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Books I Didn’t Review

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Here is another roundup of a few books I have received but have chosen not to review. Also, this week I’ll list some of the books I’ve received–ones for which I’ve not yet made a decision either way.

Encouragement: How Words Change Lives by Gordon Cheng. This little book, published by Matthias Media, seeks to teach biblical wisdom on encouragement. I stumbled across it after searching for books on encouragement and realizing that this is one of only a very few in the field. Though I read it through, I have decided not to write a full review (since it is available through so few booksellers). “According to Gordon Cheng, encouragement is not only central to our church life, it belongs to one of the most powerful themes in the whole of Scripture: the power of God’s word to change lives. That powerful word not only changes us as we hear and respond to it; but through us it changes others too.” It’s a practical book and told with a really nice amount of humor–enough to add a fun element to the book but not so much that it becomes obnoxious.

A Family Guide to the Bible by Christin Ditchfield. From the publisher: “All Christian parents want their children to gain a better understanding of God’s Word, but many of them are still searching to completely understand the Bible themselves. How can they confidently share what they believe with their families? A Family Guide to the Bible takes readers on a fun and exciting tour through all sixty-six books of the Bible and offers parents, grandparents, and teachers a better understanding of the Scriptures so they can help the children in their lives know what is in the Bible, where to find it, and how it all fits together. As Christians become more familiar with God’s Word, they will gain greater confidence as they share what they believe with their family and friends, help answer questions concerning the Bible, and encourage others to grow deeper in their walks of faith.”

Books Received

Here are some of the books that showed up this week:

The Disappearance of God: Dangerous Beliefs in the New Spiritual Openness by Albert Mohler.

Punic Wars & Culture Wars: Christian Essays on History and Teaching by Ben House.

50 People Every Christian Should Know: Learning from the Spiritual Giants of the Faith by Warren Wiersbe.

Do You Want a Friend? by Noel Piper.

Courage to Flee: Living a Moral Life in an Immoral World by Jeffery Klick.

Corinthian Elders by Jack Fortenberry.

The Ever-Loving Truth: Can Faith Thrive in a Post-Christian Culture? by Voddie Baucham.

The Divorce Dilemma: God’s Last Word on Lasting Commitment by John MacArthur.

I received a few DVDs as well:

A Question of Mercy

The Late Great Planet Church: The Rise of Dispensationalism

13 Letters (This is actually a combination CD/DVD/Study kit.

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