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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte (January 20)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a single, solitary book. It’s a good one, at least. Westminster Books is offering a discount on a great book: James Buchanan’s Justification. They’ve also got several other titles on justification discounted. Why I’m Thankful to Be An American Today Everyone is writing about America today. I appreciate Amy’s thoughts…

  • A La Carte (January 19)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles that may be of interest, though there’s no discernible pattern to them. The Myth of Influence This is a great article by Robert Godfrey on the myth of influence. “For a long time, I have felt that the cause of biblical Christianity has been undermined in our time…

  • A La Carte (January 18)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of worthwhile deals. This week’s deal from Westminster Books is the Living Word Bible Studies series. They are helpful guides to various books of the Bible. Pray for Your Church Leaders Please do! Not only do your leaders need your prayer, but it’s your responsibility to pray for them.…

  • A La Carte (January 17)

    Today’s Kindle deals include only 4 titles, but each of them is well worth a good look. 10 Things You Should Know About Sanctification Sam Storms: “We all hear a great deal about Christian sanctification, but what precisely is it, and how does it work? Today we look at ten things about this crucial biblical…

  • A La Carte (January 16)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several titles from Crossway on the subject of family. There’s also a good little Watts biography in there. Are You a Confirmation Bias Christian? Confirmation bias is a powerful force and one that can play a surprisingly prominent role in your life. Not So Golden Globes Writing for WORLD, Cal Thomas…

  • Weekend A La Carte (January 14)

    Those who pay attention to the Kindle deals won’t find anything new today. Stay tuned on Monday as there are some price drops scheduled for then. In the meantime, here are some articles to read and videos to watch: How Black and White Christians Do Discipleship Differently This is very, very interesting. “When it comes…

  • A La Carte (January 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a new book from GLH Publishing that is discounted for the first week or two, as well as a couple of other titles that may be of interest. My productivity course Do More Better is now available as an iOS app. You’ll first need to sign up at Defining Evangelicalism…

  • A La Carte (January 12)

    I wasn’t able to track down any new Kindle Kindle deals today, but I guess you can always catch up on past days! Why the Ark of the Covenant Will Never Be Found Here’s why the Ark of the Covenant will never be found. (Also, the scene from Indiana Jones where they found it and…

  • A La Carte (January 11)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of books that are ideal for kids. You’ll also find Nancy Pearcey’s Finding Truth at a great price along with a few other choice titles. This week’s deals from Westminster Books focus in on a Christian understanding of culture. Why Do Canadians Say ‘Eh’? I don’t know about you,…

  • A La Carte (January 10)

    Today’s Kindle deals include quite a few good books. B&H has many of their Perspectives titles on sale and they are worth checking out. Be sure to also consider Packer’s book on holiness and Matt Papa’s excellent Look and Live. The Dangers of Acting Like You Are Married There are certain dangers in acting married…

  • A La Carte (January 9)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several good titles from Crossway that will help you better understand the Bible. 5 Things The Seeker Movement Got Right Jared Wilson: “Actually, these are more like five ‘right ideas’ or five ‘right tracks’ the ‘seeker sensitive’ church growth movement started down before it veered hard into a fuller blown consumerism…

  • Weekend A La Carte (January 7)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just one new title, but there’s also a link to Amazon’s top picks for each month of 2016; they are all discounted today. Westminster Books also has all kinds of 2016’s best books on sale. Your New Fitbit Won’t Change Your Life We’ve all experienced the letdown of a Fitbit or…

  • friday

    A La Carte (January 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include an excellent book by Al Mohler as well as a couple of interesting titles from Barnabas Piper. Inevitable Side Effects of a Church Growth Ministry Model Harry Reeder pulls no punches in this take-down of the church growth model. “The inevitable side effects are soon manifested—worship becomes entertainment, discipleship becomes therapy,…

  • A La Carte (January 5)

    Today’s Kindle deals include books by Paul Tripp and Christine Hoover, as well as a selection of general-market business books that may be of interest. The One Trip to Plan for Your Family This Year I’m getting really excited for the opening of the Museum of the Bible. Timothy Paul Jones writes about it here…

  • A La Carte (January 4)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several titles from Paul Tripp along with a long list from B&H. There’s also a new one from GLH Publishing you may want to check out. Finally, Amazon has put a list of top-rated history books on sale, so history buffs (or people participating in the reading challenge) may want to…

  • A La Carte (January 3)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a biography that has been highly recommended as well as a book by Tim Keller. Free from Logos this month is volume 1 of the Bulletin for Biblical Research from the Institute for Biblical Research. John MacArthur’s Ten Crucial Lessons to Teach Our Children Here are ten crucial lessons John MacArthur…

  • A La Carte (January 2)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles that may be of interest, including one on the prosperity gospel and a novel by Randy Alcorn. Also, Amazon has their monthly batch of general market books at $3.99 or less. Free from Christian Audio this month is Michael Hyatt’s Living Forward. My Do More Better and several…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (December 31)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several big lists of general market books as low as $0.99 each, as well as a few Christian selections. The Appeal “If you have not heard it yet, you have probably not been online for a few weeks. If you have heard it once, you have probably heard it many times.…

  • A La Carte (December 30)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several short guides to the Bible and doctrine as well as Scotty Smith’s prayer book Everyday Prayers. Spiritual Depression is Coming for You “If you’ve been a Christian believer for any amount of time, you’re familiar with the feeling: It’s like you’re … off. Foggy. You’re not connecting with God, even…

  • A La Carte (December 29)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a list of three classics by Francis Schaeffer. They are nice and short which is ideal if you’re participating in a reading challenge this year. Yet they also pack a punch. Borrowed Convictions This is a helpful reflection from Jeremy Walker. “A list of gurus is not the same as a…