A La Carte (January 11)
A La Carte: John Piper’s five fears of old age / I changed my mind about social media / How an old man helped save my faith / Foreign territory / How holy are you? / and more.
Curated content for Christians
A La Carte: John Piper’s five fears of old age / I changed my mind about social media / How an old man helped save my faith / Foreign territory / How holy are you? / and more.
A La Carte: The Bible is too inexhaustibly interesting to be boring / The wedding promises I would have made / Prayer for my heart this election year / Who was the real Muhammad? / Is Sunday still the first day of the week? / Jesus said NOTHING about homosexuality / and more.
A La Carte: Staying sane in an election year / We need leaders calling the church to faithfulness out of love, not resentment disguised as courage / Marriage as a covenant / Looking for God in all the wrong places / and more.
A La Carte: The unmatched impact of being Christians in front of each other / You could be faithful with your frailty / Parents, discipline your little children / The boy at the front desk / discouragement is not always our enemy / The best is still yet to be / and more.
Weekend A La Carte: Part of a Christian’s job is to point out that modern life stinks / Moralism is a poor substitute for Christianity / How church leaders can be a non-anxious presence / Stop speaking Christianese, please / Who did Jesus die for? / and more.
A La Carte: Chastity as worship / Organic Christian living in the local church / What is the prayer of faith? / Artificial wombs for premature babies are on the way / A purpose in chronic pain / and more.
A La Carte: Ban porn now / Tolkien’s Treebeard and the root problem of hastiness / Unpacking “new year, new me” / Consider leveraging your education for the sake of the nations / The new year and the paralyzing nature of fear / and more.
Mid-Week A La Carte: To the new and nervous Scripture reader / How to start the new year strong: an actionable plan / The great dechurching / Anthony Edwards and his troubling decisions / The cloud of witnesses and the crowd of witnesses / Logos deals / and more.
A La Carte: Counseling troubled dreams / Hanging up the hustle culture to embrace eternal investment / The least resolution for 2024 / A stumbling block to the fatherless / A lesson from American church history / and more.
Can Evangelical journalists say anything good about Evangelicals? / when we hurt those who are hurting / the Christian new year / If Christianity is true, why do we have to work so hard to defend it? / The unfinished story / Between two worlds / and more.
Weekend A La Carte: A resolution rooted in grace / Will Jesus return in 2024? / No one shared the gospel with me / How do I get over certain anxiety triggers? / Psalm of collective lament / John Piper on those times Bible reading feels flat / Kindle deals / and more.
A La Carte: A few thoughts about personal resolutions / Pope Francis, LGBTQ, and semi-pelagianism / How your year turned out / Plan to grow / What were Mary and Joseph doing after Jesus was born? / and more.
A La Carte: Should Christians drink alcohol? / Is everything going wrong in the world? / leading your family out of the post-holiday blues / A wasp without a stinger / How to cultivate and develop student leaders / and more.
A La Carte: Should pastors encourage secular therapy? / Top 10 YouTubes of 2023 / We didn’t expect you to come this way / Sinclair Ferguson on devotional habits and resources / Prayers for when Bible reading is hard / and more.
A La Carte: A theology of getting fired for your faith / Free eBook / Reading Scripture rightly / What’s the real cost of our giving? / Cultivating honesty / What’s the point of waiting? / and more.
Christmas A La Carte: Puppy points and God’s free gifts / Peace on earth: Middle East? / Dreaming of a white Christmas, or heaven / When every day is Christmas no day will be / The larger longing / Advent and expectations / and more.
Weekend A La Carte: Meet the Messiah who came to serve / What do we actually know about the three wise men? / What now for those evangelicals from fled to Rome? / The United Methodist reckoning / Was Spurgeon really anti-Christmas? / In the fog, there are tidings of comfort and joy / and…
A La Carte: When a pastor falls / The rewards of faithful suffering / A peanut butter and jelly Christmas Eve / True rest / Who is this one lying in the manger? / Why such a lowly birth? / and more.
Thursday A La Carte: Where is the source of your joy this Christmas? / Good new of great joy that will malform all the people / The icing on the cake of Pope Francis / When did multiple services begin? / Christmas in a foreign land / Fading glory and permanent things / and more.
A La Carte: Fight the Christmas letdown / Finding romance in your marriage / Practicing faith in a post-faith world / You are not your accomplishments / Proficient pulpit rhetoric / Christmas songs / Book sale / and more.