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Explore A La Carte

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (August 23)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a list of contemporary books from Zondervan plus a collection of spiritual classics from Moody. Westminster Books is offering a deal on a new book by David Powlison. It deals with an urgent and important topic. (Yesterday at the blog I offered One Way To Make Sure You’re Preaching a Sermon,…

  • A La Carte (August 22)

    I returned from Germany safe and sound and pretty badly jet-lagged. It was a great trip, I learned a lot, and was able to see some of the things I needed to see for my upcoming project. I’ll be embarking on another trip in about a month… Today’s Kindle deals include a few odds and…

  • A La Carte (August 21)

    Today’s Kindle deals include some deals from Crossway (just like every other Monday) plus a biography of C.S. Lewis. Solar Eclipse Vox has an interactive graphic to show you what you might see of the eclipse from various zip codes across America. Excess, Minimalism, & Idolatry All the Same “I love the Pixar movie Up!…

  • Weekend A La Carte (August 19)

    Check out Westminster Books for some new deals on timely books. Yesterday I shared a review of an excellent new book: Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage: Critical Questions and Answers. Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Eclipses Atlas Obscura answers a host of questions about the coming eclipse. 10 Suggestions For New Bible College Students…

  • friday

    A La Carte (August 18)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a few new titles. Yesterday I wrote about why you need to push yourself beyond headlines. Trump Is More In Touch Than You Think I link to this analysis from Rod Dreher because it seems to make a similar point to mine yesterday. Reading headlines in the news you’d come…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (August 17)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few books you may want to add to your collection. Death on Demand? Once again, we turn to Holland for a warning of the “progress” that comes with the acceptance of assisted suicide. Iceland’s Future: Clear, Bright and Cold Iceland is celebrating that they have pretty much eliminated Downs Syndrome.…

  • A La Carte (August 16)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few deals from a few different authors. Westminster Books has a deal on the flagship ESV Bible. A Relationship, Not a Religion? Here’s an argument that you ought to stop saying, “It’s a relationship, not a religion.” In the Steps of Charles Spurgeon Trevin Wax shares a photo essay of…

  • A La Carte (August 15)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of timely books. The End Of An Era Conrad Mbewe has a beautiful blog post about Erroll Hulse. It’s worth reading even if you don’t know either man! Shining Divine Light in the Darkest Places Vance Christie continues his series of short historical articles with a look at Corrie…

  • A La Carte (August 14)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a series that will have special appeal to people with an interest in theology. Shai Linne: Dear CHH Fans of Christian hip-hop will want to read Shai Linne’s impassioned letter to the fans and artists involved in the genre. The Lessons of History and the Heresy of Racial Superiority Al Mohler…

  • Weekend A La Carte (August 12)

    Westminster Books has a solid deal on a set of books meant to protect children in local churches. Someone in every church needs to take on this responsibility! (Yesterday at the blog I wrote about our culture’s shift in the way it pressures people to conform to societal expectations. Western culture has long been obsessed…

  • friday

    A La Carte (August 11)

    I dug up a few Kindle deals for you today, with most of them related to parenting. (Yesterday at the blog I wrote about Christian “experts” on marriage and parenting who may have all the knowledge they need, but who lack the key trait of humility. You can read it here: He (and They) Must…

  • A La Carte (August 10)

    There are no interesting Kindle deals today. You may be interested, though, in getting 50% off the Reformation Heritage KJV Study Bible from Reformation Heritage Books. Sex Should be Spiritual “Porn culture has warped our idea of what sex is. It isn’t a union of two bodies and souls, but a chance to get what…

  • A La Carte (August 9)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just one book, but I reviewed it positively last week and it’s well worth reading. Westminster Books has a solid deal on a new book for kids from Kevin DeYoung. Reformation Visual Theology We’ve just released some new Visual Theology related to the Reformation (since, as you know, we’re at the…

  • A La Carte (August 8)

    I didn’t too find much that’s new or noteworthy in Kindle deals (though there are a couple there), but did want to point out some Logos specials: This month Logos has deals on at least three great resources: The Bible Speaks Today commentary series, New Studies in Biblical Theology, and the Tyndale Commentary set. You…

  • A La Carte (August 7)

    Today’s Kindle deals are all about J.I. Packer. There’s lots to choose from! Reading God’s Handwriting “Reading God’s providences is like reading God’s sentences. Ah, but these sentences aren’t typed like scripture—fixed and clear in its wording. Nor are these sentences like the brush strokes of creation. These sentences are in God’s handwriting. Handwriting in…

  • Weekend A La Carte (August 5)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just one, but a good one. The ‘Prophets’ and ‘Apostles’ Leading the Quiet Revolution Bob Smietana interviews a couple of experts on “a Christian movement characterized by multi-level marketing, Pentecostal signs and wonders, and post-millennial optimism.” The Slippery Slope and the Jesus Box Richard Phillips reflects on someone who has followed…

  • A La Carte (August 4)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good selection, topped by a great book by Nancy Pearcey. Logos users will want to check out this list of monthly deals on key resources. Westminster books has more than 200 titles on sale as part of their back to school sale. The Man Converted through His Own Preaching…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (August 3)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a lot of titles by John MacArthur as well as a couple by other authors. Westminster Books has a sale on a book I’ve been reading and enjoying (and hope to review soon). Smart Rules for Smartphones Short and to the point. Thanks, Dad, For Not (Always) Showing Up “I’m so…

  • A La Carte (August 2)

    I’ve arrived in Prince Edward Island, Canada’s smallest province, to speak at the annual Gospel Coalition Atlantic Canada conference. I look forward to a few days in one of my favorite places in the world. Today’s Kindle deals include a few minor deals that are worth a peek. 9 Things You Should Know About the…

  • A La Carte (August 1)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good selection. You may also want to take a peek at Amazon’s general market monthly deals. Free this month from Logos is John Stott’s classic Why I Am A Christian. Two of his other titles are practically free. There’s a freebie I’m not familiar with at Christian Audio along…