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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/10)

    Monday December 10, 2007 December GiveawayToday is your last chance to sign up to win the Modern Parables DVD set. The Arrogance of ErrorPhil Johnson lets Spurgeon answer “Is it more “arrogant” to defend orthodoxy, or to tear it down?” Designer CatsWhat a world we live in when people can order a $28,000 hypoallergenic cat…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/7)

    Friday December 7, 2007 How Can I Pray For You?Don Whitney discusses how important a question this can be. CalledUnashamed Workman has a list of four things prospective preachers may need in order to begin preaching. What’s Your Theology?Sam Storms answers this question, bringing near-complete transparency to what he believes about a wide variety of…

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    A La Carte (12/6)

    Thursday December 6, 2007 The Five Points of CriticismMark Dever says, “Because of some of my own mistakes, and reflections on them, I offer the following suggestions on how to give godly criticism.” Heating up in BaliTed at the Boundless Blog shakes his head at the 100,000 tons of CO2 and pollutants that will be…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/5)

    Wednesday December 5, 2007 Prince Caspian TrailerJust as we begin reading through the book as a family, the theatrical trailer for Prince Caspian has been released. Rejoice! The Brotherhood of SonsRussell Moore writes about “What Some Rude Questions About Adoption Taught Me About the Gospel of Christ.” It’s a great read! PaperspinePaperspine is a new…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/4)

    Tuesday December 4, 2007 Mohler on the Golden CompassDr. Mohler does a stellar job of summarizing “The Golden Compass” and letting us know what the controversy is all about. “This is not just any fantasy trilogy or film project. Philip Pullman has an agenda — an agenda about as subtle as an army tank. His…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/3)

    Monday December 3, 2007 8 Ways to Get More Out of Your BibleMark Altrogge offers eight great tips for getting more out of the time you spend reading your Bible. Revising the RevisionistsDr. Mohler has some commentary on a new article show that the Gospel of Judas was deliberately mis-translated in order to stir controversy.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/30)

    Friday November 30, 2007 Taylor’s Death a Grim ReminderSports writer Jason Whitlock has an interesting (and perhaps courageous) article reflecting on the death of NFL player Sean Taylor. Does a Computer Belong in a Crib?Dr. Mohler says “There is something downright creepy about the thought of a toddler or preschooler who feels more at home…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/29)

    Thursday November 29, 2007 Undercover RestorersThe Guardian has a great story about undercover restorers who secretly restore national artifacts. Recent grads 3 times more likely to be CalvinistsThat is a headline at Baptist Press. Bob’s Book is DoneCongratulations to Bob Kauflin who, at long last, has finished writing and editing his book. It’s available now…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/28)

    Wednesday November 28, 2007 Books vs. DocumentsAn interesting article at Ars Technica explains why documents on e-readers cannot give the same experience as old-fashioned dead tree books. Speed BumpWe need one of these in our neighbhorhood. You probably do too. Harris on Dating and CourtshipJosh Harris offers some clarification on his views about dating and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/27)

    Tuesday November 27, 2007 SBC Building Bridges ConferenceThe SBC is currently having the Building Bridges conference. Plenty of bloggers are providing updates. If you’re interested, you may want to check in with Timmy Brister’s site as he is a good source for SBC news. Anti-Religious Bigotry on DisplayJustin Taylor writes about anti-religious bigotry that is…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/26)

    Monday November 26, 2007 Last Chance to Buy and WinToday marks the last day you can buy my book and qualify to win a $100 gift certificate. Click for more information. The Decline of African American TheologyThabiti Anyabwile’s new book is now available from the publisher. It shouldn’t be long before it hits Amazon and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/23)

    Friday November 23, 2007 Interview with Paul MartinUnashamed Workman continues his interview series, this time interviewing my favorite preacher, Paul Martin. Inside the Mind of a KillerAt Creation Ministries is an interesting article about the recent Finnish high school shooting and the worldview of the killer. BBC To Film ShakespeareBBC aims to upstage its own…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/22)

    Thursday November 22, 2007 Contentment and ThanksgivingJohn MacArthur offers some wisdom on the need to be content. “If you belong to Christ, like the apostle Paul you can and should learn the secret of a contented life.” John Foreman’s “Fall” EPSwitchfoot fans will want to go and download the first of Jon Foreman’s 4 EPs.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/21)

    Wednesday November 21, 2007 10 Free Audio BooksAs a Thanksgiving special, Christian Audio is offering ten free audio books. Several of them are definitely worth downloading. Marriage TestimonyLisa (of 4Ever4Given fame) and her husband Jon have posted a video of their testimony to God’s faithfulness in their once-troubled marriage. God has been good to them!…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/20)

    Tuesday November 20, 2007 Phillip Pullman’s “The Golden Compass”Several people have expressed concern to me about the upcoming film “The Golden Compass.” A couple of years ago IV Press published a book that may be of interest: “Dark Matter: Shedding Light on Philip Pullman’s Trilogy, His Dark Materials.” Reformed Baptist Academic PressReformed Baptist Academic Press…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/19)

    Monday November 19, 2007 An Anthill on Which to DieRussell Moore doesn’t blog often, but when he does you really need to make sure you read it. His latest effort, dealing with ants, is no exception. Rick Altizer – Pop SymphoniesRick Altizer’s latest Scripture memory album features “strings, horns, pianos, walls of guitars, stacks of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/16)

    Friday November 16, 2007 Semester Missionaries Needed“Lakeshore Baptist Church needs energetic college or seminary students willing to spend their Spring or Summer (2008) semester working in the relief, recovery, and rebuilding efforts on the gulf coast.” What Defines the Reformed Faith?In response to a new movement of Reformed Catholic churches, R. Scott Clark affirms what…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/15)

    Thursday November 15, 2007 The Great November GiveawayThis is the last day you can enter the November giveaway right here at this site… Buzzard on BellJustin Buzzard went out to see Rob Bell on his “The Gods Aren’t Angry” tour and brings an interesting report. Reformed Conference DirectoryI have done a long-overdue update to the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/14)

    Wednesday November 14, 2007 Sellings Books in the ChurchGuest blogging at Gazing at Glory, J. A. Ingold, a deacon at Capitol Hill Baptist Church, recently provided a series about selling books in the church. There is good information here for any church! When Nougat is More Meaningful Than GodProdigal Jon writes about advertising and meaning.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/13)

    Wednesday November 13, 2007 Re:GreekRe:Greek is a free online Greek tool for those that don’t have the software for your own personal Greek study. Formerly known as Zhubert, it is now affiliated with Resurgence (think Mars Hill and Mark Driscoll). Readability TestAccording to this readability test, my blog rates at a junior high level. Just…