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Explore A La Carte

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 16)

    Pray Together with Your Guests This is a helpful admonition about making sure you pray when you have guests in your home. It’s encouragement for other believers and evangelism for unbelievers. The Minecraft Generation The New York Times has a long and interesting piece about Minecraft. “At a time when even the president is urging…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 15)

    Where Are They? I appreciated this short, sweet, comforting reflection from Ed Welch. Three Things Pastors Can’t Do Too Much Jared Wilson: “I’m not a big fan of overdoing it. Not a huge proponent of overcooking your sermons, overproducing your worship service. But there are a few things I think pastors probably could do more…

  • A La Carte (April 14)

    Porch Preaching I love this! Joe Holland has Jehovah’s Witnesses knock on his door. “They gave me a Watch Tower tract and invited me to an Easter service at the local Kingdom Hall. I responded with a short paragraph I’ve used dozens of times when pairs of evangelists visit my home.” Pray for R.C. Sproul…

  • A La Carte (April 13)

    Libraries Struggle to Remain Relevant WORLD reports on the struggles libraries face as they attempt to stay relevant in a digital world. Thinking? Conference 2016 If you are in or near Toronto, be sure to think about coming to the Thinking? 2016 conference which takes place next weekend. Sitting In God’s Lap to Slap Him…

  • A La Carte (April 12)

    7 Suggestions for When You Preach about Homosexuality It can be done so well and it can be done so poorly. Brad Hambrick wants to help you do it well. Marriage: So Much More Than a Partnership Truth: “Marriage isn’t about two lives coming together and compromising where the road splits, it’s about two lives…

  • A La Carte (April 11)

    Tips for T4G J.A. Medders offers up some important (and a few not-so-important) tips on surviving and thriving at Together for the Gospel. When NOT Helping Hurts Here’s a tough situation to navigate: “One major principle is to not do something for someone that they can do for themselves. Good-hearted giving from Westerners sometimes (maybe…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 9)

    Common Misconceptions About Calvinism Cole Brown is beginning a series on some of the most common misconceptions about Calvinism. He begins, of course, with the word itself: Calvinism. What Is Love? What is love? This, for sure. What a sweet video. Why Hospitality Beats Entertaining Jen Wilkin circles back to her most regrettable social media…

  • A La Carte (April 8)

    Why International Adoptions by Americans Have Hit a 35-Year Low “In 2004, Americans adopted 22,884 children from foreign countries—an all-time high. Twelve years later, that number has dropped to 5,648 children—the lowest level in 35 years, according to recently released statistics from the US State Department on fiscal year 2015 (Oct. 1, 2014 to Sept.…

  • A La Carte (April 7)

    Forgetting the Past Ed Welch: “Scripture does help us with our painful pasts, but it does more than that. It tells us to forget things we want to remember, and remember things we are likely to forget.” I.O.U. Darryl Dash looks at evangelism as a debt we owe to others. “Paul says that he’s under…

  • A La Carte (April 6)

    Followed By The God of Grace Be sure to read Garrett Kell’s story of being followed by God: “It was early in my junior year at Virginia Tech—and I felt like everywhere I turned, God was following me around.” Is WebMD Trustworthy? Can you trust WebMD? Kind of. But not really. Fulfilling God’s Call to…

  • A La Carte (April 5)

    9 Things You Need to Know about and Sex Trafficking This is awful but important. “Many assume sex trafficking is restricted to the darkest corners of the Internet. The online classified ad company ‘Backpage,’ however, has become the Walmart of sex trafficking and prostitution. For a modest fee, traffickers can post sex ads of…

  • A La Carte (April 4)

    Beneath The Evangelical Earthquake Paul Carter writes about the word “evangelical” and our increasing reticence to be described that way. The Intelligent Life of the City Raccoon Well isn’t this fascinating: city raccoons are smarter than country raccoons because they have to reason their way through more complex challenges. 18 Things to Pray for Your…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 2)

    12 Things to Know About the Anti-Christ “We, in the Calvinistic and Reformed church, have not done justice to the Scripture’s teaching on this matter. We often rightly respond to the ‘Left Behind’ industry with dismay and sarcasm. In so doing, however, we have, perhaps inadvertently failed to sufficiently and soberly grasp Scripture’s teaching on…

  • A La Carte (April 1)

    Andy Stanley’s Problem with the Bible “Andy Stanley knows the Bible. As the son of the popular Baptist pastor, Dr. Charles Stanley, he has grown up under Bible teaching and preaching. As a pastor of a very large megachurch, North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Georgia, Andy Stanley has spent much time reading and studying…

  • A La Carte (March 31)

    Pillar New Testament Commentaries Westminster Books is offering a great deal on the Pillar New Testament Commentary series. This is a top-notch series edited by D.A. Carson and suitable to anyone who wishes to better understand God’s Word. My Side, Your Side, or Neither You may benefit from this reflection on church conflict. “Both sides…

  • A La Carte (March 30)

    Hope for a Hopeless Marriage This story of hope in a hopeless situation may be an encouragement to you. The Joy and Pain of Consistent Parenting Parenting in a nutshell: “This morning I awoke at 12:30AM to the blood-curdling screams of my two-year old daughter. She wanted a new band-aid for her toe. Her screaming…

  • A La Carte (March 29)

    15 Reflections from My 15 Years of Experience as a Pastor Brian Najapfour offers up 15 excellent reflections based on his 15 years of pastoring. Faithlessness Shrinks You Down To a Grasshopper Trevin Wax: “Thinking too little of God sometimes leads you to think too little of yourself. For years, I thought it was the…

  • A La Carte (March 28)

    10 Common Ways Churches Get Off Mission Jared Wilson: “The Lord has called his people to be on gospel mission for the sake of his glory. Most churchfolk will readily acknowledge this, and yet many churches have drifted away — often subtly — from thinking of themselves as missionaries in their respective communities and beyond.…

  • Weekend A La Carte (March 26)

    History Today: George Whitefield Founds an Orphanage This is actually History Tomorrow now, but it’s a good overview of Whitefield’s orphanage. Don’t Like Diversity? You’ll Hate Heaven The title about says it all, doesn’t it? A Horribly Beautiful Friday Paul Tripp: “At the center of a biblical worldview is this radical recognition: the most horrible…

  • A La Carte (March 25)

    When I Didn’t Love My Adopted Child I appreciated this honest bit of writing. “That maternal instinct God gives mothers is an incredible force for good—and something I didn’t have with our adopted daughter like I have with my other kids.” What Do Expiation and Propitiation Mean? Let Dr. Sproul explain those important terms which…