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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/14)

    Thursday February 14, 2008 D.A. Carson on Rob BellSince Rob Bell is being discussed in the blogosphere…here’s an audio clip from D.A. Carson at last weekend’s conference in Nashville. He has some very insightful things to say about Bell. The Reason for God by Tim KellerThe Reason for God is now widely available. Click above…

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    A La Carte (2/13)

    Wednesday February 13, 2008 Greg Gilbert on NOOMAGreg Gilbert reviews Rob Bell’s NOOMA videos for 9Marks Ministries. Saudi Arabia Bans RedJust when you thought the world couldn’t get any more weird. Does the Bible Mandate Home SchoolingFrom the Pulpit Blog: “One of the primary passages used to defend this position (that home schooling is the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/12)

    Tuesday February 12, 2008 Lincoln and Divine ProvidenceJohn Piper points to an excellent article in WORLD magazine describing Abraham Lincoln’s path to embracing divine providence. Music Awash in Booze and Drugs“Their report on Monday showed a third of the songs had explicit references to substance abuse. And two-thirds of these references placed drugs, alcohol and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/11)

    Monday February 11, 2008 Discerning the Call to MinistryDr. Mohler offers some useful advice to discerning whether a person has been called to the ministry. Fetal Twins Save Mom’s LifeThis is almost too amazing to be true. “Twins save mom’s life by kicking tumor loose from cervix.” Fetal PainMatthias Media points to an interesting but…

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    A La Carte (2/7)

    Thursday February 7, 2008 Updates on Union UniversityTimmy Brister has a rundown on all of the post-tornado happenings at Union University. Church Calendars, EtcSean Michael Lucas has an interesting article dealing with “Church Calendars, Scriptural Authority, and Liberty of Conscience.” Presbyterians will probably like it a bit more than Baptists…

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    A La Carte (2/6)

    Wednesday February 6, 2008 Cherishing Your MarriageThis is the beginning of what looks like a promising series over at the CBMW blog. Beyond the Gates of SplendorAmazon has the DVD of “Beyond the Gates of Splendor” on sale at the moment. Highlights from T4G ’06In the coming weeks, over at the Together for the Gospel…

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    A La Carte (2/5)

    Tuesday February 5, 2008 A Free Song from PassionAt Jesusfreakhideout you can (legally) download a free track from the latest Passion CD (which releases today). Ted Dekker Books on SaleFor the entire month of February Ted Dekker’s official site is offering most of his books at 60% off. The Altar of Cynicism“The Altar of Cynicism”…

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    A La Carte (2/4)

    Monday February 4, 2008 Go Wayne Grudem!Words fail me. Holiness by GracePulpit Magazine has a review of Bryan Chapell’s perpetual favorite *Holiness by Grace*. Frozen Grand Central StationThis is another great “improv everywhere” moment.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/1)

    Friday February 1, 2008 The Better HourIn February PBS will air “The Better Hour: The Legacy of William Wilberforce.” It is a documentary dealing with the life and legacy of Wilberforce. Keep an eye out for it! Remember Chris Sligh?Chris Sligh, a one-time top-ten finisher in American Idol, is about to release a new single…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/31)

    Thursday January 31, 2008 What Year Is It Again?“Toronto District School Board trustees approved creating the province’s first publicly funded Africentric school.” That’s right–segregated schooling. Grace QuotesHere’s a site with a great collection of Christian quotes. Free from Max McLeanMax McLean has released a free MP3 recording called “Perfect Love.” It has biblical reflections on…

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    A La Carte (1/30)

    Wednesday January 30, 2008 Ligonier Streaming T4G ’06Ligonier Ministries are streaming the T4G’06 messages and panels on the Ligonier site. C.J. Mahaney BlogC.J. Mahaney now has a blog of his own. True Male FriendshipThe CBMW blog is featuring a series on true male friendship, encouraging men to pursue true biblical friendship. Global Church Advancement ConferenceAlex…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/29)

    Tuesday January 29, 2008 Chinese Reformed BookstoreThe people behind Monergism Books have just opened a new store, this one selling Reformed resources in Chinese. ScientologyIf you’ve been hearing about all the furor regarding Scientology the past couple of weeks, you may find this a good article to get oriented with this cult/religion. A380 CockpitThis has…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/28)

    Monday January 28, 2008 Is Homemaking the Only Priority?Carolyn McCulley begins what promises to be an interesting series answering this question. Old and AloneDr. Mohler discusses a new article “looking at what happens when divorced parents age — a significant demographic trend in a world of aging baby boomers.” Tips for ParentingThis site has a…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/25)

    Friday January 25, 2008 Sovereign Grace SaleFor the month of February Sovereign Grace will be selling all CDs for six dollars. With free shipping. Pursuit of Godliness books will be $5. Free shipping is a US-only deal. Canadians and others lodge your protest here! Monergism Books SaleMonergism Books is also offering free shipping until tomorrow.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/24)

    Thursday January 24, 2008 Calling for TruthI’ll be one of two guests today on Calling for Truth with Kevin Boling in case you’re interested in tuning in (through the radio or online). The guest on just before me will be Barack Obama (who will, no doubt, prove an interesting interview!). D.A. Carson in TorontoD.A. Carson…

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    A La Carte (1/23)

    Wednesday January 23, 2008 Pray for the Third Wave“The end of abortion as a business is in sight when the prolife movement is not only joined by, but led by, the African-American and Latino Christian Community. I call it the Third Wave.” 46 MillionHere is a page that seeks to show what 46 million looks…

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    A La Carte (1/22)

    Tuesday January 22, 2008 Roe v Wade 35 Years LaterJustin Taylor interviews Robert P. George, the author of “Embryo: A Defense of Human Life.” I Was Adopted, Not AbortedCarolyn McCulley writes that “in the 35 years since Roe v. Wade, a generation has come to maturity who can speak to the loss from the other…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/21)

    Monday January 21, 2008 Dr. Mohler Reviews My BookDr. Mohler has posted a quick review of my book. Church DisciplineThe Wall Street Journal recently ran an article critical of the practice of church discipline. Hershael York RepliesPastor Hershael York, who was interviewed for the WSJ article, calls it a hatchet job. “The article is tantamount…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/18)

    Friday January 18, 2008 10 Reasons the USA Could Beat Up CanadaStephen Altrogge provides ten reasons that the U.S. could beat up Canada. Top 10 Reasons Stephen is WrongPaul responds to Stephen. Tom Brady on EmptinessZach has a link to an interesting 60 Minutes interview with Tom Brady where he admits, even after three Superbowls,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/17)

    Thursday January 17, 2008 10 Things Not to SayHere are ten things not to say in the final weeks of pregnancy (HT: Amy). John Adams: The FilmThis HBO mini-series looks excellent. It’s a film adaptation of McCullough’s biography of John Adams. It’s coming this March (and will hopefully make it to DVD not too long…