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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 30)

    The Parable of the Lawn Mower – Here’s a helpful little parable to help explain why we must preach the gospel rather than only attempting to display it. The Gospel and the Shower Curtain Liner – Read this one for the great illustration of the shower curtain liner, and the idea of cleaning up ahead…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 29)

    An Open Letter to the Caliph – Tim Keesee has penned an open letter that is worth reading. “You and your Caliphate are destined for failure. Of course, all empires, caliphates, and reigns of terror eventually come to an end, but something else is happening — another kind of failure in your command over the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 28)

    The Loss of Pastoral Credibility in the Age of the Internet – “The Internet has introduced a new level of visibility to areas of our social life, exposing certain uncomfortable realities.” Alistair explains how the credibility of pastors is suffering as a result. Build Character, Not Platform – There is a time for both, I…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (July 26)

    Vacations are [almost] always wonderful, but home is always best. As good as it was to be away for a while, it was even better to get back to my home and my routine and my normal life. I guess I’m kind of a boring person, but I value such things! Anyway, here is some…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 25)

    Myths and Misreporting with MH17 – Some of the things you’ve heard about the Malaysian Airlines flight shot down last week are not true. Marrying Young – Here are five reasons why getting married young can be a good thing. Why the Last 5 Years Have Disappeared – I’m not sure if I buy this…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 24)

    Defending Tony Dungy’s Right to Have an Opinion – Ted Kluck: “As soon as I saw Tony Dungy’s recent quotes about the Michael Sam situation, saying that he wouldn’t have drafted Sam because he ‘wouldn’t want to deal with’ the baggage, I knew he would be publicly castigated. Dungy deviated from our culture’s de facto…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 23)

    Dispatches from the Front – Westminster Books is offering a great deal on the newest Dispatches from the Front DVD. At $5, it’s pretty much a steal. We watched it with our whole family and loved it. What We Talk About When We Talk About ‘Birth Control’ – Karen Swallow Prior: “I suspect one of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 22)

    Gavin Peacock’s Moment – CBMW is venturing into longform writing and they get it started well with this article. 9 Things Rich People Do Differently Every Day – Rich versus poor is not the world’s most important distinction, but I did find these 9 differences quite interesting. Was Bonhoeffer Gay? – A recent biography of…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 21)

    Testing Your Faith in Divine Intervention – Sandy Grant writes about some of the evil events in the news today and assigns the blame accordingly. 3 Scriptures for Financial Hardship – Here are three passages (out of many) that may console in times of financial hardship. Being a Better Online Reader – The New Yorker…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (July 19)

    Our vacation continues, though we’re reaching the end. We left South Carolina yesterday and drove almost due north to spend the last few days in Pennsylvania. I’m due to be back in my office by Wednesday, so time is running out! We really enjoyed our time in South Carolina and I, at least, would rank…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 18)

    Religious Freedom vs. LGBT Rights? – This long article from Christianity Today explains that today’s controversy is far more complicated that religious freedom versus LGBT rights. 5 Insights Into Idolatry – J.D. Greear offers five valuable insights into idolatry. Since we are all idolaters on some level, we should all pay attention! Do Planes Really…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 16)

    Too Hot for Google – You may have heard that Google is no longer allowing advertisements for porn sites. This article explains why. (It’s important to note that Google search results will still find porn—it’s merely advertising that they aren’t allowing.) Three Ways to Help – Tony Payne tells you three ways that the excellent…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 14)

    Does He Need to Confess Adultery? – I appreciate Russell Moore’s answer to this difficult question: Does a man who had a brief affair several years ago need to confess it to his wife? Cheap at Sea, Pricey on the Plate – Most weekends I enjoy reading a few longform articles. This one from The…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (July 12)

    We arrived safely to our quiet spot in South Carolina, after a very long and scenic drive that took us through ON → NY → PA → WV → VA → TN → NC → SC. And here we are. Again, it will be light blogging for the next week as I focus on unwinding.…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 11)

    eBooks for Sale – Westminster Books has begun offering eBooks. And to get things started, you can get 2 books of your choice published by Crossway for just $1.99 each. You can see the list of books here. China Beachhead – WORLD has an important report from China: “Pro-life efforts are growing in the nation…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 10)

    My vacation begins today and that means I’ll be scaling back my writing for a week or so. It will be either A La Carte or another article most days, not both. I’d love your prayers since we have a lot of driving to do while we head very far south (and since we’ve got…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 9)

    The Perfect Family – That Greg Lucas guy can flat out write. “God in His sovereignty builds families. They are His work, His masterpiece, for His glory and our highest good. God makes a place for the destitute. He fathers them, defends them, rescues them—and He gives them to us for a family. What a…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 8)

    Put Your Phone Down – Exactly! “As a people we have lost the plot. Because we can document everything, we will, and we can’t stop.” So stop already! Complete Cardiac Transplant – Don’t click this link if you’ve got a weak stomach! But if you can stomach it, well, marvel at the human body as…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (July 7)

    Forsaken Faith – Randy Alcorn provides thoughts on why an astounding number of college students are abandoning their faith in Christ. (I think a foundational and often-overlooked key is that a lot of students are not rejecting the true and deep faith of their parents, but their parents’ nominal faith.) Deconstructing the Perfect Burger –…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (July 5)

    We have just finished our first week of summer vacation here in Canada–the kids’ classes went all the way until June 27. But now they are free until after Labor Day! We will be heading out of town before long, with some Aussies taking over our house while we’re gone. Fun! For those interested, I…