I was raised as part of a Christian tradition that did not place a lot of emphasis on the religious component of the Christmas season. Christmas was a time for family and for friends and for being grateful for all the blessings given us by God, but did not include a lot of distinctly Christian traditions. It is with some interest, then, that I read of advent and the traditions of other people around the Christmas season.
Ray Rhodes has given us a valuable guide in his small book Family Worship for the Christmas Season. Published recently by Solid Ground Books, this little volume provides a guide to thirty-one ideas for family worship during the advent season. According to the author, it is “designed to help you and your family focus on Christ during the Christmas season.” It is not a devotional, in which case it might provide a Bible verse and a reflection on that verse, but instead provides ideas for family worship during each of the days from December 1 to December 31. It opens with a Scripture reading and then provides a suggestion for what a family may wish to discuss or do during that day. It provides some pointers for family worship and a brief prayer relevant to the day.
Easy to read and filled with some good suggestions, I think this book could be a valuable component to a family’s times of worship during the family season. Jim Elliff says, “Make December different this year by trying them out with your family. This book can make a significant difference in your family’s understanding of the incarnation.” If you’d like to give it a try, you can find it at Amazon and other book sellers.