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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte (July 4)

    Happy Fourth of July to my American friends and family. I hope and trust you will enjoy your holiday! Today’s Kindle deals include a few minor deals. They also have a selection of top-rated general market books on sale for the day. Thank God for the Idea of America Kevin DeYoung: “I understand the dangers…

  • A La Carte (July 3)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a collection from Crossway and a couple of other deals. Be sure to check the long list of deals from late last week as well. Be sure to check out this month’s deals for Logos. They’ve got some great commentaries and resources on sale. Private Confession and Rebuke John Stott: “We…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 1)

    Happy 150th to Canada! It’s a big day up here and we are looking forward to celebrating with friends and fireworks. But first I’ve got some deals and some links to share with you. Today’s Kindle deals include a huge selection worth checking out. Also, Amazon has released their big collection of general market deals…

  • A La Carte (June 30)

    It’s an excellent day for Kindle deals, so be sure to check the big list. Burnout and Stress There are some good resources here related to burnout and stress. They’re especially helpful for pastors. Don’t Copy Spurgeon’s Schedule Speaking of burnout and stress, this article describes Spurgeon’s incredible weekly schedule, while this article explains why…

  • A La Carte (June 29)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a few minor deals. Westminster Books is offering a deal on a little new book by Kevin DeYoung. It’s a free download if you’d like the electronic version. An Incredible Spider (Video) This BBC video highlights a spider with an incredible ability. Does God Love Everyone? You can read or…

  • A La Carte (June 28)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of minor deals. MacArthur/Sproul Q&A (Video) This is a fun little video clip from a recent event. Also, R.C. Sproul does a good job answering a question about double predestination. The Apostate’s Creed This is pretty clever. Why Did God Allow the Fall? “It’s a question that puzzles…

  • A La Carte (June 26)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a whole series of excellent books from 9Marks. The Church of CrossFit I see this all over the place: Once church has disappeared, people will replace it with something or anything. Loving the People You Love to Hate Jared Wilson: “Here’s how you know if you hate something someone has done…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (June 24)

    Westminster Books has discounted a selection of new books from Crossway. The Success Affair “Working with such couples, I’ve found it interesting to note when the affairs happen. Often pastors get into an affair when ministry is going well, when they are achieving their ministerial career goals and dreams. Why is this so? Why would…

  • friday

    A La Carte (June 23)

    It has been a bit of a slow week for Kindle deals, but there are at least a couple there worth checking out. The History of Pews Here’s a tongue-in-cheek history of the humble church pew. “Seating in churches didn’t really become a thing until parishioners got bored enough to wish they were sitting down—that…

  • A La Carte (June 22)

    Westminster Books is offering a solid discount on a very good collection of commentaries. You can’t go wrong with any of the ones they’ve highlighted. Teens Who Choose Life in Unplanned Pregnancies Need Support and Respect, Not Shame Here is a wise and winsome response to an article that was all over the news a…

  • A La Carte (June 21)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few books that you may want to add to your collection. The Popular Christian Article We Need Fewer Of Yes! “The internet could use more of a lot of things. It could use more hilarious gifs, more cute animal pictures, and absolutely more people being nice. But there’s one thing…

  • A La Carte (June 20)

    Today’s Kindle deals do not include the most exciting list of titles I’ve ever dug up, but there may still be a book or two to catch your eye. Do More Better, my book on productivity, is about to release a new Student Edition. We’re asking people to helps us choose a cover. Vote here.…

  • A La Carte (June 19)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a number of interesting books, most of them from Crossway. Every Christian Ought To Be a Good Historian Have I mentioned how glad I am that Michael Haykin is blogging? “Many in the modern world, sadly even Christians, see the past as little more than this: a tiresome account of a…

  • Weekend A La Carte (June 17)

    It is a sunny summer weekend here in Ontario. We’ve got just two weeks of school remaining, then we’re officially on summer break. It has been well-earned and we are all looking forward to changing up the pace for a little bit. But enough about me. Here are some links to get your weekend started……

  • A La Carte (June 16)

    Today’s A La Carte headlines include: The blob that runs the body / a father’s example of a legacy worth leaving / correcting the overpopulation myth / a Mother Teresa relic current circulating through Ireland / don’t leave those kids alone / a nice collection of Kindle deals / the institution that shocked and changed…

  • A La Carte (June 15)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a few titles, but one of them will also get you a free audiobook. Westminster Books has some good deals this week, including a couple of important titles on suffering. Diagnosing & Mortifying the Sin of Complaining “The corruption of complaining is that it is a very sly assault and…

  • A La Carte (June 14)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a whole collection by John MacArthur as well as an excellent, reader-friendly introduction to the Reformation. Logos users will want to check out the excellent Reformed Expository Commentaries at 30% off. I’m looking forward to speaking in the Philippines next year. In the meantime, Steve Lawson will be there next week.…

  • A La Carte (June 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty solid list of Christian titles; also, you’ll find that Amazon has a list of business titles for sale today only. 10 Things You Should Know about Jonathan Edwards Just like the title says, a handy list of 10 things you ought to know about the great theologian. When the…

  • A La Carte (June 12)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few interesting titles, including two newer ones from Crossway. Three Tips to Instantly Improve Your Church’s Graphic Design The trouble with graphic design is that it looks so easy but is actually so hard. “If you are an untrained volunteer tasked with the creation of graphics for your organization, here…

  • Weekend A La Carte (June 10)

    The weekend is here! As you get started, here are a few articles and videos that you may find interesting and beneficial. A Tragic Bus Crash “On the way to the Atlanta airport for a student mission trip to Africa, an Alabama church bus flipped in a crash with two other vehicles, killing a teen…