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    A La Carte (3/9)

    Inside the World of Obama’s Secret Service – “In the 13 months that Barack Obama has been the occupant of the Oval Office he has been the subject of an extraordinary outpouring of emotion from the American electorate. At the start it was largely adulatory, though more recently the adoration has been drowned out by…

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    A La Carte (3/8)

    Brothers, We Are Not Figure Skaters – A good moment from Phil Johnson at last week’s Shepherds’ Conference. C.H. Spurgeon: The People’s Preacher – A few days ago I watched this docu-drama on the life of Charles Spurgeon. It is quite well done and provides a solid, hour-long overview of the life of the Prince…

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    A La Carte (3/5)

    Emily’s Story“Juanita and Terry Stauffer of Edson, Alberta, whose teenaged daughter Emily was murdered a year and a half ago, were interviewed by a reporter from 100 Huntley Street, a Canadian Christian TV program. In these two videos, they share how God prepared them for their loss and continues to uphold them day by day.”…

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    A La Carte (3/4)

    MacArthur ESV Study BibleCrossway has officially announced that the MacArthur Study Bible is coming in the ESV. You can watch this video to see MacArthur introduce it. The Importance of Seminary TrainingSpeaking of MacArthur, he and three others answered this question yesterday at the Shepherds’ Conference: “What is the importance of seminary training?” Math of…

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    A La Carte (3/3)

    T4G Study Tour SeriesCJ Mahaney’s blog has a round-up of these study tour videos. I hadn’t yet seen John MacArthur’s; he completely cheats, but shares an amazing story you’ll want to hear. MacHeist Nano BundleMac users will want to take note of this new MacHeist bundle. For just $20 you can get a load of…

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    A La Carte (3/2)

    Free Christian AudioGo to Christian Audio and you can download two free books this month: Bonhoeffer’s The Cost of Discipleship and Piper’s Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die. Papist PoetryDavid Kjos got me laughing with this adaptation of “I Am My Own Grandpa.” Lyndon RushFrom Baptist Press: Lyndon Rush knows his sport gives him…

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    A La Carte (3/1)

    To Save a LifeI found this review interesting. Writing for the National Post, Barry Hertz writes a scathing review of what he calls the “faithsploitation” genre of film. Uncle Jay ExplainsOnce again Uncle Jay explains the week’s news. Songs that Celebrate the ResurrectionBob Kauflin provides a list of songs that celebrate Christ’s resurrection. “Because we…

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    A La Carte (2/26)

    Pillar Commentary SaleWestminster Books is having a sale on the excellent Pillar Commentary series (edited by D.A. Carson). They have the brand new Hebrews volume in stock. Buy two of the commentaries and you’ll get a further 10% off any others you buy. This is a good time to stock up on the series while…

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    A La Carte (2/25)

    Evangelizing the ChildrenPaul Martin: “Robert Murray M’cheyne was a godly Presbyterian pastor in Scotland (d. 1843). He loved to preach Christ to all he came into contact with, but especially to the children in attendance. He was a convinced paedobaptist, but knew water and covenants didn’t save, the work was up to the Holy Spirit…

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    A La Carte (2/23)

    TuneGlueThis is a pretty amazing little utility. It simply shows relationships between musical artists or bands, allowing you to plug in the name of an artist you like at which point it will find some recommendations of others you may enjoy. R.C. Sproul’s StudyIn this ongoing series from T4G, R.C. Sproul takes us on a…

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    A La Carte (2/22)

    Tom Brokaw Explains CanadaThis is a great little piece that played as the Olympics got underway. Tiger’s Buddhist ConfessionDr. Mohler looks at Tiger Woods’ apology and notes “Woods publicly reclaimed his Buddhist identity, having been raised in the philosophy of Thai Buddhism by his mother. The two key sentences are these: ‘Buddhism teaches that a…

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    A La Carte (2/19)

    Americans Released from HaitiThis video shows Silas and Paul Thompson (you remember that I interviewed Renee Thompson last week) safe and sound in Kansas City. The video includes a statement and a brief press conference. Randy Alcorn on Six Day CreationAlcorn says pretty much what I’d say: “To me it just seems so difficult to…

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    A La Carte (2/18)

    I will cede to the wishes of my readership (at least for the time being) and return to the traditional A La Carte format. Christianity and McLarenismKevin DeYoung provides a lengthy smack-down of Brian McLaren and his latest book. The Lordship of the Five Love LanguagesJustin Taylor provides a summary of David Powlison’s powerful critique…

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    A La Carte (2/16)

    Talking to Your Kids About Sex & Marriage Recently my pal Jay Younts, who holds down the fort at the Shepherd Press blog, wrote a series about talking to your children about sex. He did this at my request, actually, since I had gone looking for information and did not find a lot that was…

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    A La Carte (2/11)

    Mystery WorshipersAn article at the Seattle Times deals with mystery worshipers and online church ratings. Jim Henderson, a Seattle evangelical Christian, came up with the idea to launch ChurchRater, a site that allows people to rate the churches they have visited. In some instances they pay people to rate churches and in other instances they…

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    A La Carte (2/10)

    Stop the WorldIn this article in the New Yorker George Packer (presumably no relation to J.I.) writes about Twitter and, in so doing, writes about other social media. He says “The truth is, I feel like yelling Stop quite a bit these days. Every time I hear about Twitter I want to yell Stop. The…

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    The Next Story: Life Changes

    Yesterday I wrote about my desire to be a doer when it comes to the convergence of technology and theology, media and Christian living. I do not want to write a book full of prescriptions that I choose to ignore. And so, as I’ve dedicated increasing amounts of time to research, I’ve begun to examine…

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    A La Carte (2/5)

    Beneath the SunYou might cry, but this is definitely worth the read. Most Influential Living Preachers“In telephone interviews conducted in November 2009, Protestant pastors were asked to ‘name the top three living Christian preachers that most influence you.’ Twenty-one percent of pastors surveyed said Graham – that’s nearly three times the number who named Charles…

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    A La Carte (2/4)

    Social NetworksThe Economist has a special report dealing with social networking sites like Facebook. While generally positive in tone, the article does raise a few concerns. It’s Not Just a “Guy Problem”“My life changed forever when I was 21. I’d been curious for years to see what the big deal was about pornography. One afternoon…

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    A La Carte (2/3)

    Haiti Three Weeks Later“Tomorrow [note: this is from February 1] will mark three weeks since the massive January 12th earthquake in Haiti, and tent cities remain full, even as some businesses and factories are beginning to reopen in Port-au-Prince. Now that massive amounts of aid have arrived, distribution problems have cropped up and are being…