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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (03/08)

    Wednesday March 8, 2006 Books: I was in the Christian bookstore yesterday. I noticed that the bargain section featured a very large stack of Ashley Smith’s book about how The Purpose Driven Life saved her life. Just to the right of that stack was a large number of Richard Abanes’ book about Warren. I guess…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (05/07)

    Tuesday March 7, 2006 Theology: Chris Poteet has an audio presentation debunking myths on Calvinism and Arminianism and suggesting steps towards fruitful dialogue. Conference: Nathan Busenitz (whom I met at the conference) has a exhaustive list of blog-based reflections on the Shepherd’s Conference. Conference Bonus: The Fide-O guys have a photo review of the conference.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/27)

    Monday February 27, 2006 Theology: The theology wiki Theopedia is continuing to grow and mature. It is a good, though not infallible, resource for questions of church history, Bible study and theology. Video: National Geographic posts their top ten videos of 2005. While I did not watch them all, those I saw were simply amazing.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/24)

    Friday February 24, 2006 Giveaway: Scott is having his second monthly “Free Books Friday.” “This edition has 250 books and 100 audio sermon tapes (MacArthur, Mohler, Piper, Begg, Sproul, etc).” Du Jour: Josh Harris points to an article from Christianity Today discussing what went wrong with Bruce Wilkinson’s ill-fated attempt at conquering poverty in Africa.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/23)

    Thursday February 24, 2006 Canadiana: ESPN is reporting on Lydia Angyiou, a Canadian woman who wrestled a 700 pound polar bear and lived to tell about it. Having seen a polar bear sizing up her 7-year-old son, she “raced around to get between the bear and her son. Then she started kicking and punching the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/22)

    Wednesday February 22, 2006 Audio: John Piper extends his personal thanks to all those who prayed for him when he faced surgery last week. He also reports on his progress. Evolution: Rick Pearcey reports on a Darwinian Meltdown Over Intelligent Design. “High profile atheists and evolutionists Daniel Dennett and Richard Dawkins “are absolute disasters in…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/21)

    Tuesday February 21, 2006 Technology: Will Apple Adopt Windows? John C. Dvorak of PCMag seems to think so. As Dvorak says, “This would be the most phenomenal turnabout in the history of desktop computing.” Music: Take a look at the influences of new band Mainstay. Which one of those influences is unlike the others? Translation:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/20)

    Monday February 20, 2006 History: Rick has delved into an old history book and discovered the truth behind the Protestant Reformation. Du Jour: C.J. Mahaney has a winning article over at Together for the Gospel’s blog. Having heard about the reading and studying habits of men like Dever, Mohler and Duncan he says, “…I find…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/17)

    Friday February 17, 2006 Du Jour: Nikopedia provides five tips on how to waste a day. “When I say ‘wasted’ I don’t mean the difference between feeling like you had a good day or a bad day but rather going through a 24 hour period centred on yourself and not on the cross!” Olympics: An…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/16)

    Thursday February 16, 2006 Giveaway: Carla has once again decided to crack open the Scripscenes vaults and do a Spring giveaway. “Winner’s choice of gift from any 1 product of any department in our store!” Du Jour: John Piper, on the eve of his cancer surgery, wrote a short article entitled, Don’t Waste Your Cancer.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/15)

    Wednesday February 15, 2006 Weird: NFL star and badboy Terrell Owens will be starring in a fitness-based reality show later this year. No word on whether or not said show takes place on his driveway. Du Jour: Nathan Busenitz asks why John MacArthur would be so hard-hitting in his excellent discussion of the Emerging Church.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/14)

    Tuesday February 14, 2006 Theology: John Divito has finished a series on “Free Grace or Lordship Salvation?” You can find the series index here. Politics: Dennis Swanson (who is in the enviable position of being Librarian at The Master’s Seminary), is writing a series on the Evangelical Climate Initiative. You can read it here. Celebrities:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/13)

    Monday February 13, 2006 Design: Here’s a new site I’ve just rolled out. Sovereign Grace Family News Extra Online (trying saying that a few times quickly). I’m really happy with the way this one turned out. Review: Al Mohler takes on Barna’s latest book, Revolution, in quite a thorough review. “As in the past, George…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/10)

    Friday February 10, 2006 Review: Reid doesn’t have a review of The Cross Centered Life. But he urges you to buy it anyways (or Living the Cross Centered Life which you may as well buy instead). Sports: Fanball has a “Rotisserie Baseball” how-to guide. I’ve always thought Roto looked like fun but haven’t ever invested…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/09)

    Thursday February 9, 2006 Media: Tony Blankley castigates American media outlets for refusing to show the cartoons that have caused such outrage among Muslims. Du Jour: Carla has written a couple of posts about online predators. This is something parents cannot afford to ignore! Theology: JD Wetterling’s weekly reflection begins with “Lord, let me be…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/08)

    Wednesday February 8, 2006 Weird: A British movie fan has asked permission to view The Chronicles of Narnia in the theatre while dressed in a wardrobe costume. As if the British aren’t already eccentric enough! Discussion: In case you’ve lost track, there is some very interesting discussion happening in this post. I had no idea…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/07)

    Tuesday February 7, 2006 Canadiana: Canada’s 22nd Prime Minster, Stephen Harper, was sworn in yesterday morning. This begins what many Canadians hope is a mandate that will slow or reverse much of the liberalism and corruption begun by the Liberal Party. CBC reports. Du Jour: Nathan Busenitz has compiled an interesting list of quotes on…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/06)

    Monday February 6, 2006 Superbowl: It wasn’t a bad Superbowl, as these things go. But I’ve got to say – that was the absolute worst rendition of “The Star Spangled Banner” I have ever heard. I’d rather hear a pop starlet just sing it normally than have more artistic types take the liberties those folks…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/02)

    Thursday February 2, 2006 Giveaway: Monergismbooks is giving away a Premium ESV Calfskin Bible. That’s calfskin – they killed baby cows to make this Bible, and it can be yours! Du Jour: Ron Gleason posted a great little article to his blog a couple of days ago stressing the importance of letting boys be boys.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (02/03)

    Friday February 3, 2006 Giveaway: Monergismbooks is giving away a Premium ESV Calfskin Bible. That’s calfskin – they killed baby cows to make this Bible, and it can be yours! Film: The success of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe has paved the way for a second Narnia film. “The second film will find…