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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/1)

    Football Fan for a Day – “Be a fan for one day for a single purpose: People. Football draws people like moths to a porch light, and through football you can connect with people. There isn’t another social or entertainment event during the year that draws people like the Super Bowl. So take advantage of…

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    A La Carte (1/31)

    I Am Not a Victim – I found this post a real joy to read: “By the world’s standards, I am disabled. Contrary to the stories I have told, I am not the victim of a shark attack or a vicious anaconda. I am not, in fact, a victim at all. I was formed this…

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    A La Carte (1/30)

    Discerning the Conversion of a Child – Brian Croft provides wisdom on this always-tricky question: How do you know when your child is truly converted? He sticks close to Jonathan Edwards on this one. What Is Essential to Being a Christian? – Speaking of Jonathan Edwards, here is Edwards on the essentials of the Christian…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (1/28)

    Don’t Take it From Me – Kathy Keller on why you shouldn’t marry an unbeliever: “Over the course of our ministry, the most common pastoral issue that Tim and I have confronted is probably marriages—either actual or proposed—between Christians and non-Christians. I have often thought how much simpler it would be if I could remove…

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    A La Carte (1/27)

    Post-Prayer Whispers – David Murray lists some of the little whispers you can hear after you pray. “Anyone else get that? It’s so discouraging, isn’t it. I mean, why pray if all you get at the end of it is an even heavier feeling of guilt and failure? Prayer should be a delight not a…

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    A La Carte (1/26)

    9Marks Books on Sale – Westminster Books has all of the 9Marks books on sale. This is a great time to stock up on some really good books, including a brand new one from Thabiti Anyabwile. Teens and Porn – Courtesy of Covenant Eyes, here’s an infographic with 10 stats you need to know when…

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    A La Carte (1/25)

    Nagging in Marriage – From the WSJ: “It’s more common than adultery and potentially as toxic, so why is it so hard to stop nagging?” I’m always fascinated by articles like this that diagnose and attempt to cure sin but without reference to anything spiritual. Tainted Saint – “The death of journalist and polemicist Christopher…

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    A La Carte (1/24)

    The Jobs Aren’t Coming Back – Here’s an interesting account of a conversation between Barack Obama and Steve Jobs. Jobs says that the manufacturing jobs aren’t coming back to the US and says why this has to be the case. Marrying a Man with Porn Struggles – Russell Moore offers up a great response to…

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    A La Carte (1/23)

    Your Child and Porn – “Let’s say a dad came to see you for advice about his teenage son. He tells you his son has been sneaking out of bed late at night looking at porn on the computer. He’s put filters in place but his son seems to be able to get around them.…

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    A La Carte (1/20)

    The Stalking of the President – Smithsonian has an interesting account of the stalking and assassination of President Garfield (and, perhaps worst of all, the medical treatments he received). Apple’s Education Tools – Apple just unveiled a whole new set of education tools. It looks like interactive learning through tablets and digital textbooks are on…

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    A La Carte (1/19)

    Mrs. Blackburn – After writing about preaching ordinary sermons, I received a link to this article which carries on the theme quite nicely. It is a tribute to a very ordinary Sunday school teacher who left an indelible mark. The Chicken of the Sea – Dr. Mohler has written a wonderful article about the sinking…

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    A La Carte (1/18)

    The Big Day – Michael Horton writes about the Superbowl and churches that have a Superbowl party: “Typically, in the reports I scanned, pastors were justifying their decision by appealing to the mission opportunity. Somehow, having the building full with people who want to be there for a game, but not for God’s saving service…

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    A La Carte (1/17)

    I checked in with Twitter this morning and saw a few mentions of the fact that today is my 3,000th consecutive day of blogging. What’s funny to me is that I had no idea. But that little counter at the bottom right of the page just kept incrementing and I guess a few people noticed.…

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    A La Carte (1/16)

    Pastors and Conducting Weddings – Brian Croft: “I am consistently asked about the circumstances surrounding weddings. What makes it permissible or not to conduct a wedding in “this or that” situation? I am very aware that there are strong opinions and lively disagreements about whether an evangelical pastor should marry Christians, non-Christians, and everything in…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (1/14)

    A Song to the Coming King – David Murray is beginning what should be an interesting series on the Song of Solomon as a song to the coming king of love. “Many Western interpreters have got so lost in analyzing the minute details of every pomegranate and every tree that many have been turned off…

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    A La Carte (1/13)

    Rogue Ringtone – “The final movement of Mahler’s Ninth Symphony is a slow rumination on mortality, with quiet sections played by strings alone. During the New York Philharmonic’s performance Tuesday night, it was interrupted by an iPhone.” Ouch. The Post-Program Church – This is a good article from 9Marks: “If churches shouldn’t rely wholly on…

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    A La Carte (1/12)

    Tebow Time – I appreciate Nathan Busenitz’s thoughts about Tim Tebow and all the fuss surrounding him these days. “But as believers, what are we supposed to think about the cultural phenomenon that centers around this young quarterback? At the risk of offending someone (and possibly everyone), here are ten thoughts in answer to that…

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    A La Carte (1/11)

    Judging the Morality of God – James White has a strong article over at Patheos: “When Roger Olson announced he was releasing a book, part of a two-book counter-point effort along with Michael Horton, titled Against Calvinism, there was hope for something that might engage the real strength of Reformed theology—the clear and consistent exegesis…

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    A La Carte (1/10)

    We’re All Witnesses – This columnist is hardly a Tebow fanboy. And yet… “We’re watching a new reality unfold, right before our eyes, and what we saw Sunday strained credibility. It was incredible. It was fantastical.” Jesus vs Movies – John Piper asks a good question: “What should you do if you know someone who…

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    A La Carte (1/9)

    Parents, Cuddle Your Children – This is my takeaway from a rather interesting article: “No matter how obvious the observation, how eternal the topic, how great the works of literature that have tackled any given theme, or how insightful the philosophers who have studied a matter, the modern mind cannot fathom reaching a conclusion without…