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Explore A La Carte

  • A La Carte (August 2)

    I’ve arrived in Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest province, to speak at the annual Gospel Coalition Atlantic Canada conference. I look forward to a few days in one of my favorite places in the world. Today’s Kindle deals include a few minor deals that are worth a peek. 9 Things You Should Know About the…

  • A La Carte (August 1)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good selection. You may also want to take a peek at Amazon’s general market monthly deals. Free this month from Logos is John Stott’s classic Why I Am A Christian. Two of his other titles are practically free. There’s a freebie I’m not familiar with at Christian Audio along…

  • A La Carte (July 31)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few good picks from Crossway plus a couple more. Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of My Diving Accident Joni Eareckson Tada reflects: “I was once the 17-year-old who retched at the thought of living life without a working body. I hated my paralysis so much I would drive my power…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 29)

    Yesterday I preached my seventh(!) and final message at Muskoka Bible Centre, then headed home. I’m finally back at my desk after two weeks away–one week of vacation and one week of teaching. As always, it’s great to be home. Today’s Kindle deals include a single, solitary title, but it’s a good one that’s new…

  • A La Carte (July 28)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a wide selection, including a whole collection here that goes under the name Gospel-Centered Discipleship. Westminster Books has R.C. Sproul’s books for children on sale. They are all excellent! Dawkins’ Berkeley Delusion Richard Dawkins was “deplatformed” from an event for being Islamophobic. Stephen McAlpine has a fitting and thought-provoking response. No…

  • A La Carte (July 27)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a handful of titles that may be worth a look. Also, Amazon has a one-day sale on leather journals and portfolios. Maybe it’s time to get back into journaling? Actually They Don’t Just Hate the Church, They Hate Jesus “At least we’re cutting to the chase now in our culture. At…

  • A La Carte (July 26)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few Christian titles as well as a collection of award-winning general market books. Be sure to check out the deals this week from Westminster Books. 12 Spurgeon Quotes for When Parenting Feels Hard We can all use some encouragement from time to time. Our Cultural Waterloo Carl Trueman: “With Trump…

  • A La Carte (July 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles you might want to add to your collection. A Brief History of the Altar Call “By the mid-20th century, altar calls had become a staple of evangelical and Baptist life in America, especially in the South.” But where did that thing come from in the first place? Progressivism’s…

  • A La Carte (July 24)

    I’m back! I enjoyed a much-needed relaxing week with my family in Newfoundland. We went straight from there to Muskoka Bible Centre where I am teaching for the week. But as of today it’s business as normal at the blog, which means the return of A La Carte. Here we go… Today’s Kindle deals include…

  • A La Carte (July 17)

    This is going to be the sole A La Carte this week. I am on vacation for the next seven days and, as part of that, will not be doing all the daily reading and linking that’s part of A La Carte. They will resume, as normal, a week from today. However, I’ve got brand…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 15)

    Despite an early start and a thorough search, I was unable to track down any new Kindle deals today. So you’ll have to content yourself with reading articles like these ones: Why I Like to Sit by Young Children One of the most memorable flights I’ve ever had I was seated next to a little…

  • A La Carte (July 14)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few fairly minor deals. Still, check them out and see if something fits… Westminster Books is offering a book on the Reformation they hope you’ll buy in bulk and distribute. Keller, Allberry and Stott Here are three interesting and appropriate responses to Eugene Peterson’s recent comments on homosexuality and gay…

  • A La Carte (July 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of titles that may interest you. If your children are in Canadian, and especially Ontario public schools, you may be interested in reading My Child, My Chance. The Selfishness Behind Environmentalists’ Call for Fewer Children “Selfishness is much more palatable when you can cast as concern, but strip away…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (July 12)

    I sorted through hundreds of Kindle deals dealing with healing crystals, ouija boards, and seances (Amazon lumps together everything “spiritual”) to find just a few that actually have some value. Westminster Books has some discipleship resources on sale, including one for dads and their children. 12 Principles on How to Disagree with Other Christians It…

  • A La Carte (July 11)

    As you may know, it’s Prime Day at Amazon, so there are lots of deals to be had. You’ll find many of their Kindle devices deeply discounted (Voyage, Paperwhite, etc). They are also offering a deal where if you buy an Amazon book, 40% of the price is returned as a credit toward another printed…

  • A La Carte (July 10)

    Today’s Kindle deals include several important books from Crossway. Stage Fright A video has been making the rounds that shows a ballet performance during a service at Redeemer Presbyterian in New York. Wes Bredenhof sets this in historical context and makes an astute observation: “This performance would only be possible in a church building with…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 8)

    We are right in the heart of summer here. It’s warm, it’s sunny, it’s beautiful. We’ve had one of my sisters and her family visit us already with a second one en route. Then, starting next week, we are going to enjoy some vacation both home and away. But for another week it’s business as…

  • A La Carte (July 7)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a handful of deals on Christian books. Want to get caught up in your church history? Ligonier will send you Robert Godfrey’s massive video series for a donation of any amount. Spiritual Growth Comes From Community Solid advice: “My encouragement to young moms, or busy students, or stressed businessmen and women…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 6)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of titles. It has been a slow couple of days. I recently included a link to some solid deals from Westminster Books, but those products sold out quickly. They are now back in stock. Nature vs Nurture We’re all familiar with the nature/nurture distinction and debate. But what…

  • A La Carte (July 5)

    There isn’t much new by way of Kindle deals, but do check in if you’ve been offline for a couple of days. Also, here’s a roundup of this month’s top deals from Logos. Spurgeon’s Secret for Raising Godly Children Here are thirteen quotes by Spurgeon about raising Godly children. How the U.S. Government Will Survive…