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Explore A La Carte

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (February 10)

    There is just one Kindle deals today but it’s on a book I’ve heard good things about. (Yesterday on the blog: Three Things to Look For in the 2018 Winter Olympics) I Am Who I Am “I have a daughter, a seven year old beauty, who I bounce on my knee, rock back and forth…

  • A La Carte (February 9)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of deals, but they are both for excellent books. Meanwhile, Westminster Books has discounts on a solid theological series and Christian Focus is celebrating the launch of their new web site with a sale. (Yesterday on the blog: How to Choose Worship Songs) Why Do I Believe in…

  • A La Carte (February 8)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few good picks. We’ve got one by John MacArthur, one by Cruciform Press, and so on. (Yesterday on the blog: Kiss the Wave) My Son, Withhold Judgment “One of the worst things you can do is drag your feet in doing right. If you see your sister being attacked, act.…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (February 7)

    Today’s Kindle deals include three books that are worth checking out. I especially recommend the first two. Westminster Books has deals today on Reference Bibles. (Yesterday on the blog: The Scariest Book I’ve Ever Read) Berlin Wall — Now Down For as Long as It Once Stood “It almost seems unfathomable that precisely 10,315 days…

  • A La Carte (February 6)

    I’m looking forward to speaking in chapel today at Cedarville University. It was a long (so long!) and wild ride to get here yesterday via snowy Chicago. But I made in eventually and am excited to see the school and meet the students and faculty. (Yesterday on the blog: Exploring Ireland: EPIC Vlog 02) The…

  • A La Carte (February 5)

    Today’s Kindle deals include an excellent series of books from Crossway. Yesterday on the blog: Headlines & Happenings (A Personal Update; Jordan Peterson) Church Twice on a Sunday? Really! The Sunday evening service is a dying tradition, but one worth preserving. “I know lots of churches have dropped the evening service, and I’m also aware…

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (February 3)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty good collection of books that are new and books that are old. (Yesterday on the blog: Seven Key Lessons in Diversity from Grace Fellowship Church) How the Mom Internet Became a Spotless, Sponsored Void This is a fascinating read (at least to me, a blogger): “More than 260,000 people…

  • A La Carte (February 2)

    My life as a writer has taken a strange turn. After struggling with nerve damage for the past few months (which has prevented me from doing a lot of typing) I managed to fracture my arm in Ireland. I guess the next few days will tell whether I can cope with typing while wearing a…

  • A La Carte (February 1)

    Today’s Kindle deals include titles by John MacArthur, Jerry Bridges, Paul Miller, and others. Westminster Books has a couple of deals worth checking out: They’ve got P&R’s Basics of the Faith booklets deeply discounted and they’ve done the same with Crossway’s Good News tracts. Time to stock up! Free from Logos this month is a…

  • A La Carte (January 31)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a little bit of this and that. (Yesterday on the blog: What I Pack in My Bag When I Travel) 3 Reasons Why Younger Christians Should Attend the Funeral Service of Older Christians “When was the last time you attended the funeral service for a young person? The funeral home was…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (January 30)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of good titles from Jared Wilson (his brand new one among them). (Yesterday on the blog: Three Vivid Images of Unity in Diversity) What Pastors Could Learn From Jordan Peterson “Peterson provides a salutary reminder to the Church that preaching need not be considered a dying medium. Done well,…

  • A La Carte (January 29)

    I arrived in Dublin on Saturday morning and have worked my way up to Belfast as I complete more research for my church history project. Today we are on the Amy Carmichael trail! Today’s Kindle deals include a few interesting books that are headlined by a discount on the ESV Student Study Bible. (Yesterday on…

  • Weekend A La Carte (January 27)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just one book, but it’s one of my all-time favorite Puritan works. I’m excited to announce a new study guide and teaching slides for one of my new booklets, The Commandment We Forgot. Purchase them through Visual Theology. (Yesterday on the blog: What Do We Do with the King James Version?)…

  • A La Carte (January 26)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles cross several different categories. Westminster Books has 50% off 25 of the top books from P&R Publishing. That includes some excellent titles. (Yesterday on the blog: Quick Tips for Aspiring Bloggers – Three-Minute Thursdays #12) Whole Church Care for the Elderly and Housebound I think the real value…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (January 25)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few books to check out. The first two are titles I’ve rarely, if ever, seen on sale before. (Yesterday on the blog: A Guided Tour to 2017’s Bestselling Christian Books) Also, over on Facebook I posted a quick video showing how to make sure that, with Facebook’s coming changes, you…

  • A La Carte (January 24)

    It’s not much of a day for Kindle deals so perhaps stay tuned for tomorrow. (Yesterday on the blog: From Every Tribe and Language and People and Nation (A Video from Grace Fellowship Church)) How a Belief in Regenerate Church Membership Should Impact Preaching Preaching, like any communication, differs according the audience. Preaching to a…

  • A La Carte (January 23)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a random assortment of books. Westminster Books has the ultra-helpful The Case for Life more than half off. (Yesterday on the blog: Seven Thoughts on the Billy Graham / Mike Pence Rule) The Humble Leader “Leadership is often very humbling, and leadership is most dangerous when it ceases to be.” It…

  • A La Carte (January 22)

    Today’s Kindle deals include quite a selection of books written by and for women. (Yesterday on the blog: Headlines & Happenings (Jordan Peterson, #MeToo, The “Sickening Danger” of Homeschooling) Learning From Those Who Pray All Night “To most American Christians, this practice may sound crazy. But African Christians will explain that they are simply following…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (January 20)

    Today’s Kindle deals includes A Practical Guide to Culture which is well worth checking out. There’s also a MacArthur collection in there. Yesterday on the blog: On Being Thought Well of By Outsiders) I Spent 919 Days in a North Korean Prison “On the morning of August 9, 2017, I was digging holes as usual…

  • friday

    A La Carte (January 19)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of books. Westminster Books is featuring Nancy Pearcey’s excellent new book Love Thy Body. (Yesterday on the blog: Why I Pray With an App) Is Jesus Really the Answer? Elspeth Pitt writes, “It’s been my practice for years to read the Bible one to one with all sorts…