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Unqualified and Unwilling

Unqualified and Unwilling

No man should become an elder who is not willing to be an elder, and no man should become an elder who is not qualified to be an elder. A man must be willing to take up the task and he must be qualified to do so. A church has no business cajoling a man into service who does not want it and no business affirming a man into service who is not suited for it.

There are surprisingly few men who exist at that point where willingness meets qualification. There are almost always some who are willing but not qualified and some who are qualified but not willing. What the church needs so badly is men who are both.

To those who are willing, I encourage you to consider whether you are qualified or eager to become qualified. The New Testament has much to say about the suitability of the man who would serve as an elder or pastor. It says one thing about his disposition (he must be willing), one thing about his skill (he must be able to teach), and a great many things about his character, for that is the primary basis of his qualification. This is the kind of character that should be present in all Christians but must be present in leaders. Leaders are meant to be exemplars of it.

I and many others have written about this subject at length, so would encourage you to read my series on The Character of the Christian or, perhaps even better, to read The Path to Being a Pastor or Biblical Eldership. In one way or another, match your willingness with your character. Not every man can or should be an elder, but every man can and should aspire to have the character of an elder, for this is simply the character of Christ. If you are already willing, then strive to become qualified.

To those who are qualified, I would ask you to consider or reconsider your willingness. Is it not of concern that nearly every church would benefit from having more elders, yet nearly every church has men who are not willing even if they are otherwise qualified? I know many men are certain they lack the time and I am sympathetic to that. Not every season of life lends itself to further responsibilities within the local church, least of all the responsibility of caring for souls. By all means, do not become an elder if it would be unwise to take on the office or impossible to fulfill the obligations that come with it.

There are surprisingly few men who exist at the point where willingness meets qualification.

But perhaps it would be worth considering that the other elders in your church have no more time than you do. God does not give them 25 hours in a day or eight days in a week. Rather, they have probably chosen to set aside some of the things they would find pleasurable or relaxing and have done so for the sake of love and for the sake of serving God by serving you, your family, and your local church. If you are qualified, why not strive to become willing?

There are surprisingly few men who exist at the point where willingness meets qualification. And so I ask every man to consider both his desires and his suitability. Consider why you are unwilling and ask God to make you willing if that is his will for you. Consider your suitability and ask God to help you grow in godly character. Consider the need for men who are both willing and qualified, consider the dearth of leaders in the local church, and ask if you may be part of God’s plan to address it.

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