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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (5/10)

    Facebook’s Gone Rogue – This is a good article outlining some growing concerns with Facebook. “Facebook has gone rogue, drunk on founder Mark Zuckerberg’s dreams of world domination. It’s time the rest of the web ecosystem recognizes this and works to replace it with something open and distributed.” Contemporvant – A satirical video that’s worth…

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    A La Carte (5/6)

    Consumer Debt Is Not Your Friend – Seth Godin explains why you need to get out of debt (or better yet, not get there in the first place). Deacons Are Shock Absorbers – Thabiti’s got a roundup of the content from the latest edition of the 9Marks eJournal (which looks particularly helpful this time around).…

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    A La Carte (5/5)

    Pilgrim – Tony Reinke writes about Pilgrim, a musical production of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress. It’s available now on DVD and looks quite good. Nashville Landmarks Flooded – Here is a roundup of photos showing the flooding in Nashville. Ernie Harwell – One of the all-time greats in his field has died. “Ernie Harwell, the…

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    A La Carte (5/4)

    Classic Petra – I’m not sure what to do with this information. “The latest band to join the ranks of the re-united is the original line-up of the classic rock band, Petra! That’s right, before John Schlitt was the band’s signature frontman, diehard fans will remember that Greg X. Volz was the band’s original singer.…

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    A La Carte (5/3)

    5 Reasons You May Not See Spiritual Growth – Jonathan Dodson offers five reasons that you may not be seeing spiritual growth at the moment. Amillennialism 101 – Monergism Books would like to send you a free CD. “With the generous permission of Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, Monergism is giving away for free this incredible CD…

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    A La Carte (4/30)

    How Will My Son Be Saved? – I think I’m pretty much linking to everything Greg writes at his Wrestling with an Angel blog. What can I say? I find it all so good. In the latest post he wrestles with how his severely disabled son will be saved. Lessons from H1N1 – TIME goes…

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    A La Carte (4/29)

    5 Books to get Mom for Mother’s Day – Here are five books you may like to consider getting mom (or wife) for Mother’s Day: One (if she likes being challenged–see the other titles in this series as well), two (if she’s a note-taker), three (if she likes biographies), four (if she’s into self-examination) and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/28)

    Battery – Take this pitcher and this catcher, put them together and you’d have quite the battery. More Spiritual Than Religious – USA Today looks at a new study and finds that most Millennials are more spiritual than religious. “If the trends continue, ‘the Millennial generation will see churches closing as quickly as GM dealerships,’…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/27)

    Taking a Step of Faith – Dan Phillips offers some valuable thoughts on Francis Chan’s recent announcement that he is taking a step of faith and moving on from his church. Swapping Is the New Shopping – USA Today on the rise of swapping and bartering: “The rise of the quid pro quo possession comes…

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    A La Carte (4/26)

    The Pill Turns 50 – Dr. Mohler looks at TIME’s article. “Anniversaries and commemorations come and go as history unfolds, but few dates are as significant as May 9, 1960. On that day the Food and Drug Administration approved the sale and use of Enovid — the first mass pharmaceutical form of what is now…

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    A La Carte (4/23)

    Young, Restless, Reformed? – Collin Hansen, has written an article for CT that he titled Piper, Warren and the Perils of Movement Building. Michael Horton has written a response, of sorts, in which he calls us to understand the word Reformed within its historical context and proposes an alternative. Can You Name Them? – Randy…

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    A La Carte (4/22)

    The Apple and the Fall – Carl Trueman writes about the mysterious next-generation iPhone that has generated so much buzz over the past few days. “Above all, the iPhone phenomenon speaks of the need to be continually occupied with texts, tweets and whatever. The obsession with texting and these other phenomena is indicative of the…

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    A La Carte (4/21)

    The History of Computers in a Nutshell – It’s amazing to think how far computers have come in such a short time…and to think that what amazes us today will cause us to laugh just ten years from now. Teen Texting Soars – NPR covers text messaging and why teens rely on it so heavily.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/20)

    Twelve Extraordinary Women – Books by the Box offers, well, books by the box. If you buy boxes of John MacArthur’s Twelve Extraordinary Women, for a Mother’s Day gift for all the women at your church, for example, you’ll pay less than $2 per book. Rhema Marvanne – I am starting to see people link…

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    A La Carte (4/19)

    Why You Should Come to Toronto Pastor’s Conference – Paul explains why you should come to Toronto Pastor’s Conference (which just so happens to be sponsored by my church). Michael Hyatt on the iPad – I’ll have more to say about the iPad in days to come (as I put it through its paces). But…

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    A La Carte (4/16)

    A quick note for those who are Friends of the Blog. Today you can pick the first of your free items from Zondervan. Among your choices (you get to choose one of five) are the new DVD from Tim Keller (Gospel in Life) or the book and DVD from Max McLean Unleashing the Word. Head…

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    A La Carte (4/15)

    I’m back home after spending the last few days at Together for the Gospel (and/or traveling there and back). As usual I found myself unable to update the site while on the road. At some point I’ll provide a few reflections. But for now, let me post just a few links I collected along the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (4/12)

    Too Much Cross of Christ? – Gordon Cheng asks this and answers with help from John Stott. “Is it possible to be focused too on the cross of Christ? The answer has to be no. In fact, the nastiest pieces of theological misguidance that I’ve come across have lost any sense that the cross of…

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    A La Carte (4/9)

    The African Christian University – Conrad Mbewe posts about an exciting development in Africa. “We have a dream. As Reformed Baptist churches in Zambia grow, a number of our churches have sensed a pull–we believe it is a divine pull–to start a university in Lusaka. God seems to have brought just the right team together…

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    A La Carte (4/8)

    Praying for T4G – Kevin DeYoung has a good post on how to pray for the upcoming Together for the Gospel conference. The Good News We Almost Forgot – While we’re on the subject of DeYoung, Westminster Books is offering a great sale on his new book. I actually wrote an endorsement for the book.…