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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte (June 9)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of interesting titles. You Already Bugged Your Own House Years Ago It’s nerve-wracking to hear of all the ways companies and governments can listen in to us. But, the fact is, most of us bugged our homes years ago. In Defense of Educational Administrators Carl Trueman: “They are…

  • A La Carte (June 8)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few noteworthy book, including a favorite adaptation of The Pilgrim’s Progress and a book by James Montgomery Boice. Westminster Books has their deals for the week and they include David Murray’s new book on burnout as well as Richard Phillips’ excellent book for men. Reprobation: Does God Elect People to…

  • A La Carte (June 7)

    Today’s Kindle deals include volume 1 of The Works of William Perkins. Compared to the hardcover, you’ll save more than $40! There are a few other books as well. Self-Examination Speaks a Thousand Lies Self-examination is an important practice, but also a hazardous one if not done well. This article offers wise counsel. Why Do…

  • A La Carte (June 6)

    I spent yesterday purposefully walking from place to place in Rome, doing research for a forthcoming project. I walked 23 kilometers, all told, and have planned a similar day today. The research has gone well and I’m excited to eventually share some of what I’ve learned. Today’s Kindle deals include just enough titles to make…

  • A La Carte (June 5)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a whole collection of books by John Piper. Keeping an Eye On It I’m sure there’s a good sermon illustration in here somewhere. “A photo of a man in Alberta mowing a lawn with a tornado swirling behind him has been causing a storm on social media.” It shows here husband…

  • Weekend A La Carte (June 3)

    There is lots to choose from in today’s Kindle deals include. It has been a great week for them! Reformed Theology Gone Sour Ray Ortlund: “The problem is not Reformed theology per se. Inherent within that theology is a humbling and melting and softening and beautifying power. But Reformed theology is also intellectually satisfying, even…

  • friday

    A La Carte (June 2)

    Today’s Kindle deals include quite a few books including three on the important subject of spiritual warfare. Logos continues to release courses through their MobileEd platform. How about this one on eschatology which features five well-known theologians each defending his position: Darrell L. Bock—Pre-tribulation Premillennialism; Douglas J. Moo—Post-tribulation Premillennialism; Sam Storms—Amillennialism; Peter J. Leithart—Postmillennial Preterism;…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (June 1)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several selections from both John MacArthur and Helen Roseveare. There’s quite a lot else. As always, they have a selection of general market books on sale to begin a new month. Westminster Books has their bestselling book on prayer for sale. And some other books on prayer. If you’re a Logos…

  • A La Carte (May 31)

    Today’s Kindle deals include quite a lot of books that will be worth a quick peek. How the Self-Esteem Craze Took Over America Here’s a fascinating longform article about the self-esteem nonsense that took over America in the 80s and 90s. “If you grew up, or raised a child, during the 1980s or 1990s, you…

  • A La Carte (May 30)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a grab bag of deals. There’s a little bit of this and a little bit of that… Westminster Books continues their Calvin for Everyone sale with a deep discount on a great edition of the Institutes. Several similar resources are also on sale. Seattle Reboot: Life After Mars Hill Sarah Eekhoff…

  • A La Carte (May 29)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a whole collection by Voddie Baucham and a couple of other solid titles. Also, Amazon is having a one-day sale on a collection of general market books. Maybe you’ll find some summer reading there. In a Godless World This is an interesting article because it’s written by an unbeliever. He says…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 27)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a classic, a book on motherhood, and a couple of others. Yesterday I asked how to get those Prompts for Praising God into PrayerMate. Zach Burnham came through. Margaret Court Vs Sensible Evangelicals This one is long but very interesting. “You see, one of the biggest fears among evangelical middle class…

  • friday

    A La Carte (May 26)

    Next Sunday, June 4, I’ll be preaching at Breccia di Roma in Rome (Lord willing!). It would be a joy to meet you there if Rome is home to you. Their weekly worship service begins at 5:30 PM. Today’s Kindle deals include an interesting biography and a classic. Meanwhile, children’s books are on sale at…

  • A La Carte (May 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several titles, as usual. You know how it goes… Westminster Books is offering a good discount on a number of books, including the KNOW series by The Gospel Coalition. The Most Marginalized Minority “Is it possible, despite our allegiance to justice and compassion, that we have left the disabled on the…

  • A La Carte (May 24)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of deals. We will hope for more tomorrow. What 1,000 Americans Avoid Most Christianity Today reports on a new study showing the rise of shame over guilt as what people fear the most. The implications for our presentation of the gospel are profound. Thankfully, the gospel addresses shame…

  • A La Carte (May 23)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of classics and a couple of modern-day books worth reading. Do Catholics and Protestants believe in the same Trinity? “Many people are happy to say that Muslims and Christians believe in different gods based on what they think about Jesus. … Are the differences between Catholics and Protestants so…

  • A La Carte (May 22)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a hodgepodge of books which are worth checking out. Happy Victoria Day to my fellow Canadians. Enjoy your day off! What If I Don’t Feel Forgiven? “There is an important difference between guilt and guilt feelings. The distinction is between that which is objective and that which is subjective.” Do I…

  • Weekend A La Carte (May 21)

    Westminster Books has a great deal on various works by John Frame. You can’t go wrong with any of his books. Public Discourse in the Age of Social Media “Christians must understand that the medium of social media has a tendency to cheapen that which is rich and to deprecate that which is holy. But,…

  • A La Carte (May 19)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of books and a couple of Bibles. Hey Bill Johnson & Bethel Church… “I receive emails from people around the world who are deeply confused and frightened by the teaching and supposed ‘miracle’ ministry of Bill Johnson, Bethel Church, and Jesus Culture in Redding California. Many of these emails…

  • A La Carte (May 18)

    Christian Audio is having a mix and match sale; select 4 books and you’ll get all 4 for $15. Maybe load up your phone before that long vacation drive? Eight Of The Most Common Worship Leading Mistakes Jamie Brown: “Our goal is not to become flawless worship leaders who never make mistakes. Our goal is…