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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (06/06)

    Tuesday June 6, 2006 Quotes: Darrin Booker has collected a series of death-bed sayings from well-known believers. A favorite: “F.B. Meyer – ‘Read me something from the Bible, something brave and triumphant.’” Terrorism: “The Toronto Star” featured a good editorial on the planned terrorist attacks in Canada. “But modern global jihad is a different animal.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (06/05)

    Monday June 5, 2006 Music: Switchfoot is offering a new, unreleased song for download on their site. They are currently in the studio working on a new album which is scheduled for release this fall. And there was great rejoicing. Weird: On June 1st, 2006, Secret Service agents showed up at the office of Great…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (06/02)

    Friday June 2, 2006 Family: Russell Moore has a moving post celebrating his son’s birthday. “Five years ago today my oldest son, Benjamin, was born. Five years ago on June 19th my middle son, Timothy, was born. I missed both days…” Du Jour: Rebecca has an update on a tragic story and yet a story…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (06/01)

    Thursday June 1, 2006 Theology: Mark Dever writes about “undermining the tolerance of egalitarianism. “The core of this blog entry is simply this–>it is my observation that those older than me who are complementarian generally want to downplay this issue, and those younger than me want to lead with it, or at least be very…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/31)

    Wednesday May 31, 2006 Conference: Adrian has collected a good number of choice quotes from the New Attitude Conference. A personal favorite: “Dwell where the cries of Calvary can be heard.” Conference Bonus: And while we’re on the topic of the New Attitude Conference, Sovereign Grace Ministries has the audio recordings of all of the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/30)

    Tuesday May 30, 2006 Emergent: Steve Camp chimes in on the Mark Driscoll controversy. His comments and critiques are measured and biblical. LiveBlog: Carolyn McCulley is doing a great job of liveblogging the New Attitude Conference. She is apparently learning a new respect for the art of live-blogging. Quote: “Advice is like castor oil, easy…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/29)

    Monday May 29, 2006 Books: “Christianity Today” has released their list of Book Award recipients for 2006. I read 120 books last year and did not manage to read a single one of the titles they awarded! So the question is, what have I been reading all this time? Humor: Allan, a commenter at this…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/26)

    Friday May 26, 2006 Modesty: Toby has been writing about a touchy subject. “Well, summer is on it’s way, or perhaps it is here for some parts of the country. And along with the warmer weather comes an issue that has been of concern to me for some time. The issue is… MODESTY.” Mailbag: Yesterday…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/25)

    Thursday May 25, 2006 Weird: Dignan has learned that Pat Robertson can leg press 2000 pounds. “On Robertson’s website, he is plugging his “Age-Defying” protein shake. And the best part is that his shake enables him to leg press 2,000 lbs!!!” Humor: Joe Carter took on the blogosphere in a long, rambling, humorous post entitled…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/24)

    Wednesday May 24, 2006 Technology: Apple and Nike have joined forces to make a shoe that will tell a runner how far and how fast he has run. Theology: Steve Camp has posted part two of Lars Larson’s excellent article dealing with spiritual discernment. Du Jour: Dan Phillips takes a look at an article in…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/23)

    Tuesday May 23, 2006 Blogspotting: Following our recent conversation here, Dr Mike, Carla Rolfe, and Phil Johnson have a few choice words for those who like to use a few choice words. Commenter joythruchrist points out why it’s not Pharisaic to say so. Her cat agrees. News: Boy, 7, completes swim from Alcatraz. Asked what…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/22)

    Monday May 22, 2006 Weird: FoxNews has the story of a man who collected some 80,000 empty beer cans in his rented house over the course of 8 years. That means he drank 24 beers every day. Judging by the pictures, he was fond of Coors. The cans were returned and the deposits totalled $800.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/19)

    Friday May 19, 2006 Award: Apparently I’ve been awarded something called a “Bologna Badge.” I can’t say I’ve ever heard of this particular award, but I’m sure it’s prestigious. More here. Gospel: Ligon Duncan posted a roundup of quotes about the gospel that are sure to bless you. Here is a favorite: “When we preach…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/18)

    Thursday May 18, 2006 Technology: ESV Blog brings news of an ESV plugin for Microsoft Word. It uses “the ESV Web Service to insert a passage into a Word document.” Sounds useful enough… A La Carte: This is the 200th edition of A La Carte (according to the statistics in Movabletype). That’s not half bad!…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/17)

    Wednesday May 17, 2006 Video: In case you missed Katie Couric’s interview with Joel Osteen on The Today Show (and you probably did), Keith has a link to it. Film: “AgapePress” has a good article, written by Ed Vitagliano which reflects on the “End of the Spear” controversy. “Sadly, the result has been a blunted…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/16)

    Tuesday May 16, 2006 Giveaway: Adrian Warnock is having a small giveaway for bloggers who would like to blog their way through the Together For the Gospel Statement. Music: Kerry, a.k.a. BlackCalvinist, made a bootleg recording of one of the songs sung at the T4G Conference. He did not realize that he was not supposed…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/15)

    Monday May 15, 2006 Web: “Washington Post” has a list of the most-visited domains in February 2005 and 2006. Unfortunately they only list the first fifty as I’m pretty sure Challies Dot Com would be ranked 51st. Web Bonus: “The Inquirer” has a list of the most dangerous search phrases. Typing any of these into…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/12)

    Friday May 12, 2006 Politics: Justin Taylor had what I thought was a very good reflection on American Pessimism. “What used to be a moral sense that we had done something wrong now becomes conflated with compassion and is a sense that we should feel “guilty” and pessimistic if others are worse off than us.”…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/11)

    Thursday May 11, 2006 Music: Bob Kauflin is looking to give away 50 copies of the “Worship God Live” CD, but only to people who meet the following criteria: “You are a pastor or a music minister/worship leader in your local church or ministry; You regularly write a blog (that people other than your family…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/10)

    Wednesday May 10, 2006 Family: Maryanne discusses what a stay-at-home mom would earn if she was paid a salary. But “I want to cautiously avoid the increasingly feminist tones of our age which assert that women work harder than men, sacrifice more and should be overall esteemed in a way that men are not.” Da…