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  • A La Carte (March 1)

    Reassurance: The Needed Component in Reconciliation I think you will appreciate this one, a lesson on reconciliation drawn out of the narrative of Joseph and his brothers. Lamentations Bifrost Arts has a new album out that features songs of lament. You can listen to it at all at Bandcamp. The Downward Spiral of My Discontent…

  • A La Carte (February 29)

    Wayne Grudem Reflects on His Life’s Work I really enjoyed World magazine’s recent interview with Wayne Grudem. They talk about his life, his work, the ESV, Systematic Theology, and a lot else. Which Generation is Most Distracted by Their Phones? If you think it’s those Millennials, think again. The truth is “Adults are as addicted—if…

  • Weekend A La Carte (February 27)

    Making the Most of Prayer Meeting Here are some worthwhile tips on enjoying your church’s prayer meeting. You do go to your church’s prayer meeting, right? The Word Made Flesh Yesterday, here at the Ligonier Ministries National Conference, Ligonier released The Ligonier Statement on Christology. It is well worth reading and pondering and perhaps even…

  • A La Carte (February 26)

    Jungle Pilots Are Superheroes The whole superpower motif is a bit overplayed, but it was still good to see this video on the heroes of MAF. How Can We Be Angry and Not Sin? “I don’t think Paul had perfect, sinless anger in mind when he quoted King David from Psalm 4:4 to the Ephesians.…

  • A La Carte (February 25)

    I was not able to track down any noteworthy Kindle deals today. However, those who (like me) are big Logos users may be interested in a new deal they are offering. They have a lot of new Crossway collections coming along, and for each one you pre-order they’ll give you a 20% discount toward an…

  • A La Carte (February 24)

    Risen: Movies, Faith, and the Bible The best and most important part of this article on the film Risen comes in the final paragraph. I Got Skills I enjoyed this reflection on motherhood and parenting. Corpus Linguistics I appreciated this critical interaction with the post I wrote on feeling, thinking, and believing. Planet Earth 2…

  • A La Carte (February 23)

    What Should Evangelicals Make of Karl Barth? Justin Taylor shares D.A. Carson’s answer to Tony Reinke’s question. (Did you get all that?) “It is sad if knowledgeable pastors don’t make use of Barth, but it is even more sad if they make a wrong use of Barth. Barth has the capacity to say contradictory things…

  • A La Carte (February 22)

    More Thoughts on Christians and Sex in Movies Samuel James responds to comments and criticism on his excellent article about nudity and sex in movies. What Happened Between the Old and New Testaments? When you flip that page between the Old Testament and New Testament, you are travelling 400 years. What happened in that time?…

  • Weekend A La Carte (February 20)

    Cancer Cons, Phoney Accidents and Fake Deaths “After Taryn Wright exposed an elaborate fake tragedy on Facebook, she found herself leading a squad of online detectives – but on the internet, it doesn’t take long for a crowd to become a mob.” Clearance Sale Westminster Books is having a clearance sale, discounting books they have…

  • A La Carte (February 19)

    How Caring for Children Changes the World Kelly Needham explains. “For the Israelites, redemption began with a baby and five brave women who believed that caring for babies mattered. May we be as countercultural as they were, saying in as many ways as we can that yes, caring for children matters.” The Thinking Man’s Guide…

  • A La Carte (February 18)

    Anthems for Little Theologians I generally have a no-Kickstarter policy, but will make an exception here. Bible Sounds: Anthems for Little Theologians has a great sound and some neat animations. It may just be worth supporting. Martin Luther’s Death and Legacy Martin Luther died on February 18, 1546. Stephen Nichols recounts the end of his…

  • A La Carte (February 17)

    In Defense of Date Night Stacey Reaoch defends date nights: “While it’s true that a good marriage is built in the mundane tasks of everyday life rather than on romantic getaways and mountaintop experiences, it doesn’t negate the fact that intentional time together as a couple is indispensable to having a healthy marriage.” Joseph Fiennes…

  • A La Carte (February 16)

    That Part of Gospel-Centeredness We Avoid There is truth to this. “One aspect of gospel-centrality remains under-emphasized among us: interpersonal reconciliation.” 43 Giant, Crumbling Presidential Heads in a Virginia Field Smithsonian: After an ambitious monument went bust, big dreams—and big heads—remain. To Your Daughter, Speak the Truth Jen Wilkin has a word for dads. Does…

  • monday

    A La Carte (February 15)

    Fear, Trust, and Missionary Kids “Threat of physical harm and death do not keep missionaries off the field, but there is something that does. I have heard it from the mouths of Americans unwilling to consider missions, and ringing in my head these last few weeks: my kids could die.” Death, the Prosperity Gospel and…

  • Weekend A La Carte (February 13)

    Israel’s Women-in-Combat Experience “Whenever anyone at National Review … writes in opposition to opening all combat jobs to women or (even worse) drafting women into ground combat, there is predictable hue and cry from the Left. ‘But Israel! You conservatives couldn’t possibly be criticizing Israel, could you?’” Here’s why Israel isn’t the trump card. Bivocational…

  • A La Carte (February 12)

    The Creepy, Mysterious, & Interesting History of Valentine’s Day I really enjoyed this article on the history of Valentine’s Day. Scripture’s “Top Two” List “The Apostle Paul has a tendency to give us lists of sins. He gives us at least five of them. At first glance, it feels like he is simply piling it…

  • A La Carte (February 11)

    Conscripted for Life, Not War There are a couple of key lines in this article. “God gave women marvelous strength. Strength that wasn’t meant to be compared or measured against a man. Last time I checked, I’d never met a man able to give birth. I’ve also never known a man able to handle months…

  • A La Carte (February 10)

    Speedos or Shorts? Bikinis or Bathing Suits? I appreciate the big point in Carl Trueman’s article, but it’s equally worth reading for the one-liners like this: “quackery has never been a bar to influence.” (And he’s not even writing about the presidential primaries.) You Won’t Be So Passionate When You’re 40 Erik Raymond describes an…

  • A La Carte (February 9)

    Please Keep This Between Us “Please don’t tell anyone else this, but I wanted to process something with you. If you could just keep it between you and me? I assume you know I wouldn’t want it to get around, I want to make sure people really understand my side of things and that can…

  • A La Carte (February 8)

    Four Things to Help Overcome Gridlock in Your Marriage “Have you ever found yourself in a place in your marriage where you and your spouse disagree and it seems like there is no way forward?” We have all been there at one time or another, haven’t we? We Will Never Let Our Daughters Die for…