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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/22)

    Most Expensive Schools – I’m proud that a school from my town of Oakville placed 3rd on this list of the most expensive private schools in the world. Quite needless to say, my kids do not go there. Nor will they. Ever. Amazon’s Gold Box – Amazon’s gold box deal of the day is a…

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    A La Carte (6/21)

    Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl – Check out this new DVD version of N.D. Wilson’s Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl. Westminster Books has it at 60% off for just a short time. I’ve have a review ready to go if Canada Post hadn’t shut down with my copy of the DVD still in the mail… Transformed by…

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    A La Carte (6/20)

    Canada Post has been on strike for a week or so now. So far the big takeaway has been how little I really use the mail anymore. And just to spite the postal workers and to register my vote against their demands, I am changing all my bills to e-bills. The only difficulty is that…

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    A La Carte (6/17)

    Matthias Media has a surplus of their rather excellent Two Ways to Live booklets. You can help them clear their warehouse by buying a box or two. They are selling the boxes, which include 720 copies of the booklet, for $180 which is half the usual cost. Plus you get free shipping. The deal won’t…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/16)

    The Greatness of God – Brian Croft on sharing the greatness of God with children: “Point to those things in creation that children see, notice, and conclude as massive and larger than life. Then, use that as the measuring device to teach how great and glorious God is compared to it.” Sentence Hijacker – This…

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    A La Carte (6/15)

    Bethlehem’s Antioch Moment – Desiring God reports on John Piper’s proposed succession plan at Bethlehem. “My proposal to the elders—and it comes from Noël and me, not just me (we have talked a lot about this, as you can imagine)—is that I transition from pastor for preaching and vision to a fulltime writing and BCS…

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    A La Carte (6/14)

    Heaven Is a Real Place, But… – I appreciated this perspective on the book Heaven is for Real: “What disturbs me are the reports I am hearing anecdotally from people about how Heaven Is For Real is regarded as ‘powerful evidence’ for biblical Christianity.” If I Were John MacArthur – “If I were John MacArthur,…

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    A La Carte (6/13)

    Last week James MacDonald went off on congregationalism, stating that congregational government is from Satan. This has prompted a couple of useful, measured responses. Denny Burk draws a line between a form of government always being used by Satan and sometimes being used by Satan. He also shows that MacDonald’s argument is driven more by…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (6/11)

    Today is one of those Saturdays–one of those ones where it’s going to be go-go-go. The good news is that everything we are going to do today (Lord willing) is a great thing: spending time with friends, watching my son play baseball, celebrating a birthday, etc. So here’s to a great Saturday! And in the…

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    A La Carte (6/10)

    One of the genuine joys that has followed the release of The Next Story is the opportunities it has given me to talk to others about the ideas it contains. Last week I sat down with Bruxy Cavey who is a pastor of a local multisite megachurch in the Brethren in Christ tradition. I really…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/9)

    I have been posting links to some free or heavily-discounted ebooks and today I’ve got a few more links for you to check out. Puritan Library has loads of free classics for you to download in various ebook formats. Matthias Media has the ebook version of The Essential Jesus available for free. This site has…

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    A La Carte (6/8)

    Advice for Writers – “I have always been annoyed by the tendency some writers have to make writing a book sound like hard labor in Siberia.” Me too, even though I’ve probably been one (I’ll ask my wife). Go to Sleep! – Jay Younts writes a review of a book that is currently selling like…

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    A La Carte (6/7)

    It seems like readers have been enjoying the Kindle specials I’ve posted the past couple of days. So here are a couple more I noticed yesterday: Choosing to SEE by Mary Beth Chapman is available at $2.99; Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand is at $1.00; Same Kind of Different As Me is at $4.74.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/6)

    In case you missed it on Saturday, I put together quite a list of deals for Kindle owners. Amazon currently has a lot of good books that are being sold for just a dollor or two. You may like to check out the list as I’m sure the deals will not last for long. And…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (6/4)

    Let me get things started with some Kindle book deals. These deals have been coming in fast and furious over the past few days; I’ve been tweeting them but also wanted to publish them here. Publishers really seem to be pushing the Kindle and we are all happy beneficiaries of their experiments. Here are a…

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    A La Carte (6/3)

    Earlier this week you voted for the product you wanted to have on sale for $5. You chose R.C. Sproul’s DVD series What Is Reformed Theology? And now, for only 24 hours, it’s at Ligonier for $5 (down from the usual price of $48). There are some other great books and DVDs there for the…

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    A La Carte (6/2)

    Think – The Kindle edition of John Piper’s book Think is on sale at Amazon for just $2.99. $2.99 will also get you the excellent book Son of Hamas by Mosab Hassan Yousef while $1.99 will get you Alex Chediak’s brand new book Thriving at College. Free Kindle Books – Those are some deeply discounted…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (6/1)

    God’s Been Hunting Me Down – David Murray tells what he has learned from his recent health woes. “I know that’s the main message God has been sending me through these afflictions. STOP!” There are good lessons there for all of us. The Book Surgeon – This is amazing stuff. I think I may have…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (5/31)

    On Friday night my son had a baseball game; we went to watch and it was cold enough out there that we broke out our winter coats. Today, factoring in the humidity, we are expecting to break 100 degrees. Canada is truly odd that way. Wilson on Productivity – These are some good thoughts on…

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    A La Carte (5/30)

    Female Beauty Matters – Mary Kassian weighs in on what I wrote last week about women and physical beauty. She says it better than I did and from a strong biblical standpoint. “In my opinion, the answer to the conundrum surrounding the discussion about female beauty is not to diminish or deny its importance, but…