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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (1/12)

    Don’t Pamper Your DoubtsPhil Johnson offers a good weekly dose of Spurgeon. “Beloved friends, let us never look upon our own unbelief as an excusable infirmity, but let us always regard it as a sin, and as a great sin, too. Whatever excuse you may at any time make for others,–and I pray you to…

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    A La Carte (12/9)

    ESV Blank Bible for SaleYou know you want one. Speaking of the ESV…Speaking of the ESV, here is the new President of Ghana, John Atta Mills, being sworn into office with an ESV. Adult Women Play House“Many people like to stop and play with newborn babies, but now some adult women are playing house with…

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    A La Carte (1/8)

    An Eschatology WebConferenceThe Midwest Center for Theological Studies will be conducting a webconference with Drs. Waldron, Riddlebarger, Gaffin & Poythress to discuss biblical eschatology. The webconference is scheduled for 10:00AM to 12:00PM (CT) this Saturday, Jan. 10, 2009. Meet Thomas ChalmersThis blogger is giving away 5 copies of John Mackay’s Thomas Chalmers: A Short Appreciation…

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    A La Carte (1/7)

    On Our WatchRay Ortlund has six valuable suggestions on how to combat the shocking biblical illiteracy that exists in the church today. God’s ProblemThis is a thoroughly enjoyable review of Bart Ehrman’s book God’s Problem written by William Willimon. Updates @ DRYesterday we added quite a few new reviews to Discerning Reader (as we do…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/6)

    Why Are there Never Enough Parking Spaces at the Prostate Clinic?Carl Trueman offers more than a great (and original) title in this article about the Christian obsession with culture. “Plenty of talk about Christian approaches to art, music, literature, sex, even international politics. All very interesting subjects, I’m sure, and the topics of many a…

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    A La Carte (1/5)

    Orphan 32: A Story of ProvidenceThe Ottawa Citizen has the amazing story of “Nguyen Ngoc Minh Thanh was one of 57 children airlifted to Canada from Saigon in 1975. Embraced by a loving family, he wanted for nothing. Well, almost nothing: The story of his life — hardly a fairy tale — was missing its…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/31)

    Deals removed because pricing no longer in effect. Give your Pastor the WORLDWORLD magazine is offering a special to pastors. “To help your work in ministry, thoughtful donors have made it possible for us to offer you 6 full months of WORLD Magazine absolutely free.” Richard Dawkins and Harry Potter“Harry Potter has become the latest…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/30)

    Deal of the Day: Reformation HeroesHere’s a new feature for A La Carte–the deal of the day. I’ll be working with a variety of retailers to try to work out some special deals for the readers of this site. Today Reformation Heritage Books is offering the excellent illustrated children’s book Reformation Heroes for a mere…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/29)

    Living on LessCanada’s McLeans magazine looks at frugality for a new generation. “But even beyond a deep economic recession, there are signs that meaningful social change is brewing. As environmental fears push us from Hummers to hybrids, and a younger, tech-savvy generation rebels against the “Bigger is Better” boomer mantra, a long-overdue cultural shift could…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/28)

    William P. Young RespondsIn an interview with the Christian Post, the author of The Shack responds to critics of his book. “‘These men do not know me at all,’ he said of critics such as Mohler, Challies, and Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church in Seattle who Young said had not even read the…

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    A La Carte (10/27)

    Free SpurgeonThis month’s free download for ChristianAudio is All of Grace by C.H. Spurgeon. It is yours for the taking. Visualizing Uncle Sam’s tries to make sense of it. “Below are the top seven foreign lenders, visualized as credit cards, while the image at the top shows the total of foreign lending. All numbers…

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    A La Carte (10/24)

    New Piper BookYou probably don’t know that Piper has a new book called This Momentary Marriage. I don’t quite know what’s going on, but it seems that it’s available now on the Desiring God site (to buy or to download in full for free) and that another edition will be published by Crossway in the…

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    A La Carte (10/23)

    Climate RevoltI found this story very interesting. “To prevent a financial crisis from turning into an economic calamity, the European Union has pulled the emergency brake on green policies.” So just how important are green policies if they are the first thing to go in times of crisis? Why Women Are Weaker Than MenGerald Hiestand:…

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    A La Carte (10/22)

    Advent Songs For Free(ish)Sojourn’s Advent Songs album is now available on NoiseTrade. You can pay what you want or get it for free by telling five friends about it. There are a some great tracks on the album! What’s the Best Way to Go Bald?I post this link for the benefit of some of my…

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    A La Carte (10/21)

    Expelled on DVDToday Ben Stein’s Expelled releases on DVD. Jurassic Trailer ParkJurassic Trailer Park is the strange name of a good article (and/or photo essay) by Michael Yon. He writes about just one little experience in Afghanistan. ServiceWhile on the subject of photo essays, here is a great one from the New Yorker. Pastors Conference…

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    A La Carte (10/20)

    A Father’s Funeral AddressYou’ve read a few times here about Terry Stauffer, whose daughter was murdered a few weeks ago. He just posted the address he delivered at Emily’s funeral. “When Emily’s death was confirmed on Saturday night, I was shocked and bewildered. All I could pray was, ‘O Lord, Help! Help! Help!’ As I…

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    A La Carte (10/17)

    Deep Truths of the Bible for ChildrenThe Ligonier blog looks at several books for children written by R.C. Sproul and Susan Hunt. Socialists EverywhereThis article looks at Obama’s proposed tax cuts. “Presently, the bottom 40% of income earners pay zero income taxes. The top 20% pay 80% of all the federal income taxes. Therefore, it…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/16)

    A Different Homecoming Queen“Kristin Pass, an 18-year-old senior with Down syndrome, became Aledo High School’s homecoming queen Friday to a joyous standing ovation and the flutter of a thousand tissues on a remarkable night for an amazing young woman.” (HT:Z) Helping Students Evalute Media“The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding has put together some excellent tool for…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/15)

    My Soul Finds RestBob Kauflin pointed to this song by Aaron Keyes & Stuart Townend. It’s a good one! Obama’s Abortion ExtremismThe blogosphere is abuzz with this article by Robert George. “Sen. Barack Obama’s views on life issues ranging from abortion to embryonic stem cell research mark him as not merely a pro-choice politician, but…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (10/14)

    Hazen on Religulous“Well, if it’s not very funny, then what does it have to offer? Nothing, really, except a chance for Maher and Charles to make a fast buck (glad I got my ticket for free). Maher is pitching this film as mavericky–telling the truth about religion that everyone else is afraid to address. But…