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The Victim of a Grave Injustice

The Victim of a Grave Injustice

Joseph was the victim of a grave injustice. Though he was a righteous man, he was being treated like an unrighteous one. Though he was pure, he was being treated like a convict. Though he was blameless, he was being treated like he was guilty. And there was no court of appeal, no opportunity to re-examine the evidence or cross-examine his accuser.

Joseph must have suffered deeply during his time in prison. There were no easy prisons in Egypt, no light sentences, and no weekend passes. Though he soon became the favorite of the jailer and received preferential treatment, he was still confined to prison and still counted a victimizer, a betrayer, and an attempted rapist. His reputation had still been unfairly tarnished.

But as bad as it was for Joseph, it could have been far worse. It could have been far worse because Joseph could have been in prison for a sin he had actually committed. He could have been thrown in prison for pursuing the woman who accused him or for succumbing to her advances. He could have been truly and credibly accused of an act of great immorality and made to suffer the consequences.

Yet none of this was true of Joseph, for he was an innocent man. And because he was an innocent man, he had the privilege of suffering as one. Though his body was confined to prison, his soul was free of guilt. Though he suffered many indignities, he did not need to suffer remorse. Though he may have been robbed of his freedom, no one could rob him of his clear conscience.

Though he may have been robbed of his freedom, no one could rob him of his clear conscience. 

Many years later Peter would insist it is “a gracious thing, when, mindful of God, one endures sorrows while suffering unjustly” and would then add “if when you do good and suffer for it you endure, this is a gracious thing in the sight of God” (1 Peter 2:18-20). Joseph sweetly and patiently endured his sorrows while suffering unjustly and this was a gracious thing in God’s sight—an act that proved the existence of God’s grace in his life and that earned God’s approval.

Like Joseph, we often face temptations to succumb to the flesh and to grab hold of those things we long for but have not been given. Like Joseph, we can resist those temptations because of the presence and power of God. Like Joseph, we may still be accused and may still suffer consequences that are as painful as they are unjust. Yet also like Joseph, we can suffer with a conscience that is clear, confidently entrusting ourselves to the God who judges justly. For though that suffering may be painful, it is far better to suffer as an innocent man than a guilty one, as one who is satisfied in innocence rather than plagued by guilt.

(Please don’t think that this article, which I wrote and scheduled weeks ago, pertains to any particular situation other than Joseph’s.)

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