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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (5/3)

    Thursday May 3, 2007 Politics: This is the kind of guy Christians should vote for in the upcoming US election. Audio: Jacob has news of this month’s free audio download from ChristianAudio. This month it is “The Reformed Pastor” by Richard Baxter. Law: A case like this one simply highlights the absurdities of the US…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/26)

    Thursday April 26, 2007 Interview: Travis, a student at Texas A&M has a really neat interview with a Christian professor at the school. Eschatology: Sam Waldron is writing a series of articles answering John MacArthur’s objections to Amillennialism. Sports: Here is the NFL draft’s biggest secret. “Big Walt, as he is known, is a 6-foot-5…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/19)

    Thursday April 19, 2007 Prayer: Christians are not the only ones hoping to minister in Virginia. It seems that Scientologists are heading there in some force, according to this article. Pray that God would bless the work of the Christians! Abortion: Al Mohler writes about the Supreme Court upholding the ban on partial birth abortion…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/17)

    Tuesday April 17, 2007 Books: Al Mohler recommends ten great biographies. I have read (or am reading) many of them and agree with his recommendations. Conference: Reformed Virginian reflects on the recent Twin Lakes Fellowship. Books: All of this year’s Pulitzer Prize winners have been announced. Looks like I’ve got some more reading to do!…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/9)

    Monday April 9, 2007 Church: Here is a church for men only. I guess the seeker friendly low effort church as you want it trend isn’t dead yet. Audio: This site has audio recordings corresponding to some of the chapters in Iain Murray’s “A Scottish Christian Heritage.” Sports: This commercial for the Blue Jays has…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/6)

    Friday April 6, 2006 Technology: Google Maps allows interesting new personalization capabilities with their maps. The applications for this must be endless. Emergent: Phil Johnson has even more to say about the emerging church. Conference: This looks like a worthwhile conference for those in the vicinity of Coventry, Connecticut. Sports: Here are some photos of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/5)

    Thursday April 5, 2007 Audio: Christian audio is offering “On Christian Doctrine” by Saint Augustine as a free download this month. Global Warming: Here is a good article on the topic of global warming. Preaching: Unashamed Workman asks Tim Keller ten questions for expositors. Interview: Justin Buzzard interviews Gerrit Scott Dawson who authored “Jesus Ascended:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/4)

    Wednesday April 4, 2007 Books: Rick Pearcey has an interesting article on plagiarism and ghostwriting in colleges and in the Christian book industry. Humor: The Puritan Message. Television: Here is a show that may interest my fellow Canadians. Du Jour: Paul Helm has a good article dealing with what definitions do and don’t do. Crime:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/3)

    Tuesday April 3, 2007 Podcast: Grace To You now has a video podcast. Travis is collecting links. Education: Mark Dever shares some wisdom on choosing a seminary. People: This blogger shares what happens when famous people get rich in an article entitled “Lifestyles of the Rich and Stupid.” Quote: Lydia shares a great quote on…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/2)

    Monday April 2, 2007 Church: BBC has an interesting article tied to a documentary about America’s most hated family (the Phelps “God Hates Fags” family). Humor: The ladies of GirlTalk share a great little video clip. Book: At Beginning with Moses you can get a deal on “Pierced for our Transgressions,” an important book dealing…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/30)

    Friday March 30, 2007 Books: From Road to Emmaus comes a worthwhile tip about getting books cheaply. Humor: Check out step twenty in this Google map plotting the route from Chicago to London. Theology: Jeremy Pierce on the long

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/29)

    Thursday March 29, 2007 Church: Has anyone heard of these, dad and daughter purity balls? Book: James White’s new book, written and published in just 30 days, is just about ready. Gadget: I want one of these. I’m sure you do too. Du Jour: John Piper writes about things his father learned. Religion: ABC asks…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/28)

    Wednesday March 28, 2007 Conference: Alistair Begg has a quick note for those attending The Basics conference in May. Jesus: Here is a long and thorough statistical analysis of the Jesus Family Tomb. Photos: Some gay professional activists protested at Southern Seminary a couple of days ago (story). Denny Burk has some photos. Quote: Joshua…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/27)

    Tuesday March 27, 2007 RIP: A sad story, but one with a moral. Relationships: Carolyn McCulley points out that “Boundless” has a good article dealing with misplaced trust. Books: Another take on the bestselling “The Secret.” This one comes courtesy of Al Mohler. Review: Marni Chediak reviews Mark Steyn’s “America Alone.” Photographs: Amazing photos of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/26)

    Monday March 26, 2007 Music: C.T. has a long and interesting article about the Passion movement. Science: Discover has several articles featuring twenty things you didn’t know about a variety of topics. How about this: “A pair of brown rats can produce as many as 2,000 descendants in a year if left to breed unchecked.”…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/23)

    Friday March 23, 2007 Du Jour: Lydia has a very good article about “Modesty and Other Women’s Husbands.” What she says applies to other men’s wives as well. Entertainment: Here is another one for the American Idol fan. Turns out another contestant is a worship leader and four of the finalists claim to be believers.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/22)

    Thursday March 22, 2007 Film: This site has a list of the web’s best free documentaries. You’ll have to choose with care, of course, but it looks like there are some good ones there. Media: 8 of 10 Americans agree that there is too much sex, violence and profanity on TV. Conference: I have updated…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/21)

    Wednesday March 21, 2007 Weird: Animal rights activists in Germany want to kill a baby bear rather than have him “brought up suffering the humiliation of being treated as a domestic pet.” Church: Trevin Wax asks some good and interesting questions about multi-site churches. Humor: Cute. And funny. Debate: Al Gore has been challenged to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/20)

    Tuesday March 20, 2007 Music: Here’s one for the American Idol fan. Politics: As the war in Iraq enters its fifth year, Joe Carter posts ten things we’ve forgotten about the war. Debate: Has anyone watched this debate between Alister McGrath and Peter Atkins? Weird: A Catholic Church in Germany is collecting money to support…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (3/19)

    Monday March 19, 2007 Interview: There is an interview with Bob Kauflin at the New Attitude blog. (HT: JT. People: An interesting article by and about Mark Driscoll. Science: A new study shows that a lack of sleep may hinder moral judgment. “It’s possible, they speculate, that sleeplessness slows the brain’s ability to integrate cognitive…