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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/11)

    A Sex Change for Mr. Clean?Hilarity from the European Parliament which “evidently has too much time on its hands. Last week, this glorious and august legislative body voted to warn advertisers and marketers against ‘sexual stereotyping.’ Seriously.” Love Your LifeVictoria Osteen’s first book will release next month. “As a minister, she reaches out to an…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/10)

    Voddie Baucham on CNNVoddie Baucham and Margaret Feinberg were recently on CNN discussing whether the Bible supports a woman in the office of Vice President. The talk became rather impassioned by the end… Ten Things You Didn’t Know About the EarthFrom “Discover.” The more you read things like this, the more implausible it becomes that…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/9)

    Tuesday September 9, 2008 Bachelor Dads“Like the women two decades ago who decided to become mothers on their own — sparking a redefinition of family, not to mention a culture war — single men, gay and straight, hear the ticking biological clock. And they are moving beyond looking for Ms. or Mr. Right. Now, with…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/8)

    Pearcey at the National ExaminerRick Pearcey now has a column at the National Examiner. “With an insider’s eye and outsider’s edge, Rick Pearcey spots the headlines and subtexts that matter.” The Words They UsedThe Times provides a visualization of the words that were used in the Democrat and Republican conventions. Is Church for Evangelism?From Tony…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/5)

    Isn’t Preaching OutdatedIrish Calvinist has a fantastic article in which he wonders what would have happened if, instead of preaching, Sarah Palin had chosen to sit on a couch or on a stool (maybe with ripped jeans and sandals) to deliver her speech. After all, isn’t preaching outdated? Uncovering The ShackMark points to an excellent…

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    A La Carte (9/4)

    Christians and GovernmentPulpit blog takes on “Christians and Government” and does so at a good time. Tabletalk OnlineLigonier Ministries is offering their issue on the New Atheism in full online through a nifty online reader. Cooling is Caused by Warming“Forget global warming – the latest problem is global cooling. Conservation group WWF has blamed climate…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/3)

    When Southern Had to ChooseAn article at SaidatSouthern discusses the years when Southern had to choose between the gospel and feminism. Chosen PeopleMark Noll reviews a book whose author writes about “The Bible and Canadian Meaning, 1860-1900.” “The Dominion of Canada, which was established in 1867, took its name from Psalm 72:8: This ascription came…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/2)

    The Day They Tried to Recruit MeFrom Carl Trueman: “I arrived on Faculty at Westminster in the summer of 2001. I had only been on campus for a couple of months before a group of students approached me one lunchtime and tried to recruit me to a most sinister and dangerous cult. … The offer…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (9/1)

    Pray for IndiaPhil Johnson details some of the violence against Christians in India. We Interrupt This BlogEd Stetzer provides a list of some of the people he knows who Twitter and who are in the path of Gustav. Going After Palin’s DaughterTownhall mentions some of the disgusting, spineless attacks on Palin and her daughter that…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/29)

    Friday August 29, 2008 Defend the OrphanWSJ has an article about the evangelical emphasis on adoption. “One thing that distinguished early Christians from their pagan neighbors was their treatment of unwanted children. And adoption is also the literal manifestation of a metaphor that Christians use to describe themselves all the time.” The PCA and DeaconessesRon…

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    A La Carte (8/28)

    Thursday August 28, 2008 The Grace to Help OthersCarolyn McCulley shares the interesting testimony of Elaini Garfield. “A few weeks ago, I met a remarkable young woman who lives with multiple health challenges, and yet with a glowing smile told me all about how God had used her to encourage two other ill girls her…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/27)

    Wednesday August 27, 2008 From the DNCFor a unique spin on the DNC, be sure to read Dave Barry’s columns. The first one is at the link above and the others can be accessed from the left column of the Miami Herald’s site. Go Outside and PlayThis columnist laments the end of “Go outside and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/26)

    Tuesday August 26, 2008 Amazon Prime Free Trial Sign up for a free Amazon Prime trial and you’ll get 30 days of two-day shipping (or $3.00 next-day shipping). After that you can cancel or pay a yearly fee to continue. It’s a program I’d join in a heartbeat if it was offered in Canada! New…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/25)

    Monday August 25, 2008 Warren on PoliticsWSJ has an article on “What Saddleback’s Pastor Really Thinks About Politics.” America Refuses to Accept DefeatThis article from the Times says that China was the clear winner of these Olympic games and I’m inclined to agree. CCW BlogChristian Communicators Worldwide (think Jim Elliff) now has a blog that…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/22)

    Friday August 22, 2008 MacArthur on Christians as DouloiShepherd’s Fellowship is offering a free Mp3 download of MacArthur’s 2008 conference talk on the New Testament’s use of the word doulos, or slave, to refer to Christians. Barak Obama: the MessiahThis fascinating site collects praise for Obama. An example from Halle Berry: “I’ll do whatever he…

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    A La Carte (8/21)

    Thursday August 21, 2008 Brian McLaren Endorses ObamaIn this commercial religious leaders Brian McLaren, Pastors Kirbyjon and Suzette Caldwell and Catholic theologian Lisa Cahill discuss Senator’s Obama’s faith and commitment to families. Meanwhile…Meanwhile, this video exposes the dark side of a piece of legislation Obama endorsed. It’s worth watching with the caveats Denny provides. You…

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    A La Carte (8/20)

    Wednesday August 20, 2008 7 Reasons to Say ‘God Willing’Julian offers seven good reasons Christians should be intentional and deliberate to refer to future plans with the caveat, ‘God willing’ (or ‘if the Lord wills,’ or something variant). An ObituaryThis obituary was apparently printed in the Times Herald. What a horrifying way to be remembered!…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/19)

    Tuesday August 19, 2008 Backtrack to SaddlebackDr. Mohler: “With the press pushing the event as a “new face” for American evangelicals, I was not overly hopeful. Given the hype, I was positively unhopeful. But … the event turned to be quite worthwhile after all.” Evangelical GullibilityEd Stetzer comments on the Lakeland Revival and Todd Bentley.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/18)

    Monday August 18, 2008 Apres LewisDavid Skeel, in an editorial at WSJ, wonders why, even after 55 years, there is still no successor to C.S. Lewis’ Mere Christianity. On Discarded ThingsAn interesting little article from a med student whose blog I read. “After my first patient died, I remember getting this sick feeling in the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/15)

    Friday August 15, 2008 A Tale of Two Little GirlsKirk Wellum reminds us that our society is hardly immune to the kind of thoughts that replaced a less attractive little Chinese girl with a more attractive one. 16 Days of AtrocityFrom The Point: “To keep the excitement over Phelps and company on the U.S. Olympic…