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15 Things I Learned At Saddleback

Scott Hill, who blogs at Fide-O, wrote a short article called "15 Things I Learned at Saddleback." I can’t quite decide if the article is hilarious or tragic.

"For my own integrity sake I took the opinion that if I was to speak with any authority on Saddleback Community Church then I would need to actually attend the church itself, and not just take other’s word for it. Since moving to California five years ago I have attended Saddleback 12 or 13 times. I am by no means an expert on this church, but I did want to share with you a few things I learned in my trips to this church.

"I learned if you take your Bible into the service you will be greeted immediately by an associate pastor, asking how your trip to California has been.

"I learned unless you have a Bible with 25 different versions then there is no reason to bring your Bible.

"I learned how to live single and Godly, from a guy who learned it between his first and second marriage.

"I learned when Rick Warren tells 2500 pastors to get out their paper and he will give them their sermon outline for Easter Sunday 2498 of them start hunting for a pen."

Check out the rest of the short article here.

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