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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/29)

    The Wonder of Apple’s TabletYou can tell that I’m excited by this product. MG Siegler has an article explaining why the tablet is such an intriguing product and why you shouldn’t immediately write it off. Top Theology Stories of 2009Collin Hansen offers up his top ten theology-related stories of 2009. Where Have All the Evangelicals…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/28)

    Climategate and WikipediaGene Veith offers good reason to use Wikipedia only with some hesitation: “This also raises questions about the nature of Wikipedia. Yes, it assembles a vast amount of information and makes it easily accessible. But since virtually anyone can change that information, unreliability is built in. (Let all students beware.) I understand the…

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    A La Carte (12/22)

    Reforming Christian WeddingsI was very interested in this article from Conrad Mbewe. It is a call for the reforming of Christian weddings within an African context and shows some of the issues they are battling on that continent. J.C. Ryle QuotesErik Kowalker of J.C. Ryle Quotes: “Beginning Monday December 21st through Christmas Eve, I will…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/21)

    Measuring Oral Roberts’ InfluenceJohn MacArthur on the death of Oral Roberts: “One thing all the obituaries agree on is that Oral Roberts paved the way for all the charismatic televangelists and faith-healers who dominate religious television today. He did more than anyone in the early Pentecostal movement to influence mainstream evangelicalism. He parlayed his television…

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    A La Carte (12/18)

    Multi-Site ChurchesUSA Today has an article about multi-site churches. “This form of high-efficiency evangelism allows thousands of worshipers to hear the same message from a lead pastor or a member of his team, in person or by video at three, five, even a dozen or more locations. Meanwhile, others take over the one-to-one side of…

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    A La Carte (12/17)

    Significant Books of 2009Keith Mathison, who has read every theology text and commentary ever written, provides a roundup of significant books from 2009. Fishing: Canadian StyleA little glimpse of Canada for you. Do I need to provide the disclaimer “Don’t try this at home?” Are You SAD?My friend David Murray, who clearly has the best…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/16)

    Grace to You iPhone AppGrace to You is now offering a free iPhone app that allows you access to vast amounts of material from John MacArthur. MacArthur and PragmatismAnd while we’re talking about Johnny Mac, he’s continuing his series of articles with a look at the always-important subject of pragmatism. Fools Rush InCarl Trueman takes…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/15)

    How To Benefit from the BibleJames MacDonald has penned a good article with advice on how to benefit from reading the Bible. The Joy and Pain of an Intergenerational ChurchTripleD comes through with a poignant article about the joy and the pain of pastoring an intergenerational church. The Size of the Stars and PlanetsThis little…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/14)

    DockersDockers is telling men to put on the pants. Paul shares their “man-ifesto.” Top 10 Cultural MomentsIf this is culture, I start to have more sympathy for those Christians who are always talking about redeeming culture. Uncle Jay ExplainsI enjoyed this week’s episode of Uncle Jay Explains. This guy’s got a great sense of humor……

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/11)

    Ten Awful Truths About Book PublishingThis article outlines ten facts about book publishing that may be surprising. For example, over 560,000 books are published every year in the US alone. And of the books tracked, the majority sell fewer than 99 copies. The End of Book Publishing As We Know ItSpeaking of books, Michael Hyatt…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/10)

    The Year’s Best MusicCT offers a rather bizarre roundup of the year’s best music (99% of which none of us have ever heard of). Like this: “John Darnielle calls himself a ‘Catholic atheist,’ but he knows his Bible, and writes twelve songs based on specific verses here. This album, sparsely acoustic and beautiful, is neither…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/9)

    R.C. Sproul on The Manhattan DeclarationDr. Sproul has offered his take on The Manhattan Declaration, and it’s a slam dunk. “In answer to the question, “R.C., why didn’t you sign the Manhattan Declaration?” I offer the following answer: The Manhattan Declaration confuses common grace and special grace by combining them. While I would march with…

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    A La Carte (12/8)

    Facebook at the AltarI got a laugh out of this. Let’s assume it is meant to make a point… Tribute to a Martyr“A British man whose great-great grandfather was killed and eaten by cannibals has taken part in a unique reconciliation event on a south pacific island. In the 1830s, the Reverend John Williams was…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/7)

    Counsel to a Young Church Planter on MarriageD.A. Carson offers some wise and seasoned counsel on a rather difficult situation. “The following post was first an email to a young church planter seeking counsel. He is planting a church in a rough area. Not a few of those who are getting converted have been living…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/4)

    Hunting Tiger WoodsCJ Mahaney offers some wise words concerning the Tiger Woods situation. “Let us make sure we do not join the hunt. A Christian’s response to this story should be distinctly different. We should not be entertained by the news. We should not have a morbid interest in all the details. We should be…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/3)

    Manhattan and the Brooklyn BridgeAn interesting article here: “Shortly before the Manhattan Declaration came out I was very disappointed by a discovery I made at the back end of the second edition of J. I. Packer’s Rediscovering Holiness. This new edition contains an afterword entitled “Holiness in the Dark: The Case of Mother Teresa.” I…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/2)

    The Country ParsonTim Keller: “Young pastors or seminarians often ask me for advice on what kind of early ministry experience to seek in order to best grow in skill and wisdom as a pastor. They often are surprised when I tell them to consider being a ‘country parson’ — namely, the solo pastor of a…

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    A La Carte (12/1)

    An Interview with Michael HortonOver at the Ligonier blog Burk Parsons is interviewing Michael Horton (who declares that he does not read any blogs–maybe that is the secret to his productivity). Part two of the interview reveals that Horton was only a teenager when he wrote the first version of Putting Amazing Back Into Grace,…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/30)

    Cyber MondayToday is “Cyber Monday,” the day that online retailers come up with deals to try to rival what brick-and-mortar retailers offer on Black Friday. Here are a few deals I noted this morning: The big news at Amazon today is a great deal on the 8 GB iPod Touch. Today only it’s on sale…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (Black Friday Edition)

    A special edition of A La Carte today, one geared toward trying to find the best Black Friday deals. Here are a few that I’ve scrounged up already at some of the places I shop at (I love me a good deal…): Amazon Gold Box: Nuvi Garmin GPSAmazon’s Gold Box deal today is the Garmin…