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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/29)

    Friday February 29, 2008 T4G4FreeThey’re giving away some free passes for Together for the Gospel. Visit the site to find out how you can win. New @ Matthias MediaMatthias Media is constantly adding great new content to their archives. Click the link to see some new articles you’ll want to look at. Gerry Can Finally…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/28)

    Thursday February 28, 2008 Theology BleedsTheology bleeds as an interesting emphasis at SBTS. “In the end, demonic powers don’t tremble before denominational programs or bureaucratic public relations campaigns. What they fear is something more ancient, more mysterious, and more personal.” Last Leg OutHere’s a great entry by a Inland Mission pilot. “Of all the challenges…

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    A La Carte (2/27)

    Wednesday February 27, 2008 Prince Caspain PhotosNarniaWeb has published a few high-res photos from the forthcoming movie of “Prince Caspian” (set to release in just a couple of months. My Interview with Os GuinnessYesterday, over at Discerning Reader, I posted an interview I did with Os Guinness (to accompany my review of his latest book,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/26)

    Tuesday February 26, 2008 Five Rules for Choosing a CommentaryChad at “The Road To Emmaus” has a helpful little article on how to choose commentaries. America’s Changing Religious LandscapeDr. Mohler summarizes a long report by “The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life” on the changing religious landscape within America. Things that Offend MuslimsThis is…

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    A La Carte (2/25)

    Monday February 25, 2008 Os Guinness on the SchaeffersOs Guinness, in an excellent article at Christianity Today, laments Frank Schaeffer’s memoir which is a direct attack on his parents and their faith. Larry Norman Passes AwayRay Fowler, in this post and a couple of others, pays tribute to Larry Norman who passed away yesterday. Text…

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    A La Carte (2/22)

    Friday February 22, 2008 Tract Sunday – March 9, 2008Good News Publishers (think Crossway) is trying to get a million tracts given out on March 9 of this year. Click for more information. Green BiblesThomas Nelson Inc’s Bible group is in the beginning stages of discontinuing the use of synthetic covers on their Bible products.…

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    A La Carte (2/21)

    Thursday February 21, 2008 Fiddling While Rome BurnsDavid Wells (the theologian, not the pitcher) guest blogs at 9Marks. He writes about the many alternatives to church that are appearing around us. The Bondage of GuidanceMark Dever has a wise and pastoral article about the potential bondage of extra-biblical guidance. 20 Facts about the Human GenomeHere…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/20)

    Wednesday February 20, 2008 Wisp of WhimsyHere is further proof that everyone in my family is artistic except for me. This is my cousin’s little online store where she sells some really neat works of art. I, meanwhile, have no artistic talent whatsoever. Eternal Subordination of the SonCBMW’s blog is discussing the Eternal Subordination of…

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    A La Carte (2/19)

    Tuesday February 19, 2008 Mystery of an Ancient Computer“A 2,000-year-old mechanical computer salvaged from a Roman shipwreck has astounded scientists who have finally unravelled the secrets of how the sophisticated device works.” (HT:JS) NCCT AudioReformationUnderway has the audio from the recent conference in Nashville. Talks were given by D.A. Carson, Steve Lawson, and yours truly.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/18)

    Monday February 18, 2008 Band of Bloggers RegistrationRegistration for the 2008 Band of Bloggers fellowship (to be held immediately prior to Together for the Gospel) is now open. If you’re a blogger and are traveling to T4G, you’ll want to be there! Ampersand EPDerek Webb and Sandra McCracken have finally recorded an EP together and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/15)

    Friday February 15, 2008 The Reason for GodThere is now a web site specifically for Tim Keller’s “The Reason for God.” Pray for Al Mohler“R. Albert Mohler Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, will require additional surgery after a scheduled colonoscopy on February 11 revealed a tumor in his colon. An initial biopsy…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/14)

    Thursday February 14, 2008 D.A. Carson on Rob BellSince Rob Bell is being discussed in the blogosphere…here’s an audio clip from D.A. Carson at last weekend’s conference in Nashville. He has some very insightful things to say about Bell. The Reason for God by Tim KellerThe Reason for God is now widely available. Click above…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/13)

    Wednesday February 13, 2008 Greg Gilbert on NOOMAGreg Gilbert reviews Rob Bell’s NOOMA videos for 9Marks Ministries. Saudi Arabia Bans RedJust when you thought the world couldn’t get any more weird. Does the Bible Mandate Home SchoolingFrom the Pulpit Blog: “One of the primary passages used to defend this position (that home schooling is the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/12)

    Tuesday February 12, 2008 Lincoln and Divine ProvidenceJohn Piper points to an excellent article in WORLD magazine describing Abraham Lincoln’s path to embracing divine providence. Music Awash in Booze and Drugs“Their report on Monday showed a third of the songs had explicit references to substance abuse. And two-thirds of these references placed drugs, alcohol and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/11)

    Monday February 11, 2008 Discerning the Call to MinistryDr. Mohler offers some useful advice to discerning whether a person has been called to the ministry. Fetal Twins Save Mom’s LifeThis is almost too amazing to be true. “Twins save mom’s life by kicking tumor loose from cervix.” Fetal PainMatthias Media points to an interesting but…

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    A La Carte (2/7)

    Thursday February 7, 2008 Updates on Union UniversityTimmy Brister has a rundown on all of the post-tornado happenings at Union University. Church Calendars, EtcSean Michael Lucas has an interesting article dealing with “Church Calendars, Scriptural Authority, and Liberty of Conscience.” Presbyterians will probably like it a bit more than Baptists…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/6)

    Wednesday February 6, 2008 Cherishing Your MarriageThis is the beginning of what looks like a promising series over at the CBMW blog. Beyond the Gates of SplendorAmazon has the DVD of “Beyond the Gates of Splendor” on sale at the moment. Highlights from T4G ’06In the coming weeks, over at the Together for the Gospel…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/5)

    Tuesday February 5, 2008 A Free Song from PassionAt Jesusfreakhideout you can (legally) download a free track from the latest Passion CD (which releases today). Ted Dekker Books on SaleFor the entire month of February Ted Dekker’s official site is offering most of his books at 60% off. The Altar of Cynicism“The Altar of Cynicism”…

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    A La Carte (2/4)

    Monday February 4, 2008 Go Wayne Grudem!Words fail me. Holiness by GracePulpit Magazine has a review of Bryan Chapell’s perpetual favorite *Holiness by Grace*. Frozen Grand Central StationThis is another great “improv everywhere” moment.

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/1)

    Friday February 1, 2008 The Better HourIn February PBS will air “The Better Hour: The Legacy of William Wilberforce.” It is a documentary dealing with the life and legacy of Wilberforce. Keep an eye out for it! Remember Chris Sligh?Chris Sligh, a one-time top-ten finisher in American Idol, is about to release a new single…