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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/16)

    Tuesday October 16, 2007 Becoming a WriterWriting for Boundless, Candice Watters has some good advice for aspiring writers. How Disney Cartoons Were MadeThis classic video shows the remarkable way in which the old Disney cartoons were made. Joel Osteen’s New BookBrent writes that Joel Osteen’s new book should not be sold in Christian bookstores.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/15)

    Monday October 15, 2007 Sermon JamsA reader sent me a link to this site–Sermon Jams. It is the sermons of men like John Piper, Mark Driscoll and Josh Harris set to music. 60 Minutes on OsteenIn case you missed it (as I did), CBS summarizes the 60 Minutes story on Joel Osteen that included an…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/12)

    Friday October 12, 2007 Ig Nobel Prize WinnersNever might the Nobel Prizes. Ray Fowler points to the far more interesting (and honestly won) Ig Nobel Prizes. Become a Famous BloggerThis cartoon shows you how to become a famous blogger. A Religion Pro-ChoicerStand to Reason blog talks about Hillary Clinton’s absolute commitment to a woman’s right…

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    A La Carte (10/11)

    Thursday October 11, 2007 Rediscovering the PsalmsBob Kauflin announced yesterday that the theme of the WorshipGod08 Conference will be “Rediscovering the Psalms.” He is looking for seminar ideas if you care to share some with him. Praying Your Way Into the PulpitColin writes about the importance of a pastor praying his way into the pulpit.…

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    A La Carte (10/10)

    Wednesday October 10, 2007 Books and LibrariesDr. Mohler says, “We moderns tend to take books and libraries for granted, assuming that, at least since the invention of writing, all human beings have always enjoyed such access to the printed page. In reality the story is much different.” Finding Reliable MenThabiti is writing a series inviting…

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    A La Carte (10/9)

    Tuesday October 9, 2007 The Mom SongThe ladies of Titus2Talk share “The Mom Song.” Yummy MommyAn article at Boundless Line discusses the “yummy mommy” trend in society: “You Can Be a Mom AND Look Like a Porn Star!” Life Lessons from a ToothbrushLydia learns a lesson from a toothbrush (no, really!). “The biggest lesson I…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/08)

    Monday October 8, 2007 Interview With…Me?The latest SaidatSouthern podcast is an interview with…me. We talked about my testimony, the gospel, blogging, and so on. Babies For SaleAn article at the Daily Mail outlines the shocking story of the Chinese baby market. How to Look at ArtFred Sanders explains how to look at art. Maybe this…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/5)

    Friday October 5, 2007 Interview with Donald WhitneyIrish Calvinist has posted an interesting interview with Donald Whitney. An Edwards SaleTo celebrate the 304th birthday of Jonathan Edwards, the Desiring God store is offering Edwards-related material at a 30% discount. BibleTech ConferenceThe BibleTech Conference looks interesting (and one I’d probably go to if it wasn’t on…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/4)

    Thursday October 4, 2007 Vintage SGM VideoCarolyn McCulley has shared some vintage Sovereign Grace video. Free is offering a classic, “The Life of David Brainerd” by Jonathan Edwards, as their free download of the month. Does God Love Whom He Does Not Save?John MacArthur answers this question over at the Pulpit blog. Pornography as…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/3)

    Wednesday October 3, 2007 The Review SagaThose who have been following the saga of my review of McLaren’s new book on Amazon (the review continues to be taken off the site) may be interested in knowing that I’ve tried posting it again (after re-writing it to ensure it fits within Amazon’s guidelines). The Problem with…

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    A La Carte (10/2)

    Tuesday October 2, 2007 The New GayAn interesting article at the Oxford University Press blog says “Christian is the new gay.” Christians in the NFLESPN covers Christians and the NFL (while focusing on Jon Kitna). Baggage HandlersPhil Johnson provides photo evidence proving why you should always travel carry-on only. Ten Among the TopLydia shares some…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/27)

    Thursday September 27, 2007 Reformation21The new edition of Reformation21 is now available. Live from MongoliaA local pastor is in Mongolia (of all places) teaching pastors there. At his blog you’ll find a fascinating journal of his travels. (HT:PM) What Piper SaidJohn Piper shares what he said at his granddaughter’s funeral yesterday. Continue to pray for…

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    A La Carte (9/26)

    Wednesday September 26, 2007 Interview with Leland RykenAlex Chediak has begun a review with Dr. Leland Ryken concerning the Literary Study Bible which he edited along with his son Phil Ryken. Interview with Iain CampbellMeanwhile, Martin Downes interviews Iain Campbell and discusses “the importance of a preacher’s relationship to Christ, and a Word centred ministry,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/25)

    Tuesday September 25, 2007 Cruel LogicBrian Godawa illustrates the importance of absolute values in an intense short film I stumbled across yesterday. Tullian’s Smaller List of BooksIn response to my post a few days ago, “A Small List of Good Books,” some have asked me to provide a smaller list of books geared more specifically…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/24)

    Monday September 24, 2007 Felicity Margaret PiperJohn Piper has requested prayer on behalf of his son, Abraham, who heads up content on the Desiring God blog, and on behalf of Abraham’s wife Molly. Felicity was due to be born this week but was stillborn on Saturday night. “This seems so preventable. By God and by…

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    A La Carte (9/21)

    Friday September 21, 2007 Blog AppraisalsTimmy Brister has a good (if subjective) word to say about appraising blogs. The Qur’anThe Pulpit blog considers the Qur’an and its source. The Soaring LoonieJust five years ago a Canadian dollar was worth only 60% of a US dollar. Today they are at par. Is Canada’s dollar climbing…or is…

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    A La Carte (9/20)

    Thursday September 20, 2007 Paul Needs a New ChurchPaul, my pastor, says he needs a new church… Dying with DebtJim Elliff says, “I’ve been troubled by the debt load that many believers are currently experiencing. Things are not getting any better overall, and many are suffering from over-extension. Here is some simple advice I hope…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/19)

    Wednesday September 19, 2007 Baptism, Church Membership, and GraduationThis blog has an interesting story told in a gracious way showing how the relationship is between baptism and church membership. (HT: Thabiti) Weird Story of the DayA married couple who didn’t realise they were chatting each other up on the internet are divorcing. Transracial Adoption and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/18)

    Tuesday September 18, 2007 Messages on Heaven and HellA few days ago I posted a review of Edward Donnelly’s book on heaven and hell. The original messages the book was based on are available here (1997 and 1995). Persecution in AzerbaijanA reader sent along this story of a Baptist pastor imprisoned in Azerbaijan for holding…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/17)

    Monday September 17, 2007 Pastors and EvangelismA recent article at does a good job of challenging pastors to take the lead in evangelism. CBMW RedesignedThe Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood recently relaunched a new version of their web site. There are tons of great resources at the site. Rule of ThumbsAn article in…