway: Monergismbooks is giving away a Premium ESV Calfskin Bible. That’s calfskin – they killed baby cows to make this Bible, and it can be yours! Du Jour: Ron Gleason posted a great little article to his blog a couple of days ago stressing the importance of letting boys be boys.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/03)

    Friday February 3, 2006 Giveaway: Monergismbooks is giving away a Premium ESV Calfskin Bible. That’s calfskin – they killed baby cows to make this Bible, and it can be yours! Film: The success of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe has paved the way for a second Narnia film. “The second film will find…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/01)

    Wednesday February 1, 2006 Humor: CBC reports that two guys in Nova Scotia messed with the wrong girl. “The teenager, fully trained in the 2,500-year-old martial art of jujitsu…” You know the rest! Emergent: Paul shares that “Tyndale Seminary here in Toronto is hosting a conference on the emerging church.” He says, “I think pastors…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (01/31)

    Tuesday January 31, 2006 Conference: Justin Taylor has posted the topics and list of speakers for this year’s Desiring God National Conference. I am planning on liveblogging the event again this year. Theology: Randy Alcorn has decided to weigh in on the whole End of the Spear controversy. He has sought to bring biblical reconciliation…

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    A La Carte (01/30)

    Monday January 30, 2006 Review: Reformation21 has a review of Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell. While suggesting that Bell was well-intentioned, the reviewer says this, “is not a healthy book and the emergent church movement it belongs to is not a healthy movement.” Theology: Andrew of “Faith & Practice” asks Is John MacArthur a Fundamentalist?…

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    A La Carte (01/27)

    Friday January 27, 2006 Politics: Ron Gleason discusses illegal immigration. “I would also like to reach my fellow-countrymen and convince them that illegal immigration is one of the highest priority items for our national security. Our attitudes towards it defy common sense and reasonableness. You have to wonder if it’s actually going to take another…

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    A La Carte (01/26)

    Thursday January 26, 2005 Politics: A member of the Conservative Party who narrowly lost in Monday’s election claims there were voting irregularities. Oh boy. “We feel the election was stolen,” he said. “We’re going to be appealing…” Blogging: My friend David (aka The Thirsty Theologian) has moved to a new stomping ground. You can now…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (01/25)

    Wednesday January 25, 2005 Design: Mike Bryant (known in the forums around here as mikbry24) has a new blog which was designed by yours truly. Take a look deep inside the The Mind of Mike. Blogging: Phil Johnson has now retired from blogging. Sort of. He has decided to begin a sort of group blog.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (01/24)

    Tuesday January 24, 2005 Culture: My friend Rick Pearcey published a good article last week entitled O’Reilly, Letterman, and the Culture War. Canadiana: After 13 years Canadians finally dethroned the Liberal Party. The Conservative Party, led by Stephen Harper, has been elected to a minority government. Many Canadians, especially Christians, have high hopes for this…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (01/23)

    Monday January 23, 2006 Canadiana: Today Canadians head to the polls to elect a new federal government. Or, as is more likely, to re-elect the same government we’ve got now. Angry in the Great White North is the Canadian political blog I read most. Technology: A Wired article points out that despite security vulnerabilities in…