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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/04)

    Friday August 4, 2006 Eschatology: Jason of Fide-O fame, having recently adopted an amillennial understanding of the end times, has written an article explaining this viewpoint. He also lists many highly-regarded Christians who share the belief. Evangelism: John R. Sittema has an interesting article entitled “Popeye, Evangelism, and the Reformed Faith.” He “offers some practical…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/03)

    Thursday August 3, 2006 Church: Lisa links to an article about “Days of the Dead” at Cornerstone “Christian” Youth Camp. While the article is perhaps a little dramatic, it contains some rather startling information. Humor: Nathan Busenitz, Personal Assistant to John MacArthur, began my Wednesday with a “LOL” moment by sending me this link to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/02)

    Wednesday August 2, 2006 Prayer: Tim Irvin is having some strange health problems. Read up and commit to praying for the guy! Du Jour: John Duncan takes on MTV, reflecting on the 25th anniversary of the network. “MTV doesn’t play videos or concerts anymore. MTV doesn’t really talk about music. It talks about the cheap…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/01)

    Tuesday August 8, 2006 Weird: From an email list I’m part of comes a story of a town that has a population of 19,000, but 51 churches and other religious institutions. “Stafford, population 19,227, is the largest city in Texas without a property tax…” Purity: Josh Harris is continuing to blog his way through a…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/31)

    Monday July 31, 2006 Weird: At the risk of sounding like a gossip page, I’ll mention this strange story of Mel Gibson being picked up for drunk driving and then launching into an anti-semitic tirade that blamed the Jews for all the wars in the world. End Times: Tim LaHaye, author of the “Left Behind”…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/28)

    Friday July 28, 2006 Blog: Desiring God has begun a blog promoting the upcoming 2006 National Conference. You can visit it at The twofold purpose of the blog is: “To inform readers of news and information related to the conference and to introduce the speakers and subject matter of the conference prior to the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/27)

    Thursday July 27, 2006 Humor: A prison inmate in New York is being charged after making bomb and anthrax threats. Sadly, he did so in his own name and with his own prisoner number. CNN reports on a not-so-great criminal mind. Family: Crystal at Biblical Womanhood has some good thoughts on recapturing the nobility of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/26)

    Wednesday July 26, 2006 Blog: Two days after I wrote about encouragement, my biggest little sister experiences just such a moment. It’s a great story. Weird: Someone sent me a link to a new online finger meditation tool. You got it! It’s a mini labyrinth courtesy of Grace Cathedral, a Lutheran church in San Francisco.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/25)

    Tuesday July 25, 2006 Theology: Justin Taylor has compiled a list of an excellent series written by Thabiti Anyabwile (no, I don’t know how to pronounce it either and no, my spell checker doesn’t recognize it) entitled “Things I Learned While at Capitol Hill Baptist Church.” Church: Meanwhile, in another corner of the blogosphere, Jollyblogger…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/24)

    Monday July 24, 2006 Law: The Harris brothers are discussing Abraham Cherrix, a young man with Hodgkin’s Disease who wants to attempt natrual treatment but is being forced by the courts to undergo chemotherapy. Theology: BPNews has an article about Dr. Sam Waldron and his contention that the New Perspective on Paul corrupts the heart…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/21)

    Friday July 21, 2006 Film: I don’t get out to the movies very often, but may make an exception for “World Trade Center.” Cal Thomas has declared it a world class movie, saying “Whatever one thinks of Oliver Stone, the man knows how to make movies. This is one of his best. It deserves an…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/20)

    Thursday July 20, 2006 Creation: Over at her very pretty “Sprittibee” blog, Sprittibee has taken on the subject of creation and evolution and this has (as we might expect) generated some buzz. (Buzz, get it?). You can check it out here. Conference: Bob Kauflin has listed his “Top Ten Reasons to Register Now for the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/19)

    Wednesday July 19, 2006 Church: “Understand the Times” has a lengthy article explaining why Calvary Chapels have decided to pull Purpose Driven materials from Calvary Distribution. Culture: Derek Thomas at Reformation21 writes about a British clergyman who kissed a young girl on the cheek. “The deed was done in a public setting when the child,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/18)

    Tuesday July 18, 2006 Church: An article at Yahoo discusses megachurches that build a Republican base. “In a March survey, a quarter of Ohio residents said they were evangelicals — believing that a strict adherence to the Bible and personal commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ will bring salvation.” Sadly, that is probably what…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/17)

    Monday July 17, 2006 Television: If you’ve never watched that hour-long program about the Duggar family (the Christian family from Arkansas with 16 children), and if you’ve been wanting to do so, it appears that it will be playing tonight at 8 PM on TLC. It’s worth an hour of your time. Books: Justin Taylor…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/14)

    Friday July 14, 2006 Interview: “Christianity Today” has an interview with Ronald Boyd-MacMillan in which they discuss Rick Warren’s upcoming trip to North Korea. “You can travel as religious VIP, but it’s a propaganda exercise. I went in as one, and they took me to the Korean Christian Federation, which is this so-called Christian church…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/13)

    Thursday July 13, 2006 Technology: The most recent version of Movabletype (3.31) has just been released. While the versioning would make it appear to be a small release, it actually adds some new and exciting features which will be of interest to many bloggers. Not the least of these features is native support for tagging.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/12)

    Wednesday July 12, 2006 Theology: Agape Press discusses the PCUSA proposal regarding renaming the members of the Trinity. One pastor says, “You might as well put in Huey, Dewey, and Louie.” People: I assume most people who read my blog also read Justin Taylor’s. But hey, if you don’t, be sure to read a couple…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/11)

    Tuesday July 11, 2006 Emergent: Gary Gilley continues his series of articles examining the Emerging Church. In this one he tries to figure out what “missional” is all about. Music: The music of Jamie Soles, who primarily records music for children, is now available online. My kids have a couple of his albums and enjoy…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (07/10)

    Monday July 10, 2006 People: Justin Taylor mentions a chat with J.I. Packer and explains why Packer was never destined to be an athlete. Interview: Everyone else is linking it, so I guess I will too. Christianity Today has an interview with Mark Driscoll. Here’s a choice quote: “The two hot theologies today are Reformed…