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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (January 6)

    Domino Chain Reaction – “A domino can knock over another domino about 1.5x larger than itself. A chain of dominos of increasing size makes a kind of mechanical chain reaction that starts with a tiny push and knocks down an impressively large domino.” Attracted to Men, Marries a Woman – From NPR of all things:…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (January 5)

    No Magic with January 1 – “There is nothing magical about January 1. It is another date on the calendar. While our gracious Father has established signs and seasons for the days and years (Gen 1:14), He is not limited to a day on the calendar.” 10 Questions for Moms – Christa has 10 questions…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (January 3)

    USA Today has a list of Essential Texting Acronyms Parents Must Know. My guess is that few kids use all of these, but most kids use at least some of them. Lore Ferguson has a message for local churches: Set Up Your Singles. “Local churches are intended to be the incubator for future marriages, not…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (January 2)

    Life-Changing Tech – Here’s the technology that may just change your life in 2015. Or it may fizzle–time will tell. Aim for Godliness and Glory – Christina Fox has a word about new year’s resolutions. Discounted Gym Memberships – This is why you should probably avoid those discounted gym memberships. Here’s a great stat: “67%…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (January 1)

    Morning and Evening – Free from Christian Audio this month is Spurgeon’s classic Morning and Evening. A Holy and Happy 2015 – Holy and happy: That would be a good year. Why Do Black Lives Matter? – “Americans are in the midst of a crisis of human dignity. Are we still able to articulate why…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 31)

    10 Questions to Ask – Don Whitney gives you 10 questions you might want to ask yourself today. (On Brian G. Najapfour’s blog you may enjoy 3 reminders about the year ahead: Don’t worry about it, don’t boast about it, don’t waste it.) What Is a Real Christian? – “In his book Religious Affection, Edwards…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 30)

    Is Evolution Biblically Acceptable? – I’m glad to see Rick Phillips taking on this huge question. Officer Rafael Ramos – CNN: “Rafael Ramos was an unusual cop. He saw the streets of New York as his ministry. In fact, he was just hours away from becoming a lay chaplain and graduating from a community-crisis chaplaincy…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 29)

    A Gift from Logos – Logos users will want to click and grab the coupon code which gets you $20 credit. You’ll need to use it by December 31. Don’t Get Too Familiar with the Bible – Here’s a timely warning from Peter Krol: “Beware the deceptive wiles of familiarity — that sweet but double-edged…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (December 27)

    We all know that it’s going on, but this article actually explains Why Airlines Want to Make You Suffer. The short answer: The worse the normal experience, the greater the likelihood you’ll pay for upgrades. Is Your Church Functionally Liberal? It’s not always as simple as we make it. “The liberal churches I’ve known are…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 26)

    We know how to do the holidays up here in Canada. After Christmas, we double down and award ourselves a second public holiday called Boxing Day. So I’m going to take it a bit easy today. Here’s A La Carte and I’ll be back shortly with Free Stuff Fridays. Jack Miller has a helpful little…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 24)

    Did Someone Else Write Shakespeare’s Works? – Ken Jennings says Shakespeare did it all himself. How to Change Your Mind – Here’s one Bible reading plan to consider in the new year. Beautiful Libraries – Some libraries are just amazingly beautiful. Pride – Bradford Littlejohn wraps up an excellent series on 7 deadly sins in…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 23)

    14 Top Biblical Counseling Books of 2014 – Bob Kellemen rounds up 14 books that will be of special interest to counselors. Craftsman – It is a joy to watch just about any craftsman at his trade. This is a fascinating video of a jeweler doing what he does. Unbroken – Christianity Today has a…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 22)

    The Unbreakable Laura Hillenbrand – The New York Times has a brilliant profile of author Laura Hillenbrand, author of Seabiscuit and Unbroken. 7 Myths About a Pastor’s Workweek – Thom Rainer dispels a few myths. Peter Jackson Must Be Stopped – I agree. And what bothers me most of all is that it will be…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    Weekend A La Carte (December 20)

    The 9Marks blog has some good Advice for a New Elder. Thanks to Logos for sponsoring the blog this week with their article 3 Easy Ways to Get Logos 6 (and Special Gifts!). Sponsors help cover the costs associated with hosting and maintaining this site. This probably won’t be a shock, but family-friendly TV isn’t…

  • Free Stuff Fridays

    Friday is here, and it brings a brand new edition of Free Stuff Fridays. This week’s sponsor is Shepherd Press and they are giving away some great new products. There will be 5 winners this week, and each of the winners will receive the following items: For anyone who is interested, the following products will…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 19)

    An Unforgettable Christmas – It is so true: “Kids learn to love what brings their parents delight.” There is direct application for the Christmas season. Embiggening English – It has been many, many years since I’ve watched an episode of The Simpsons. But I did enjoy reading this article about its impact on the English…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 18)

    The Weight of Perfection in Marriage – This is a very enjoyable and challenging article on marriage. Pharma Spam – Ever wondered who’s behind all those spam emails you get that try to sell you cheap pills? This article explains. Through the Eyes of Spurgeon – This new documentary looks at the life and ministry…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 17)

    Free Bible Study Tools – Jacob Gerber shows where to find and how to use some excellent free Bible study tools. The Things of Earth – Westminster Books is offering good discounts on some new books, including one that comes highly recommended by John Piper: The Things of Earth. The Dumbest Thing – Here’s the…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 16)

    Board Game Sale – Amazon has a bunch of board games on sale today—with time to have them shipped before Christmas. Be sure to check out Ticket to Ride, Dominion, and 7 Wonders. I’m not as familiar with the rest of them. A Time to Speak – Today Gospel Coalition is sponsoring “A Time to…

  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (December 15)

    Rebuilding Appalachia – I enjoyed this short film that shows the work of an interesting ministry. To the Dad Looking at Porn – In case you still don’t have enough reasons to stop looking at porn, here are more. Controlling Online Conversation – This article shows how it’s possible to control the news stories that…