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Book Review – No One…

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In an uncertain world, there are at least six things we can always count on. These six are the focus of J.D. Wetterling’s new book, No One…. Quoting Jesus’ words from the book of John we know that:

  • No One can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.
  • No One can come to me unless the Father Who sent me draws him.
  • No One comes to the Father except through me.
  • No One takes it [life] from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.
  • No One can snatch them [true Christians] out of my hand.
  • No One will take away your joy.

These six “no one” statements form the framework for the book. Each one receives thorough, Gospel-centered treatment. Each chapter concludes with the promise that “these are unshakable certainties in an uncertain world.”

No One is the first book which has featured my endorsement on the back cover, and I consider this quite an honor. My endorsement reads as follows: “J.D. Wetterling has given us nothing less than the gospel in all its simplicity, beauty and glory. If this message is news to you, read this book and let God speak to your soul. If this is news you have heard a thousand times, allow yourself to hear it again, and let your faith be strengthened and renewed.” It has also been endorsed by men such as Marvin Olasky, Bryan Chapell and Joey Pipa. Their opinion surely counts for far more than mine!

Well worth reading, I have little doubt that No One will challenge you and draw your gaze to the cross of Christ. I recommend it.

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