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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/6)

    Tuesday February 6, 2007 Science: National Geographic interviews creationist and Christian Francis Collins. Technology: This guy nicely sums up my feelings about Macs. “Macs are glorified Fisher-Price activity centres for adults; computers for scaredy cats too nervous to learn how proper computers work; computers for people who earnestly believe in feng shui.” Pastors: Paul finishes…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/5)

    Monday February 5, 2007 Blog: Desiring God now has a blog. Du Jour: Mel Duncan writes about an evening he spent with Joel Osteen. Religion: After a break of 16 centuries, Greek pagans are worshipping the ancient gods again – despite furious opposition from the Orthodox church. Humor: Net Finney guards families against the harmful…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/2)

    Friday February 2, 2007 Prayer: This one slipped by me until today. Alistair Begg has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and though it is considered curable, he covets our prayer. You can read a note from him here. Conference: For those who are going to the Ligonier conference, Brian has a list of things to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/1)

    Thursday February 1, 2007 Islam: Australia’s Herald Sun brings a story about “Muslim-only washrooms at La Trobe University.” Conference: The Shepherd’s Conference is now offering a live video stream from the conference which will be held next month. Details here. Marriage: Justin Buzzard wonders about a Christian minister’s involvement in a non-Christian wedding. Du Jour:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/21)

    Wednesday January 21, 2007 Technology: Jollyblogger thinks that pastors should begin to use LinkedIn, software that builds contact networks. Cool: Memorizable is a flashcard wiki. Anyone can use the site to build interactive flashcards on any topic. So get to it! Bible: Travis Carden has released an ESV Bible language spell-check dictionary for the ESV.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/30)

    Tuesday January 30, 2007 Du Jour: Julian reflects on the “inadequacy” of language to describe God. Music: Derek Webb releases a new album today composed of acoustic versions of some of his hits (which, in my opinion, were already plenty acoustic). You can read a review here. Sounds like this one may be for only…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/29)

    Monday January 29, 2007 Church: From Fayetteville comes news of a church whose ads are too steamy for local newspapers. Technology: Ever wondered what slows Windows down? Here is a list of culprits. At the top of the list is Norton, to no one’s great surprise. Weird: A small town in Alberta is rocked by…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/26)

    Friday January 26, 2007 Sermons: Josh Harris has preached a three-part series on the topic of purity. Travel: Passengers who were stranded in a plane on a tarmac for ten hours are attempting to create a passenger’s bill of rights. Creation: Here are ten amazing things you may not know about animals (feel free to…

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    A La Carte (1/25)

    Thursday January 25, 2007 Theology: Darrin has collected The Complete Life and Works of Horatius Bonar on a CD. Now he needs you to buy it. Sports: This Superbowl represents a meeting between two black, Christian coaches. Art: Amazing hand art. Weird: This is the internet at its best and its most bizarre.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/24)

    Wednesday January 24, 2007 Travel: New rules are finally in place and anyone traveling by air between the US and Canada must now have a passport. You have been warned! Theology: Bob DeWaay writes about God’s revealed will. Health: How do you feel about an STD vaccine that would be required for all girls? Evolution:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/23)

    Tuesday January 23, 2007 Business: Forbes lists the 10 riskiest businesses to start. I’m guessing starting a church would prove more difficult than any of these! Interview: Timmy Brister has begun posting a five part interview with David Dockery, President of Union University in Jackson, TN. Blogspotting: Fill Up shares in movie format what he…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/22)

    Monday January 22, 2007 Du Jour: Al Mohler reflects on Lessons Learned in a Crisis. Abortion: And it’s good to have Dr. Mohler back (he will be back at the helm of his radio program today). His most recent article deals with a topic I wrote about recently as well: a search and destroy mission…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/19)

    Friday January 19, 2007 Conference: The Ligonier conference has reached capacity (which I believe is in the neighborhood of 5000 people!) Church: Outreach magazine has announced that is the most innovative church in the country “primarily for its ability to leverage the latest technology available for its nine multi-state campuses, 18,000 members and thousands…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/18)

    Thursday January 18, 2007 Climate: The Weather Channel’s most prominent climatologist is advocating that broadcast meteorologists be stripped of their scientific certification if they express skepticism about predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming. Theology: Carl Trueman breaks his usual habit of posting things I can’t even begin to figure out (inside jokes reign at Reformation21)…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/17)

    Wednesday January 17, 2007 Canadiana: How important is Tim Horton’s (a donut chain) to Canada? A guy returning to Canada from serving at the chain’s location in Afghanistan (where the Canadian military is stationed) received a letter from the Prime Minister thanking him for his service. Site: HisHolySpace is a MySpace clone by and for…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/16)

    Tuesday January 16, 2007 Sports: Something to think about when your kid tells you he wants to play professional football for a living. Du Jour: Joe Carter is ashamed to be a sinner. Weather: Kirk Wellum decided to stop and think: “even ice storms and power outages can be used by my heavenly Father to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/15)

    Monday January 15, 2007 Grief: The Breakfast Table has a stirring post about good grief. Islam: There is rage in Windsor over a “anti-Islam” rally at a local church. Prayer: Al Mohler thanks you. Conference: New Attitude has launched a new video promo for their upcoming conference. It looks like it’s going to be a…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/12)

    Friday January 12, 2007 Technology: Netvibes is a great service to get yourself a completely customized start page on the web. Debate: James White announces his debate subject and opponent for the Alpha & Omega conference in October. I hope to be at the debate and am looking forward to it already! Marriage: A good…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/11)

    Thursday January 11, 2007 Du Jour: John Piper apologizes and discusses profanity. Music: This is a great price on guitar music (free!). Abortion: Paul discusses amniocentesis and its relationship to abortion. Church: Here are the fifty most influential Christians in America. Stop and think for a minute about how many you would want to have…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/10)

    Wednesday January 10, 2007 Theology: A reader is seeking help with her Master’s thesis. If you can spare a few minutes to answer a few questions she’d appreciate it. Technology: This is bound to be the must-have gift for next Christmas. Marriage: Proud to be single? Why not buy yourself a ring to proclaim your…