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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (8/10)

    Running the Race – Here, from R.C. Sproul Jr., is a parable of infusion and imputation. It begins like this: “Suppose, for the sake of argument, that the God of heaven and earth were a fan of long distance running. Suppose that the only way into His blessed presence, the only way to enjoy those…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/9)

    12 Myths About Calvinism – Michael Patton debunks twelve myths about Calvinism. 10 Things Christ Promises to Reward – And here are 10 things Christ promises to reward. “The truth is, if you are a Christian, God has already given you the incredible opportunity of knowing the future so that you may be able to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/8)

    From Strangers to Missionaries – You may be interested in reading Tim Brister’s reflections on reaching his neighborhood. The Airline Peanut – “When it comes to serving food on board, airlines can’t seem to win: whatever they serve is criticized for its quality, but if they cut back, they hear about that, too. The life…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/7)

    Who Killed the Music Industry? – We all know the music industry has changed an awful lot in the past few years. This article is long, but very interesting, as it explains what happened and how artists do (or do not) make money. The Death of the Sunday Evening Service – Jesse Johnson suggests reasons…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/6)

    How Is Too Hard – Sometimes I feel like we intrude upon other people’s grief in this online world. Then again, we often share our grief in order to let other people into it. I found this a very moving account of the grief of losing a child; I trust it will better equip me…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/5)

    An Insider’s Perspective On Egypt – Ramez Atallah serves as general director of the Bible Society of Egypt and vice chair of the Lausanne Movement. He gives us an insider’s perspective on some of what is happening in Egypt and how the media may not be portraying it fairly. Surveillance: The Enemy of Innovation –…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/3)

    Monogamy and Evolution – This article at the New York Times shows how evolution has a very difficult job explaining evolution. Christianity offers a far simpler and more satisfying explanation by declaring we are made in God’s image and that he has given us a conscience. Worst Religion Story of the Year – Joe Carter…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/2)

    Not Trying to Be Famous – Here is a paradox worth considering: be famous for not trying to be famous. “The grosser manifestation of these sins, egotism, exhibitionism, self-promotion, are strangely tolerated in Christian leaders even in circles of impeccable orthodoxy … Promoting self under the guise of promoting Christ is currently so common as…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (8/1)

    Basic Christianity – This month’s free audiobook from ChristianAudio is a classic: Basic Christianity by John Stott. 3 Distinctive Aspects of Biblical Faith – I remember reading this in an R.C. Sproul book years ago and being helped by it. “I think the whole concept of faith is one of the most misunderstood ideas that…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/31)

    Pray For Your Wife – Listen up, husbands! Mike Leake wants you to join his 31-day challenge of praying for your wife every day. Your wife will love you for it. The Pope, the Press, and the Predicament – Al Mohler looks at the breathless headlines about the Pope’s new position on homosexuality and declares…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/30)

    60 Seconds on the Internet – Here is just some of what happens on the Internet every 60 seconds. Motivations and Hindrances in Communion – Thabiti: “Of late I’ve not been maintaining a regular and fruitful communion with my Lord. I could use more socially acceptable terms like ‘struggling,’ but the truth is my lazy…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/29)

    Is Glory God’s Only Goal? – Here is something worth considering: “Has the glory of God become a cliche among the young, restless, Reformed crowd? The vocabulary of glory is on the rise, but certain misunderstandings and imbalances linger. Will ‘the glory of God’ become a cliche, much like ‘the love of God’ to the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (7/27)

    The Modern Surveillance State – This is a fascinating article in which the author says today’s surveillance state should not be compared to Orwell’s Big Brother but to Tolkien’s Eye of Sauron. He shows how Tolkien unwittingly captured some of the problems and paranoia of a government that tries to watch everyone and everything. Pastors…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/26)

    Why Are There Bibles In Hotel Rooms? – You’ve probably heard of the Gideons and you’ve definitely seen their Bibles here and there. This article tells how they came to be and how those Bibles end up in hotel rooms. Planning Your Preaching – H.B. Charles Jr. writes about an important part of planning your…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/25)

    I don’t have any Kindle deals to tell you about today, but I do have a couple of other book sales I’d like to mention. Westminster Books is offering a great deal on some book packages. Click the link to read about them. Also, Vyrso has a bundle of Cruciform Press books that has been…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/24)

    Principles to Guide Your Giving – Jesse Johnson says that according to the Bible, “giving is a basic discipline of godliness and the New Testament teaches fundamental principles that should guide how we give.” In this article he lays out ten of those principles. A Family Culture – This looks like a promising series from…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/23)

    Cigar Smoking and Grace – I really appreciate the big point of this article from Jared Wilson. “When we think of accountability relationships (or accountability “partners”), we often think of all the ways someone might keep a weaker brother responsible for his actions. We rarely talk about how the one being held accountable might live…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (7/22)

    Background Information – Andy Naselli takes on this question: “Is ‘Background Information’ Ever Necessary to Understand the Bible?” “My answer is a cautious yes: ‘background information’ (which I prefer to call the historical context) is sometimes necessary for understanding the Bible accurately.” Why is the Charismatic Movement Thriving in Africa? – Conrad Mbewe: “I think…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (7/20)

    Christians In a Surveillance State – I appreciate this article from Ed Stetzer as he discusses Christian responsibility in what has become a surveillance state. “For Christians, this is an important conversation because it involves biblical issues such as the dignity of all persons, a healthy view of human depravity, and our belief in Christian…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (7/13)

    Capturing the Moment – “And as much as I think we’re getting more comfortable being ourselves online, there’s still a difference between the self you’re willing to share publicly and the self you’re willing to share when only a handful of people are watching. This is a distinction that Facebook — and now, by association,…