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    It Was My Sin that Held Him There

    As seems to be the case with most children, my friends and I went through a stage where we found great joy in tying people to things. In second or third grade we would take turns being the guys who would grab the skipping ropes and twist endless knots, fastening one of our friends to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/12)

    Monday November 12, 2007 Not A Good IdeaIf you need to start your Monday with a laugh, watch ESPN’s Rob Stone take on (with great bravado) the world’s hottest chili pepper. Celebrate Your Spouse in StyleA good gift to give yourself this Christmas… After A Conference…IV Press’ blog offers the “Top Ten Things to Say…

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    A La Carte (11/9)

    Friday November 9, 2007 Jim Elliff on Home ChurchesJim Elliff writes about some of the benefits of a home church model. Weather Channel’s FounderThe founder of the Weather Channel says that global warming is the biggest scam in history. “In time, a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious. As the temperature rises,…

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    A La Carte (11/8)

    Thursday November 8, 2007 Amazing Grace DVDThe Nicene Council is offering the Amazing Grace:The History & Theology of Calvinism DVD (a must-have!) along with the study guide for only $19.99, but only from now until the end of the year. Jesus the EvangelistPulpit Magazine reviews Richard Phillips’ excellent book “Jesus the Evangelist.” “This book is…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/7)

    Wednesday November 7, 2007 Vote for ZachAlex and Brett Harris want you to vote for Zach Hunter–a 15-year old abolitionist who is up for voting in a CNN Heroes Special Report. Christians and CultureTullian Tchividjian has compiled a list of 20 books to read on Christians and culture. Government Probing TelevangelistsCBS News reports that a…

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    A La Carte (11/6)

    Tuesday November 6, 2007 Color in ScienceColour Lovers shares some amazing photographs taken through the lens of a microscope. “The Micropolitan Museum exhibits an unworldly spectrum visible only through the lens of a microscope.” Explaining the Gospel to a ChildPulpit blog provides some useful wisdom on explaining the gospel to children. “Children old enough to…

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    A La Carte (11/5)

    Monday November 5, 2007 Free SwitchfootSwitchfoot fans will appreciate this new and free song entitled “Rebuild.” The band is collecting donations for Habit for Humanity to rebuild homes that were destroyed in the recent fires in California. The Longest MorningAn article in The American Spectator recounts the riveting but tragic story of four young soldiers…

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    A La Carte (11/2)

    Friday November 2, 2007 Free EdwardsThis month’s free title from Christian Audio is “Religious Affections” by Jonathan Edwards. Jacob Hantla has the details. Free Christmas SongBob Kauflin would like to give you a free song from last year’s Christmas album “Savior: Celebrating the Mystery of God Become Man.” Trill FitnessWhile on the subject of audio,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/1)

    Thursday November 1, 2007 Facilitating Evangelism in the ChurchJesse Johnson, Associate Pastor of Local Outreach Ministries at Grace Church, provides some useful advice on how to facilitate evangelism in the local church. Interview with McGrathGary Shavey has an interview with Alister McGrath about the subject of his latest book, “Christianity’s Dangerous Idea.”

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    A La Carte (10/31)

    Wednesday October 31, 2007 Expositors Conference AudioThe audio from the recent Expositors Conference is now available. The sermons feature John MacArthur and Steve Lawson. Pastors will be especially interested. Be sure to check out “The Ten How To’s of Expository Preaching.” A Truly Tiny CarThis oh-so-British clip shows the world’s tiniest car. It’s a truly…

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    A La Carte (10/30)

    Tuesday October 30, 2007 Joel Osteen & Mac & CheeseProdigal Jon has a good article about Joel Osteen. After reading that, I read through more of Jon’s site and really enjoyed it. So take a look and be sure to read “This is what $3 gets you.” Reformation Day SymposiumHere’s a final reminder about tomorrow’s…

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    A La Carte (10/29)

    Monday October 29, 2007 refocus BlogThe reFocus Conference now has a blog. “The purpose of reFocus is to unite Canadian pastors around a resurgent historical evangelicalism and equip them to preach the full counsel of God in an age of relativism.” Quite Possibly the Best Line EverShannon posts what she is convinced may just be…

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    A La Carte (10/26)

    Friday October 26, 2007 Adrian Writes About My BookAdrian Warnock has read my book and offers a few encouraging thoughts and his endorsement of it. Max McLean as ScrewtapeAnyone in the New York area will want to check out Max McLean’s production of The Screwtape Letters. Reinke on ReviewingTony Reinke offers some good advice on…

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    A La Carte (10/26)

    Thursday October 26, 2007 The Most Watched User Generated VideoThe most watched user generated video on the internet is, surprisingly enough, not one from YouTube. In fact, it’s a little girl reciting Scripture. Twelve Literary Features of the BibleAdrian writes about twelve literary features you’ll find in the Bible. Springsteen on Meaning and PurposeBob Kauflin…

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    A La Carte (10/24)

    Wednesday October 24, 2007 Do You Heart Huckabee?My friend Jesse does, and he’s started a site to keep up with everything Huckabee. California Fire PrayerLydia shares an urgent prayer request from Elyse Fitzpatrick. “She and her family are smack in the middle of the Santa Ana fire zone. Lives and homes are at stake.” More…

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    A La Carte (10/23)

    Tuesday October 23, 2007 Biblical Dating: From “Hi” to “I Do” in a YearScott Croft at Boundless defends his view that couples should date and marry within a year. Interview with the SczebelsThe New Attitude blog has an interview with songwriter and pastor Pat Sczebel and his two sons who have collaborated on a new…

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    A La Carte (10/22)

    Monday October 22, 2007 The Better HourFrom Alex Chediak comes news of an interesting (and potentially lucrative) contest for high schoolers. Willow Creek Repents–Kind ofPhil Johnson has some interesting things to say on the unfolding Willow Creek “repentance.” When She NodsDr. Mohler points to an article that shares some helpful advice about communication with the…

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    A La Carte (10/19)

    Friday October 19, 2007 Fish in a TreeAn article in the Daily Mail discusses one of God’s more remarkable creations–the mangrove killifish. Paul Wants to Hug YouAnd if you come to Grace this Sunday, he will! Grudem Votes for Romney“As an evangelical professor of Bible and theology, I have decided to support Mitt Romney for…

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    A La Carte (10/18)

    Thursday October 18, 2007 As Good As It GetsPhil Johnson shares a great anecdote from the life of Johnnie MacArthur (grandson of John MacArthur). Reformation Polka…since Reformation Day is coming. Secrets of ContentmentJohn MacArthur is writing about the secrets of contentment in a series over at Pulpit blog.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/17)

    Wednesday October 17, 2007 Of First ImportanceOf First Importance is a blog that each day provides one quote “to help you live in the good of the gospel.” Cell SinReflecting on a vacation this summer, Mark Driscoll joins the growing number of bloggers writing about the importance of fasting from technology. Delivered by Grace“If our…