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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/11)

    Monday September 11, 2006 Church: A new article in “Time” asks “Does God want you to be rich?” Alex Chediak summarizes the article and provides some quotes. Education: Dr. Mohler writes about Gerry Garibaldi. He “was in the movie business for 25 years, then he decided to become a teacher. That was a brave enough…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A LA Carte (09/08)

    Friday September 8, 2006 Canadiana: A new poll shows that most Canadians blame the U.S. for the attacks of 9/11. Let it be known that I am not one of these people! Theology: I think you need to be a bit of a theological geek to enjoy this, but Scott Hill has theorized that Rick…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/07)

    Thursday September 7, 2006 Technology: Toronto has just been WiFi’d. A new service offers free unlimited wireless internet to anyone who cares to connect. Six months from now it will begin to cost $29/month. Theology: Rob Tombrella is have interesting discussions on the inerrancy of Scripture. Humor: Fox reports about a granny who turned the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/06)

    Wednesday September 6, 2006 Music: Jars of Clay just released a new album and AOL is offering the full version for free via streaming audio. You can get it here or here (the second seems to work best for Firefox). Music Bonus: And while we are on the subject of music, don’t forget that Derek…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/05)

    Tuesday September 5, 2006 Site: Things are still a little unstable around here as I attempt to upgrade the server. Please bear with me! Bible: ESV Bible Blog has announced the “ESV Outreach New Testament,” a New Testament selling for only fifty cents. Media: The “L.A. Times” has an interesting report on what seems to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (09/01)

    Friday September 1, 2006 Church: Paul writes about the value of a local church where God is (isn’t it considered wrong to end a sentence in “is?” Oh wait, I just did it.). “I am proposing that there may come a point in a Christian’s life where it is obvious ‘the Lord has left the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/31)

    Thursday August 31, 2006 Devotions: Erik Raymond, aka Irish Calvinist, has posted a helpful article with suggestions about how to have a meaningful time of family devotions. “Many men struggle in the area of family devotions. It is kind of like evangelism, we know we have to do it but it is the doing it…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/30)

    Wednesday August 30, 2006 Conference: The Desiring God conference blog is reporting that registration for the Desiring God conference is at 90% capacity. It is going to be a good one. If you are thinking of signing up, you’d better do so in the next couple of days. Even if you don’t go, you can…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/29)

    Tuesday August 29, 2006 Blogging: Randy writes about the Christian Law Association and their proposed rules for student websites. “Any student who decides to operate a personal online website or contributes to a blog must register the website/blog with the pastoral staff.” Technology: Jon the Baptist links to an article showing that “TiVo is spreading…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/28)

    Monday August 28, 2006 Theology: Tom Ascol of the Founders organization is one of many bloggers to comment on the recent issue of Christianity Today which featured an article on Calvinism. I really ought to try to find a copy of that one… Abortion: A woman in China has caused a ruckus by having her…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/26)

    Saturday August 26, 2006 This is a special weekend edition of A La Carte to announce the birth of my nephew, Micah Nathaniel Rose. He was born in Atlanta yesterday morning. Congratulations to Susanna and Rick! I now have two nephews and a niece (with another niece due around Christmas). These are the first photos…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A LA Carte (08/25)

    Friday August 25, 2006 Interview: On the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina Cindy Swanson has an interview with Don Elbourne, pastor of Lakewood Baptist Church in Lakeshore, Mississippi. He speaks about God’s grace in what has been an incredible year of ministry. Humor: Mr. Dawn Treader has an funny series of posts about “Rule Changes That…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/24)

    Thursday August 24, 2006 Theology: Nathan Busenitz quotes John MacArthur who says that everyone is a dispensationalist. “Everybody is a dispensationalist, everybody. I don’t care who they are in theology, they’re dispensational. It’s only a question of how many you have. Let me show you why.” Feminism: I remember wannabe feminists in my high school…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/23)

    Tuesday August 23, 2006 Literature: Dr. Mohler discusses “The Tragic End of Children’s Literature” and the “Norton Anthology of Children’s Literature.” “The anthology reflects the new postmodern ethos in which ‘the distinction between heroes and villains is often blurred.’ No kidding. As a matter of fact, there are very few heroic figures left.” Music: Alex…

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    A La Carte (08/22)

    Tuesday August 22, 2006 Culture: Here is one from the “of course” file: Sexy Music Lyrics Prompt Teens to Have Sex. “The more teens listened to degrading sexual music content, the more likely they were to subsequently initiate intercourse and progress in [other], noncoital activity,” Martino and colleagues report. “These music effects held, even though…

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    A La Carte (08/21)

    Monday August 21, 2006 Bible: ESV blog has a roundup of Tony Reinke’s successful attempt to build his own blank Bible patterned after Jonathan Edwards’ similar Bible. Humor: Nathan Busenitz shows once again the danger inherent in allowing just anyone to own a copy of Photoshop. This time, he has created a list of his…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte

    Wednesday August 16, 2006 I am on vacation this week. A La Carte will return when I return on the 21st of August.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/09)

    Wednesday August 9, 2006 Theology: JD Wetterling has a good article introducing his forthcoming book “No One…” which has just been released by Christian Focus Publications. “I pray that our merciful God will speak to you in the pages of this book. If you or someone you love cannot see the kingdom of God, I…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/08)

    Tuesday August 8, 2006 Photography: Tony at “The Shepherd’s Scrapbook” shares a series of photos he snapped of the Princeton Cemetary. Prayer: Justin Taylor has collected a couple of prayers for seminaries. He asks, “Have you prayed for the seminaries today?” Celebrity: In case you haven’t already heard, the current issue of “Newsweek” features quite…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (08/07)

    Monday August 7, 2006 Du Jour: In a particularly interesting article, Phil Johnson answers the question of why the emerging conversation is going nowhere. Blog: Aaron, who runs Theopedia (the Christian-focuses answer to Wikipedia), has begun a new blog at “The Theopedia blog seeks to serve the church as a resource for theological study…