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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/30)

    Church: Trevin Wax discusses the phrase “personal relationship with Jesus” asks whether this phrase helps or hinders evangelism. Culture: Peggy Noonan says that we live in an age of great wealth but of lousy manners. And I would tend to agree. Homosexuality: Dr. Mohler’s most recent commentary is worth reading as he writes about the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/20)

    Friday July 20, 2007 Personal: I am taking some time off next week, so it’s unlikely that I’ll be doing daily updates of A La Carte. Just so you know… Money: Ben Stein wants us to know that it isn’t easy being rich (or as rich as he is, anyways). “This belief, that having a…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/19)

    Thursday July 19, 2007 Books: The NY Times has an early review of the new Harry Potter. “With each installment, the Potter series has grown increasingly dark, and this volume … is no exception.” “Ms. Rowling has fitted together the jigsaw puzzle pieces of this long undertaking with Dickensian ingenuity and ardor.” Politics: Obama says…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/18)

    Wednesday July 18, 2007 Du Jour: Carolyn McCulley is waiting for a match in what sounds like a great opportunity to serve others. Creation: The Times has an interesting article about an “Islamic Creationist and a Book Sent Round the World.” Weird: Plans are underway in Nazareth to build the world’s largest cross. The Nazareth…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/17)

    Tuesday July 17, 2007 Interview: Sinead O’Connor has a new album, “Theology,” that she says is based on the Old Testament (and that is being pitched to Christians). Christianity Today has an interview with her. “I also feel that Jesus is inside everybody. It’s almost like an energy or a thing that lives inside of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/16)

    Monday July 16, 2007 Culture: Dr. Mohler sounds an important warning about “Screen Kids” and a whole generation of children being raised by their electronic devices. Photo: I did the research and it turns out that this is a real photograph. Can you imagine? Nature: This site looks to nature to find some examples of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/13)

    Friday July 13, 2007 Books: After perusing a catalog of upcoming titles from a popular Christian publisher, Phil Ryken has a warning for your young readers. Catholicism: Al Mohler hits a home run with this article explaining why he is not offended by the recent comments from the pope. Calvinism: Over at the 9Marks blog…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/12)

    Thursday July 12, 2007 Environment: Russell Moore has posted a must-read article entitled “Blood, Gore, and Global Warming.” The last lines are brilliant. “Let’s take care of the earth, protect the natural order. But let’s remember that the world is not ultimately rescued by politicians or musicians or filmmakers or scientists. The world is saved…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/11)

    Wednesday July 11, 2007 Books: The Evangelical Christian Publishers Association has announced their award winners for 2007. John Piper’s “What Jesus Demands from the World” won in the Christian Life category. Strangely, a novel took the big prize (and, even more strangely, didn’t even win in its own category). Catholicism: The pope has apparently angered…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/10)

    Tuesday July 10, 2007 Television: Just when you thought television couldn’t get any worse. Interview: Martin Downes’ latest interview is with Tom Ascol. Birthdays: James White wished Jean Cauvin a happy 498th. Technology: This looks like a great little utility to help you find the five or ten remaining domain names that actually make some…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/9)

    Monday July 9, 2007 Humor: Alex Chediak made my day with this. ChurchMerch: ChurchMerch goes to a new, even more revolting extreme. Music: I found this video really interesting. The speaker, Evelyn Glennie, is a very talented deaf percussionist and she explains how to listen to music with your whole body. Books: CT recently had…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/6)

    Friday July 6, 2007 Supplies: You know you need want some of these–MegaSticky oversize sticky notes. Islam: A titch off-color, perhaps, but having lived in Scotland I got a real chuckle out of headlines like this one. You just don’t mess with the Scots. “A HERO cabbie who took on the Glasgow Airport terror suspects…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/5)

    Thursday July 5, 2007 Islam: An interesting article at Yahoo in which they discuss “a socio-economic trend in which wealthy [Islamic] families highly educate their sons, who sometimes become radical and have the education they need to become leaders.” Environment: The “Chicago Sun Times says “Alarmist global warming claims melt under scientific scrutiny.” Du Jour:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/4)

    Wednesday July 4, 2007 Music: Fans of Caedmon’s Call, The Normals or Andrew Osenga will want to download this free EP that was released a few days ago. Books: An interesting little article at Publishers Weekly says that female pastors are becoming fashionable in Christian fiction. Theology: Charles Schultz (creator of Peanuts) comments on the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/3)

    Tuesday July 3, 2007 Jobs: If you are a programming geek, Desiring God may just have a job for you. Interview: Trevin Wax has a fresh interview with Caedmon’s Call. Du Jour: Russell Moore has posted a good commentary dealing with creationism, the gap theory, and reconciling Scripture and the scientific data. Music: Bob Kauflin…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/2)

    Monday July 2, 2007 Books: The DG blog shares the almost unbelievable results of their recent sale. Children: An article in the Telegraph shows, to no one’s great surprise, that babies are not quite as innocent as they may appear. Conference: Brett and Alex Harris have released a video promoting the Rebelution Tour, now underway.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/29)

    Friday June 29, 2007 Interview: Martin Downes has an interview with Mark Dever. Humor: Josh Harris shares an important truth. Books: Trevin shares some good advice on reading and on reading widely. Politics: Following closely behind the environmental movement, expect to read more stories like this one, suggesting that the best and quickest solution to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/28)

    Thursday June 28, 2007 Video: American Vision has an amusing video dealing with Sam Harris and other atheists. Marriage: An article at Slate discusses the trouble with engagement rings. Sure it’s a kind of silly tradition, but I don’t think it’s a bad one! Theology: Mark Dever has begun a series asking where all these…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/27)

    Wednesday June 27, 2007 Books: As promised, all the books at the Desiring God store are a mere $5 today. Even John Piper thinks this is crazy. So go and lose yourself in a frenzy of consumerism. You won’t be sorry! Photo: Though the text accompanying it is a little over the top, this photo…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/21)

    Thursday June 21, 2007 Bible: BibleMapper is a really interesting program “that helps you quickly and easily create customized maps of the Holy Lands or study a particular period and aspect of Bible history.” It is available for free. Contest: I have announced the winners of the Discerning Reader contest over at DR. Blogs: 9Marks…