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Weekend A La Carte (July 6)

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I’m so grateful to ChurchSocial for sponsoring the blog this week. This week they are highlighting the software’s value to leaders within the church.

Today’s Kindle deals include a variety of different titles headlined by a book about one of history’s most inspiring Olympians.

(Yesterday on the blog: Molded in the Master’s Hands)

The Kansas City Chief’s Kicker and More Reflections on Motherhood

Peter Van Doodewaard has a sweet celebration of motherhood: “There are profound similarities between husbands and wives, and these provide common ground for communion and fellowship. There are also profound differences—some obvious and some nuanced—which deepen the joy and wonder of that communion and fellowship.”

Does the Bible Blame Women for Rape?

Wendy Alsup answers some hard questions: “How should we understand Deuteronomy 22? And does its inclusion in the Scriptures mean the Bible cannot be trusted to guide and direct women today?”

Progress in Cameroon

I love reading missionary updates and found this one particularly encouraging.

‘Discipleship’ Is Life

T. M. Suffield has some really interesting thoughts on discipleship. “When you stick ‘-ship’ on the end of something you end up systematising a phenomenon and developing a ‘science’ (in the sense of a body of knowledge). We see this in ‘leadership’ for example. A similar thing has happened with ‘discipleship.’”

The Living and Abiding Word of God

Cara writes about the power of the Word of God and offers a vivid illustration along the way.

Stewarding Your Commute Time Well

If you spend a good bit of your life commuting, you may benefit from Jessica Schroeder’s article about stewarding that time well.

Flashback: Joy Is for the Generous

The free and willing sacrifice of their own wealth caused them to rejoice. Each one gave as he decided in his own heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion. God loves that kind of cheerful giver and God’s people love to be that kind of cheerful giver. 

Believer, when you are on your knees, remember you are going to a King. Let your petitions be large.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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