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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/18)

    I will cede to the wishes of my readership (at least for the time being) and return to the traditional A La Carte format. Christianity and McLarenismKevin DeYoung provides a lengthy smack-down of Brian McLaren and his latest book. The Lordship of the Five Love LanguagesJustin Taylor provides a summary of David Powlison’s powerful critique…

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    A La Carte (2/16)

    Talking to Your Kids About Sex & Marriage Recently my pal Jay Younts, who holds down the fort at the Shepherd Press blog, wrote a series about talking to your children about sex. He did this at my request, actually, since I had gone looking for information and did not find a lot that was…

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    A La Carte (2/11)

    Mystery WorshipersAn article at the Seattle Times deals with mystery worshipers and online church ratings. Jim Henderson, a Seattle evangelical Christian, came up with the idea to launch ChurchRater, a site that allows people to rate the churches they have visited. In some instances they pay people to rate churches and in other instances they…

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    A La Carte (2/10)

    Stop the WorldIn this article in the New Yorker George Packer (presumably no relation to J.I.) writes about Twitter and, in so doing, writes about other social media. He says “The truth is, I feel like yelling Stop quite a bit these days. Every time I hear about Twitter I want to yell Stop. The…

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    The Next Story: Life Changes

    Yesterday I wrote about my desire to be a doer when it comes to the convergence of technology and theology, media and Christian living. I do not want to write a book full of prescriptions that I choose to ignore. And so, as I’ve dedicated increasing amounts of time to research, I’ve begun to examine…

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    A La Carte (2/5)

    Beneath the SunYou might cry, but this is definitely worth the read. Most Influential Living Preachers“In telephone interviews conducted in November 2009, Protestant pastors were asked to ‘name the top three living Christian preachers that most influence you.’ Twenty-one percent of pastors surveyed said Graham – that’s nearly three times the number who named Charles…

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    A La Carte (2/4)

    Social NetworksThe Economist has a special report dealing with social networking sites like Facebook. While generally positive in tone, the article does raise a few concerns. It’s Not Just a “Guy Problem”“My life changed forever when I was 21. I’d been curious for years to see what the big deal was about pornography. One afternoon…

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    A La Carte (2/3)

    Haiti Three Weeks Later“Tomorrow [note: this is from February 1] will mark three weeks since the massive January 12th earthquake in Haiti, and tent cities remain full, even as some businesses and factories are beginning to reopen in Port-au-Prince. Now that massive amounts of aid have arrived, distribution problems have cropped up and are being…

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    A La Carte (2/2)

    Amazing, Extraordinary, AmazingThis is brilliant. Some fun-loving soul took Steve Job’s recent iPad announcement and essentially stripped it down to its adjectives, editing the whole speech down to 3 minutes. The result is oddly hilarious. Is There a Jihadist in Your Church Nursery?Russell Moore: “This past Sunday’s New York Times magazine features a story about…

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    A La Carte (2/1)

    Chandler on Suffering WellAssociated Press wrote an article about Matt Chandler and his battle with a brain tumor: “Chandler’s lanky 6-foot-5-inch frame rests on a table at Baylor University Medical Center. He wears the same kind of jeans he wears preaching to 6,000 people at The Village Church in suburban Flower Mound, where the 35-year-old…

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    A La Carte (1/29)

    iPad’s Identity CrisisThis seems like quite a fair review of the iPad: “The bottom line is this: the iPad has an identity crisis. It’s not quite a serious e-reader, and it’s not quite a serious tablet PC. It’s probably great at handling multimedia, but it’s not nearly portable enough to be considered a portable media…

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    A La Carte (1/22)

    Get Outta My Face!Rick Horne’s book Get Outta My Face!–How to Reach Angry, Unmotivated Teens with Biblical Counsel is available today only for just $8 from the link above. I reviewed it here. My Dad’s Message to Me on the Day He DiedRay Ortlund shares his father’s final words for him. How To Meditate on…

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    A La Carte (1/21)

    The Online Life of Kids“The fact that children and teenagers now spend a good deal of their lives connected to electronic devices is hardly news. We are now accustomed to the knowledge that teenagers are seldom seen without wires in their years and a cell phone in the hand as they multitask their way through…

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    A La Carte (1/20)

    The most Abortion-Targeted Neighborhood in AmericaHere is a video of John Ensor in Los Angeles, laying out Heartbeat International’s life-saving vision for the urban centers of America. Interview with R.C. SproulAlex Chediak interviews R.C. Sproul on his latest book Surprised by Suffering: The Role of Pain and Death in The Christian Life. Public Passion vs…

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    A La Carte (1/19)

    The Gospel-Centered MarriageI’d like to commend to you Paul’s sermon from this past Sunday. As my buddy Julian said, “If you are married, ever intend on being married, want to know more about gospel-centred marriage, or know someone who is married, I cannot recommend enough that you listen to this sermon on gospel-centred marriage. You…

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    A La Carte (1/18)

    Haunted by HaitiMark Driscoll: “On Thursday morning James MacDonald, who leads a wonderful church and Bible-preaching ministry, called me to brainstorm some ideas he had to get involved and help direct other pastors and churches to do the same. As our conversations, texts, and emails continued, by the day’s end we had decided to take…

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    A La Carte (1/15)

    Mars Hill at FourteenMark Driscoll offers reflections on the fourteen years since he started planting Mars Hill Church. “They say that dogs age much faster than humans. This month Mars Hill is fourteen years old in human years, and roughly seventy in dog years, which is what it really feels like.” The Future of the…

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    A La Carte (1/14)

    Why Remembering Is Such a Big DealZ quotes David Powlison on why remembering is such a big deal in the Bible. Last WordsOver at 10MillionWords I wrote a review of George Carlin’s autobiography Last Words. “In the end, Carlin did not live long enough to finish his memoirs. Someone had to piece together his notes,…

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    A La Carte (1/13)

    The Man With 400 Children“[Kirk] Maxey, 51, happens to be one of the most prolific sperm donors in the country. Between 1980 and 1994, he donated at a Michigan clinic twice a week. He’s looked at the records of his donations, multiplied by the number of individual vials each donation produced, and estimated the success…

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    A La Carte (1/12)

    Top Ten Signs Your Sermon Isn’t Going WellHere’s an early morning LOL for you. The Age of Privacy Is OverI think we all know that there are growing concerns about the internet and privacy. Here Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg says as much. And just think how much information Facebook has about all of us. Deeper Into…