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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/19)

    God Restrains Evil – Randy Alcorn is working toward an answer to this question: Why doesn’t God do more to restrain evil and suffering. Have you ever considered that God may already been restraining 99.99% of evil and suffering? What Should the Church Expect in 2013? – This is not the kind of article I…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/18)

    Grief – For the time being, and in response to the recent tragedy in Newtown, CCEF’s minibook on grief is available for free online. Also in connection to Newtown you may want to read Douglas Wilson’s article titled That Will Be Soon Enough along with David Murray’s warning about when to stop reading and watching…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/17)

    Here are a few noteworthy articles that speak to the tragedy in Connecticut. Joey Newton was there in a pastoral capacity and has a first-hand account. Douglas Wilson challenges everyone to “think carefully before speaking or writing. This is not the time to be debating gun control, drone attacks in the Middle East, and it…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (12/15)

    Rachel Weeping for Her Children – Al Mohler responds to yesterday’s unspeakably horrible tragedy in Connecticut. So too do Russell Moore and John Piper among many, many others. The Getty’s song A Mother’s Prayer seems particularly appropriate at this time. The Losing Ticket – Business Week looks at Jack Whittaker who won the lottery and…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/14)

    What Luke Actually Wrote – An answer to Bart Ehrman’s most recent challenge to biblical accuracy: “The gist of the problem is that Luke claims that the first tax when Quirinius was governor of Syria was at the time of Jesus’ birth – around 4-2 BC. The Jewish historian Josephus, however, records that the first…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/13)

    Silent Night, Peaceful Day – Matt Heerema shares a story from his family archives. “The following is a recounting of a true story involving my grandfather, Fred Heerema, during World War II.” Read it! Hope for Prodigal Children – Here is some wisdom from Burk Parsons. “My greatest concern is for those parents who are…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/12)

    Tullian Keeps Digging – David Murray writes about some of his growing concerns with the recent writings of Tullian Tchividjian. I share those concerns and am grateful that David wrote about them carefully and charitably. Note that you can scroll down and read at least one response from Tullian. Tidings of Comfort and Joy –…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/11)

    One of the Ten Thousand Things – This is a sweet, poetic blog post. Tears at Tron – “A Glasgow congregation which is leaving the Church of Scotland because of the Kirk’s stance on gay ministers held its last service in its building yesterday.” This is a congregation formerly pastored by Thomas Chalmers, Eric Alexander…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/10)

    Raising Kids the World Will Hate – Here’s something every Christian parent needs to ponder: “if God answers my prayer for my son to be a follower of Christ, people will hate him. People will absolutely, unquestionably be repulsed by my son.” God Doesn’t Love Us Because We’re Lovable – There’s an important truth of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (12/8)

    America’s Most Important Economic Lesson – R.C. Sproul Jr. has put a lot of effort into thinking through economics from a biblical perspective. In this article he suggests the most important economic lesson America should learn. More Gospel Centered Than Thou – Mark Lauterbach has been thinking about gospel-centeredness and raises a few possible concerns…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/7)

    On Sermon Introductions – I’ve got to prepare a sermon introduction today and found H.B. Charles article quite helpful. He provides a long list of pointers on how to do it right. How Spurgeon Saw His Trials – Charles Spurgeon lived a difficult life in which he experienced a lot of pain and a lot…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/6)

    The Royal Fetus – Denny Burk asks an insightful question: With all this coverage, I just have one question. Why is it that I have yet to hear or read anyone refer to her unborn child as the “royal fetus”? Oh, I’m sure someone has used the term “fetus,” but it seems to me that…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/5)

    How Love Wins Led to Bell’s Departure – Based on a recent article in The New Yorker, the Christian Post explains how Rob Bell’s book Love Wins led to his departure from Mars Hill. Visualizing Birth and Death Rates – This is a little bit morbid, I guess, but an interesting look at just how…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/4)

    Schreiners Display Strong Faith – Baptist Press has a story about the Schreiner family. “Tom Schreiner received news that his wife Diane was involved in a severe bicycle accident, leaving her unconscious with several broken bones and fractures and — of most urgent concern — bruising to her brain.” A Modern-Day Anna – I enjoyed…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (12/3)

    5 Signs You Glorify Yourself – Paul Tripp: “It is important to recognize the harvest of self-glory in you and in your ministry. May God use this list to give you diagnostic wisdom. May he use it to expose your heart and to redirect your ministry.” Why You Just Yawned – This article isn’t a…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (12/1)

    Here are some links worth reading: At Last – Jared Wilson has a collection of real photos of grooms seeing their brides for the first time on their wedding day. He concludes with a fitting gospel application. One Reason I Don’t Play the Lotto – Mike shares just one reason (a good reason!) that he…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/30)

    Christians Are Not Totally Depraved – Where the blogosphere is often at its best is in kind interaction about controversial ideas. Here Rick Phillips responds to Tullian Tchividjian who says that total depravity describes Christians as much as unbelievers. Phillips disagrees and thanks God that it is not true. A Day in the Life –…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/29)

    The Unlucky Winners – We all know that money can’t buy happiness…and yet the lottery promises that very thing. TIME looks at a long list of unlucky winners, showing how the lottery changed their lives. Divorce, drugs, suicide…it’s all here in the aftermath of winning millions. Forgive Us Our Debts – Shane Rosenthal looks at…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/28)

    All I Have Is Christ – Desiring God is hosting a free download of the song “All I Have Is Christ.” The recording comes from the most recent Together for the Gospel conference. Edwarda O’Bara – This is an amazing story: “A woman who lived in a coma for 42 years, meticulously cared for by…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (11/27)

    T-t-t-talkin’ ‘Bout My Generation – Carl Trueman is talking about this generation, but thinking about the next. “One cannot truly assess a Christian leader until one can see clearly what his legacy is. That is sobering to anyone who is a minister, from the pastor of a small church to the international statesman.” As White…