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Pilgrim Prayers

In Pilgrim Prayers, author Tim Challies invites you to discover the poetic riches expressed through the devotional prayers of our spiritual forebearers. This curated collection of prayers gives believers the language to express both joy and sorrow, praise and lament, inviting readers to celebrate the acts of God and marvel at his ways. It can be used for daily devotional times or for addressing specific topics in church gatherings or on special occasions. Each entry has an introduction reflecting on the prayer by Challies, helpful explanations of any difficult phrases or words, related Scriptures for study, an inspirational quote, and a question for application and reflection. These prayers, devotional gems of past generations, will bless a new generation of Christians as they seek to grow in love and obedience to the Lord.

Here is an example that comes from the pen of Joseph Dacre Carlyle and is perhaps especially suitable for beginning a time of prayer.

Lord, when I bend before thy throne,
And my confessions pour,
Teach me to feel the sins I own,
And hate what I deplore.

My broken spirit, pitying see;
True penitence impart;
And let a kindling glance from thee
Beam hope upon my heart.

When I disclose my wants in prayer,
May I my will resign;
And not a thought my bosom share
That is not wholly thine.

Let faith each weak petition fill
And waft it to the skies,
And teach my heart ‘tis goodness still
That grants it or denies.

Another example from Charles Ebert Orr for times when you are seeking God’s guidance:

What though my life be peace or pain,
’Twill only soon be o’er;
I want to walk the way that leads
To heav’n’s eternal shore.

I do not pray that life be spent
On flow’ry beds of ease;
I only pray that Christ may guide
Across the stormy seas.

I do not pray that flow’rs may bloom
Along my pilgrim way;
I only ask that Christ may guide
My footsteps lest I stray.

If Thou wilt lead me by the hand,
And guide my trembling feet,
For Thee, O Christ, I’ll gladly drink
The bitter with the sweet.


Tim Challies has drawn from the warmhearted expressions of saints who have gone before us and added thoughtful reflections of his own. The result, Pilgrim Prayers, will provide fresh fuel for the fire of your devotion to the Lord.
Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, Author, Bible teacher, Revive Our Hearts Founder

When I first began investigating the Bible as an atheist, I simply wanted to know if Christianity was true. I discovered it was both true and good; factual and beautiful. In Pilgrim Prayers: Devotional poems that awaken your heart to the goodness, greatness, and glory of God, Tim Challies gifts the Church with a moving reminder of Christianity’s incredible power through inspiring poetry. This book will change the way you rejoice in God’s grace in periods of plenty and trust in His provision in seasons of suffering. Let Pilgrim Prayers deepen your devotional life as it helps you explore the rich, beautiful, and creative history of Christian poetry.
 —J. Warner Wallace, Dateline featured Cold-Case Detective, Senior Fellow at the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, Adjunct Professor of Apologetics at Talbot School of Theology (Biola University), and author of The Truth in True Crime: What Investigating Death Teaches Us About the Meaning of Life

Tim Challies is a treasure hunter. He has rummaged through the attic of Christian history, he has rediscovered priceless prayers written as poetry, he has dusted them off, and he has now brought them back out for use today. We are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses—men and women who ran the race faithfully through prayer, and with Tim as a guide to deeper devotion to our Lord, we now can join our hearts to theirs, echoing their praises and petitions, giving glory to the same God who saves and sanctifies His people.”
Trevin Wax, vice president of resources and marketing at the North American Mission Board, visiting professor at Cedarville University, author of The Thrill of Orthodoxy, Rethink Your Self, and the devotional prayer trilogy: Psalms in 30 Days, Life of Jesus in 30 Days, Letters of Paul in 30 Days.