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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/24)

    7 Marks of Humility – God’s leadership principles are the complete opposite of man’s. Paul Tautges goes to Philippians and shows that in God’s economy the way up is down. The Best Chess Player in the World – Here’s an interesting profile of the world’s best chess player. The money quote: “I enjoy it when…

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    A La Carte (2/23)

    Visual Theology – If you are interested in purchasing some of those Visual Theology infographics/posters, you can get 20% off your order by using the code JUMP20. Google Glasses – What is this world coming to? “People who constantly reach into a pocket to check a smartphone for bits of information will soon have another…

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    A La Carte (2/22)

    Challenger Disaster – All these years later, some amateur video of the Challenger disaster has just turned up. “Captured in an era that precedes mobile phones, when few people owned camcorders, it’s one of few video recordings of the disaster by a member of the public.” Never Retreat – This is a neat article from…

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    A La Carte (2/21)

    The Pilgrim’s Progress – Christian Audio is offering an exclusive offer to the readers of this site. If you’d like to get the audiobook of The Pilgrim’s Progress, you can have it for just $4.98. Just click the link and enter the code Challiesrtc. Why don’t you grab it and then listen to it with…

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    A La Carte (2/20)

    A Prayer for Cuba – Carolyn McCulley: “Few Americans have traveled to modern Cuba. But I had the privilege of visiting there in August 2011, right before some of the travel restrictions for Americans were lifted. Because we did not travel with a tour group, we had a credible view of real Cuban life.” Meet…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (2/18)

    Treasure In, Treasure Out – R.C. Sproul Jr reflects on how his wife beautified his home and his life. “My beautiful wife loved nothing more than to beautify. She devoted herself to creating a beautiful home. She planted flowers, bushes and trees outside. Inside she hung, placed, painted and etched. Even when she was not…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/17)

    True Grit – I just finished listening to Donna Tartt’s amazing narration of the novel True Grit. Then I found that she had written this fantastic essay on the book. Romance Novels – Speaking of novels, I found this an interesting article on romance novels (Note: there’s one part that goes a bit awry when…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/16)

    The Penny Paradox – This article takes something worth just 2.4 cents to illustrate the problems with cutting a nation’s budget in any substantial way. Consider this yet another good reason not to be the one in power (and to pray for the one who is). That Lovely, Lovely Man – I love articles like…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/15)

    An Intrusion Into the Christian Bedroom – This is great and relevant stuff from Ed Welch: “Excuse me for barging in, but it might be time for more people to intrude into the marital bedroom. Though there are some good Christian books on marital sex, most of them repeat two basic mantras…” He isn’t so…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/14)

    The Faithfulness Fallacy – Julian looks at recent situations involving John MacArthur and James MacDonald and offers some good wisdom on not falling for the faithfulness fallacy. “In logic an ad hominem attack is when you criticize a person rather than their idea. What I find fascinating in both of the above cases is that…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/13)

    There was so much goodness on the Net this weekend I’ve had trouble distilling it down to a few great links. But I gave it a shot and here are the ones that stood above the crowd. The Queen of Sheba – “A British excavation has struck archaeological gold with a discovery that may solve…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (2/11)

    Clarence – This is a touching article (even if it’s a mite over-stated at times). “We met you the first day we moved to Augusta. You introduced yourself as Clarence Davis, and you weren’t homeless but just ‘down on your luck’. You explained that you knew the previous owners and that you used to rake…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    John Piper’s Unexpected Career in Hip-Hop

    Holy hip-hop or Christian rap has been on my mind lately. While I still feel like a complete poser when a listen to such music, I can’t deny that I quite enjoy it (as my wife would be glad to testify with a roll of her pretty eyes; she isn’t much of a fan). As…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/10)

    A First Century Manuscript? – Dan Wallace: “On 1 February 2012, I debated Bart Ehrman at UNC Chapel Hill on whether we have the wording of the original New Testament today. … I mentioned that seven New Testament papyri had recently been discovered—six of them probably from the second century and one of them probably…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/9)

    Receiving Criticism – Dane Ortlund: “Seems to me there are two wrong ways to receive criticism and one right way. By ‘criticism’ I have in mind love-sent but hard words from a believing brother or sister that are meant for our good, in the spirit of so many NT passages (neglected by many today, first…

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    A La Carte (2/8)

    Keller on NYC’s Decision to Ban Churches from Schools – “I am grieved that New York City is planning to take the unwise step of removing 68 churches from the spaces that they rent in public schools. It is my conviction that those churches housed in schools are invaluable assets to the neighborhoods that they…

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    A La Carte (2/7)

    The Cross and the Crescent – Michael Horton: “Newsweek‘s current cover-story is ‘The Global War on Christians in the Muslim World,’ by Ayann Hirsi Ali, who fled her native Somalia and served in the Dutch Parliament before taking a position at the American Enterprise Institute. As the article points out, widespread anti-Christian violence is exploding…

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    A La Carte (2/6)

    11 Things Thabiti’s Thinking – Thabiti Anyabwile (can we agree that, like Price and Madonna, we can just refer to him by only his first name?) shares 11 things he’s thinking about the whole Elephant Room controversy. You may also enjoy Carson’s and Keller’s take. I think we’re all growing a little weary of this…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/3)

    Massive Sanctification – I appreciated this article from Ed Welch. Sometimes massive sanctification can work itself out in just a small change of words or a small shift in attitude. He works this out in those times a husband is rejected by his wife, but it applies much more widely than that. Learning Worship from…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (2/2)

    Spare the Rod, Spoil the Student – I enjoyed this as a story that nicely illustrates the maxim of “spare the rod, spoil the child.” (Note: there’s one bad word in there). Personal Libraries of the (Near) Future – A cartoon for you. (HT) Gnosticism, Nicea and Celebrity – Carl Trueman on recent events: “Now…