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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte (May 4)

    The Black People in the Middle of Nowhere What an interesting little snapshot of history from the National Post. “Established in 1909 at a spot 170 km north of Edmonton, the short history of Amber Valley is that a bunch of American blacks got tired of all the racism and decided to do like Eastern…

  • A La Carte (May 3)

    Stop Saying “I Feel Like” This is fascinating and well-reasoned: “Here is the paradox: ‘I feel like’ masquerades as a humble conversational offering, an invitation to share your feelings, too — but the phrase is an absolutist trump card. It halts argument in its tracks.” Puritans on the Potomac Timothy George has penned a great…

  • A La Carte (May 2)

    The Lost Art of Christian Polemics Conrad Mbewe: “The tragedy on today’s ecclesiastical landscape is the number of heretics who are thriving inside evangelicalism. They are having a field day and hardly anyone is raising a voice against them.” The Modern Man’s Fantasy World “Is there any wonder why there is such a decline in…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 30)

    When Did Each of the Biblical Patriarchs Live and Die? Justin Taylor did the work and has mapped it all out for us. What Is the Most Expensive Object on Earth? Now there’s a difficult question to answer. But that didn’t keep the BBC from trying. 9 Things You Should Know About Jehovah’s Witnesses Joe…

  • A La Carte (April 29)

    Parchments You’ve probably never thought about this before: How much did it cost Paul to write an epistle? The answer may surprise you. Governed by Bad News or Good News? There is lots of bad news all around us. “But we must resist the temptation to be governed by the bad news around us. We…

  • A La Carte (April 28)

    Thoughts On The Rise And Fall Of Pastors This is a really good and really urgent article by Scott Sauls. When Prayer Feels Like a Chore It is sad but undeniable that sometimes the great privilege of prayer can feel like a chore or burden. Canonicity: Why These 66 Books? This is helpful: “We believe…

  • A La Carte (April 27)

    If You’ve Cheated, Should You Tell Your Spouse? “Adultery is devastating. In the aftermath of an adulterous affair, the offending spouse must first turn away from sin through repentance before God. But after such repentance takes place, there’s another question that has to be answered: Should you confess the adultery to your spouse?” Russell Moore…

  • A La Carte (April 26)

    When Character Matters Less Than Talent This is so important: “If you look at some of the celebrity pastors who have recently fallen you can see a pattern. They had obvious talents and gifts and passion, but there were a few questions about character. But we let some of those character issues slide in the…

  • A La Carte (April 25)

    Board Game Sale A couple of times a year Amazon puts strategy board games on sale. Today is one of those days. How did I not know there’s a game called “1812: The Invasion of Canada”? Beautifully True How can we know the Bible is true? John Piper responds in this artistic video. How Facebook…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 23)

    It was a joy to meet so many of you at the Sex, Sin, & Salvation conference here in Pittsburgh. I’m heading back to Toronto this morning and looking forward to leading a quick breakout session at the Thinking? conference later in the day. It has been a bit of a slow week for Kindle…

  • A La Carte (April 22)

    VT @ WTS Westminster Books launched a sale yesterday that has Visual Theology marked down to just $10. $5 Fridays This week’s $5 Friday from Ligonier is a good one. “If you spend at least $20 on this week’s discounted resources, you will receive a $10 gift certificate for a future purchase in our store.…

  • A La Carte (April 21)

    Harriet Tubman Harriet Tubman will soon be on the American $20 bill, so perhaps you should read this quick refresher from Christianity Today. (And, of course, there is Joe Carter’s 9 Things You Should Know about her.) 10 Reasons Pastors Must Be Prayer Warriors Pastors, please make prayer a crucial part of your ministry. Congregations,…

  • A La Carte (April 20)

    Why We Need Anonymous, Plodding Church Planters This is so good and so important. “Unfortunately, for us to plant the kinds of churches we need to plant the men who feel called to planting must change their expectations and their definition of ‘success.’ We cannot bear another generation of church planters who want to be…

  • A La Carte (April 19)

    Living an Others-Oriented Life Here’s Mark Dever on living a life oriented away from self and toward others. (It’s an excerpt from his new book Discipling.) Aurora Borealis from Space in Ultra-High Definition Wow. Here’s the Aurora Borealis shown from Space in ultra-high definition. Preaching and Preachers If you are into podcasts, you may want…

  • A La Carte (April 18)

    Covenant College Women’s Tennis I admire this resolve. “On Sunday, Kyle Taylor released a statement as director of athletics for Covenant College about the upcoming championship match. The match was scheduled for the Covenant women’s tennis team, a group that deserves a great deal of respect for a remarkable season, standing 15-5 overall and 11-1…

  • Weekend A La Carte (April 16)

    Pray Together with Your Guests This is a helpful admonition about making sure you pray when you have guests in your home. It’s encouragement for other believers and evangelism for unbelievers. The Minecraft Generation The New York Times has a long and interesting piece about Minecraft. “At a time when even the president is urging…

  • friday

    A La Carte (April 15)

    Where Are They? I appreciated this short, sweet, comforting reflection from Ed Welch. Three Things Pastors Can’t Do Too Much Jared Wilson: “I’m not a big fan of overdoing it. Not a huge proponent of overcooking your sermons, overproducing your worship service. But there are a few things I think pastors probably could do more…

  • A La Carte (April 14)

    Porch Preaching I love this! Joe Holland has Jehovah’s Witnesses knock on his door. “They gave me a Watch Tower tract and invited me to an Easter service at the local Kingdom Hall. I responded with a short paragraph I’ve used dozens of times when pairs of evangelists visit my home.” Pray for R.C. Sproul…

  • A La Carte (April 13)

    Libraries Struggle to Remain Relevant WORLD reports on the struggles libraries face as they attempt to stay relevant in a digital world. Thinking? Conference 2016 If you are in or near Toronto, be sure to think about coming to the Thinking? 2016 conference which takes place next weekend. Sitting In God’s Lap to Slap Him…

  • A La Carte (April 12)

    7 Suggestions for When You Preach about Homosexuality It can be done so well and it can be done so poorly. Brad Hambrick wants to help you do it well. Marriage: So Much More Than a Partnership Truth: “Marriage isn’t about two lives coming together and compromising where the road splits, it’s about two lives…