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Explore A La Carte

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (July 31)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a really random collection of bits and pieces. (Yesterday on the blog: How God Speaks To Us Today) Ries Jansen — A War Criminal Converted You may enjoy this story of a Dutch believer. “Wife, family, look back once more. Look at me. See how calm I am. Remember this. Listen!…

  • monday

    A La Carte (July 30)

    It seems to be getting harder to do, but I did track down some Kindle deals for those interested. (Yesterday on the blog: The Haunting Beauty of Scotland) Why the Book of Acts Matters for Your Life It’s one of my favorite books! “The Book of Acts gives us an example of radical generosity to…

  • weekend

    Weekend A La Carte (July 28)

    Once again I haven’t been able to track down much by way of Kindle deals, though there is at least one classic there that may be good to add to your collection. (Yesterday on the blog: A Few Humble Suggestions for Reformed Worship Services) 7 Spiritual Realities of God’s Church “The Bible is full of…

  • friday

    A La Carte (July 27)

    I had a wonderful time in Scotland, both shooting video for the EPIC series and getting in a little bit of vacation with my family. We returned home a couple of days ago and are now focused on the next thing–getting my son off to college! (Yesterday on the blog: The Joel Osteen Sermon that…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 26)

    For some reason, Kindle deals have been reduced to little more than a trickle. I sure hope they pick up again! I did find a few, at least… (Yesterday on the blog: How an Emerging Church Pastor Inadvertently Changed My Life) Old, Resting, Reformed This one is worth reading even if just for the quotes.…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (July 25)

    Logos users will want to use coupon code SAVE10JULY to get $10 off any order. Meanwhile, Westminster Books has 50% off 25 of their favorite books. (Yesterday on the blog: Porn’s Ever-Evolving Verbs) Where Do People Who Never Hear of Jesus Go When They Die? You know the answer, I’m sure. But it’s still worth…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (July 24)

    I wasn’t able to find any new Kindle deals for today. However, if you are looking for kid’s books, for a week only, you can get Ligonier’s collection of children’s books at 50% off. (Yesterday on the blog: Citizenship and the Gospel of Jesus Christ) I Believe in the Devil By now I’m sure you’ve…

  • monday

    A La Carte (July 23)

    I was able to track down a few Kindle deals that may be of interest to you. (Yesterday on the blog: One Spirit, One Faith, Many Opponents) A New ‘Peculiar Institution’ Treats Human Beings as Legal Property Technology such as IVF invariably solves some issues while introducing others. Here’s an example. “A new Arizona law…

  • Weekend A La Carte

    Weekend A La Carte (July 21)

    I have pretty much finished filming EPIC: Scotland and am now enjoying a few days of vacation with my family in Scotland. The Isle of Skye is just as beautiful as I had been told! (Yesterday on the blog: How and Why I Choose Which Books to Read and Review) Build Your Boats For Foul…

  • friday

    A La Carte (July 20)

    Today’s Kindle deals include quite a good list! I had some extra time this morning so looked far and wide. Be sure to check out Westminster Books’ deal on a new book from Ed Welch (as well as some other resources for helping others). (Yesterday on the blog: For the Pastor Knee-Deep in Immorality) The…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 19)

    I was able to hunt down some interesting Kindle deals today, so be sure to take a peek if you’re into that sort of thing! Westminster Books has a good deal on a variety of books. (Yesterday on the blog: Sharpen Your Axe!) A Puritan’s Advice on What to Watch on Netflix You don’t have…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (July 18)

    Today’s Kindle deals include just a few again. It has been slim pickings of late. (Yesterday on the blog: Kids and Technology) BreakPoint: Oregon’s Hypocrisy “Equal treatment under the law is a cornerstone of our government—but one group of humans doesn’t get the same treatment as everyone else. What does being born change about a…

  • tuesday

    A La Carte (July 17)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few miscellaneous discounts that may interest you. If you’re in or near Edinburgh, I’d love to meet you this evening at 7 PM at FM Bookshop on Gilmerton Road. (Yesterday on the blog: A Sober Warning from the Earliest Christians) Does the Sermon Sing? Six Classic Piper Lectures on Preaching…

  • monday

    A La Carte (July 16)

    I don’t have anything to share by way of Kindle deals today, partly because I didn’t spot much and partly because I spent all night over the Atlantic on my way to Scotland (hello, Edinburgh!). I’ll hope for better things tomorrow. I’m posting early today and haven’t yet been able to see what Amazon is…

  • Weekend A La Carte (July 14)

    I was able to dig up a few Kindle deals for today; collectors will want to sort through them, I’m sure. (Yesterday on the blog: The History of Nothing, No One, and Nowhere) The Transhumanism Revolution: Oppression Disguised as Liberation This is quite a read. “Transhumanism is an ideology which holds that humans must harness…

  • friday

    A La Carte (July 13)

    Today’s Kindle deals are a little bit sparse, but there are still a couple. (Yesterday on the blog: False Converts & Confrontational Blogging) How to Spot a False Teacher “Here is how you spot a false teacher: a false teacher confesses false doctrine and harms others yet knows how to hide him or herself well.”…

  • thursday

    A La Carte (July 12)

    As usual, there are a few Kindle deals for those looking for a little summer reading. (Yesterday on the blog: Are You Living Worthy of the Gospel?) Women, Don’t Be Weak-Minded Glenna Marshall: “No, the colorful book jackets and podcast logos of today’s Christian pop-culture don’t often bring up terms as antiquated and demoralizing as…

  • wednesday

    A La Carte (July 11)

    Today’s Kindle deals include, as usual, a selection of books to browse through. (Yesterday on the blog: The Message That Moved the SBC) Common Prayer, or Predictable Politics? This could only be Carl Trueman: “As Western society continues its relentless purge of the pre-political, the body count keeps mounting. Yesterday’s harmless activity—say, boys-only scouting—is tomorrow’s…

  • A La Carte (July 10)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a bit of Keller and a bit of Lewis. Did you already get your free John Piper audiobook from Christian Audio? There are many more there marked down to less than $5. (Yesterday on the blog: Use the Rod, Lose the Child?) Mentoring Relationships and the Obstacle of Fear I’m convinced…

  • monday

    A La Carte (July 9)

    Today’s Kindle deals include a few titles that may be of interest. Does anyone know what happened to Crossway’s weekly deals? (Yesterday on the blog: Readers Comment on Renaming the Laura Ingalls Wilder Medal) The Pastor Is the Primary Worship Leader. “As important as those faithful folks who serve in the area of music are,…