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Explore A La Carte

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (May 31)

    Hearing the Voice of the Lord in Your Pastor’s Sermon “Reformed churches believe God still speaks. While we do not believe he speaks via the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we believe that via preaching God’s voice is as real and vital to us as it was through the mouths and pens of prophets and…

  • A La Carte (May 30)

    No Small Breaches John MacArthur explains that “integrity isn’t usually forfeited in a single moment of spectacular failure. Instead it’s slowly chipped away at by small compromises repeated over time, until the façade of righteousness collapses and the secret hypocrisy is exposed.” The Summer of Great Family Reads Redeemed Reader has suggestions for you and…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 28)

    Why Is Clinton Disliked? Yes, the question has to do with politics, but there is a bigger point we can all consider: “Even a socially good vocation can swallow you up and make you lose a sense of your own voice. Maybe it’s doubly important that people with fulfilling vocations develop, and be seen to…

  • A La Carte (May 27)

    Eternity Etched On My Eyes This is a powerful bit of writing. “‘I’m so weak. I’m so weak. I’m so weak,’ I whispered from the floor where I lay in my room, overwhelmed with the ongoing pain day after day. I looked up at my nightstand where the little orange bottle sat containing the narcotic…

  • A La Carte (May 26)

    Actively Serving Christ in Older Age Here’s a challenge for all of us: “One of the characteristics that has always impressed me about highly committed servants of Jesus Christ is that they continue to actively serve Him to the very end of their lives. Long after others have retired from their vocations and various forms…

  • A La Carte (May 25)

    Devotional Theology I like the sound of this series: “From the fallible, presumptuous words of Jesus Calling to the dangerous practice of contemplative prayer, eager Christian women everywhere are desperately seeking to know God better. However, the one thing we’re lacking is the one thing that’s sitting right under our noses—the Word of God; and…

  • A La Carte (May 24)

    The Hidden Hours of Ministry I’m looking forward to this series about the hidden hours of ministry. “The hidden hours lay the foundation for what happens publicly. The clamour of pastoral and teaching ministry can make it tempting to hold to public priorities, while neglecting more private responsibilities.” Ben Zobrist Is Reinventing Himself You’ll probably…

  • A La Carte (May 23)

    Do Biological Facts No Longer Matter? I am always interested in Nancy Pearcey’s take on contemporary issues. “The Darwinian worldview implies that the cosmos is merely a vast amoral machine. It reduces the human body to a lump of matter, a collection of atoms and molecules, not intrinsically different from any other chance configuration of…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 21)

    It is a long weekend here in Canada as we pause for Victoria Day on Monday. This holiday marks the unofficial start of cottage season for those who have been so blessed. The rest of us just enjoy an extra day off and, hopefully, some time with friends and family. How to Shepherd Every Member…

  • A La Carte (May 20)

    Don’t Be Embarrassed by Your Ordinary Church By definition most churches are ordinary churches, right? Hong Kong This video of Hong Kong is beautifully done. (Isn’t it sad to see the empty, superstitious worship…) Is Your Pastor Happy To See You? I think you’ll appreciate this one from Jared Wilson. (I feel the need to…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (May 19)

    I did not track down any Kindle deals today. However, if you are an Olive Tree user, you may be interested in picking up Visual Theology which they’ve just added to their catalog. Why Believers Must Avoid Immoral Joking I quite agree. “I write these very words because I, too, could easily fall into the…

  • A La Carte (May 18)

    Arguments For and Against Anxiety Justin Taylor: “An important lesson of the Christian life is that the heart of the battle is a fight not between abstract commands (do this! don’t do that!) but rather arguments. Unbelief does not just offer dictates; it offers reasons why we don’t need to trust the Lord. And to…

  • A La Carte (May 17)

    Persistent Prayer to a Loving Father “Persistent prayer proves hard for many Christians. We may labor on our knees for years as we pray for our unbelieving child, an empty womb, our spouse to be converted, the friend battling cancer, depression to no longer have a hold, a sin to lose its grip, or the…

  • A La Carte (May 16)

    Are You a Closet Annihilationist? Denny Burk comments on an article that discusses changing Christian views on hell. The Power of Conformity Rod Dreher shares a letter from one of his readers that explains some of the radical change we see around us (and why it should concern us). The Tender Heart of a Woman…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 14)

    I am glad to be preparing this A La Carte in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I am here to speak at a conference through the afternoon, then will fly home this evening so I can worship with Grace Fellowship Church tomorrow. It should be a good weekend. As always, your prayers are appreciated. Regulating Screen Time…

  • friday

    A La Carte (May 13)

    The Moral Revolutionaries Present Their Demands Al Mohler says, “The terms of moral surrender have been delivered to us, and they are absolute and unconditional. Just ask Japan and Germany what that means.” The Family Idols There is an important challenge in this article from Nick Batzig. He shows that even something as good as…

  • A La Carte (May 12)

    Troubleshooting the Celebrity Pastor Problem I appreciate Jared Wilson’s thoughts on the celebrity pastor problem in today’s church. Goose Finds Cop Can this actually be real? “On Monday, Givens was sitting in his patrol car in a parking lot when he was accosted by one very unexpected visitor who seemed dead set on getting his…

  • A La Carte (May 11)

    Restroom Laws and Jim Crow It’s a big question today: Are restroom laws that respect privacy the equivalent of Jim Crow laws? Planetary Transit NASA got some amazing footage of Mercury making its way between us and the sun, something that happens just 13 times each century. Where’s Your Heart? Randy Alcorn: “Do you wish…

  • A La Carte (May 10)

    An Open Letter to Someone Having an Affair Brad Hambrick pens a letter to someone having an affair. “An affair is a relationship built on deceit and artificially fueled by the passion-allegiance of a shared secret and not having to bear the weight of day-to-day life. The story line of ‘forbidden love’ evaporates as soon…

  • A La Carte (May 9)

    I’m Still a Complementarian… And There’s Still That “But” I’m glad to read people’s struggles to better understand, define, and appreciate complementarianism. This kind of discussion should prove fruitful! How We Pray There are lots of points made in this survey on prayer, but perhaps this is the most important: “Reid said the most striking…