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“The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment” Blog Tour (Day 2)

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Today marks the second day of The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment Blog Tour. The tour works like this: the owner of another blog will pose a question about discernment and my answer will be posted on his or her blog on an appointed day. I will follow the comments made on the blog, addressing them as they arise. It will be, I hope, a chance to facilitate a productive and God-glorifying conversation about the issue of discernment through a series of exchanges with others. It allows me to attempt to address questions other people may have about discernment and potentially to address questions that are of particular importance to readers of other blogs.

Today we move the tour to Tall Skinny Kiwi, the blog of Andrew Jones. Andrew asked me two questions. First, he asked Why all this controversy about having only trained, credentialed professions writing books like this from people that give verbal assent to the priesthood of all believers? He followed that question with this one: The wisdom of crowds in the blogosphere can no doubt help in the self-correction of error but what do you see are the dangers?.

Read my answers here.

Here is where the tour will take me over the next couple of weeks:

January 7Evangelical Outpost
January 8Tall Skinny Kiwi
January 9A-Team
January 10Sharper Iron
January 11Gender Blog
January 14Jollyblogger
January 15Between Two Worlds
January 16TeamPyro
January 17Michael Spencer
January 18Church Matters

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